Mario Kart 3DS

DogFreak said:
I'd rather have it on the 3ds because if they put them on the wii them you can't take the games on long trips
I would rather have easy multiplayer, bette graphics, and more memory than portability. Hopeully the 3DS is impressive.
seriously is it me but i think mkds only has a little bit more content than puyopop fever GBA,saying that puyopop fever has lots of content for a gba game
We should think of a new innovative concept for Mario Kart 3DS.

I'm all in for Sports Utility RV Truck with Wings. Not gonna happen, though :(

I would like some customizable stuff like emblems, or even paint jobs and parts!
New Super Mario said:
Yes and maybe Monster Trucks!

Mario Kart Wii already has it, and it's called the "Tiny Titan"
Too bad the RPG characters NEVER get a playable role or even an important role outside of their series. There are only a few exceptions :(
RPG characters just get shunned most of the time by Nintendo. I don't know why. They would make great characters for the fans (I'm not a huge fan of the RPGs, however.)

I would kill for karts with paint jobs and customizable bodies, but I can just keep on dreaming.