What game are you looking foward to the most?


Weegee is watching
Banned User
What game that is not out yet are you looking foward to the most. Mine is, Metroid other M. What's yours? (It does not have to be on Wii).
Kirby's Epic Yarn and DKCR
Sonic Colors. Though it us a Galaxy ripoff, I loved Sonic Unleashed (360 version, the Wii one sucked), and I also want DKCR
-Donkey Kong Country Returns
-Paper Mario 3DS
-Star Fox 64 DS
-Sonic the Hedgehog 4
-Sonic Colors
-Kirby Wii
-Kirby's Epic Yawn Yarn
Resistance 3, when it inevitably get annouced at PAX 2010.

Other than that, MotorStorm Apocalypse and Twisted Metal.
I have very high hopes for Sonic the Hedgehog 4. But if it turns out to be awful, I'm giving up on Sonic.
MF DOOM said:
I have very high hopes for Sonic the Hedgehog 4. But if it turns out to be awful, I'm giving up on Sonic.
Basically, I´m looking forward to EVERYTHING nintendo showed on E3, but I have a spot for the new Kid Icarus :P
WaluigiWare said:
Enker said:
-Kirby Wii
-Kirby's Epic Yawn Yarn
I thought those two were one and the same.
Kirby's Epic Yarn is a DS title with a graphical style where all the characters, objects, and environments look like yarn. This is Kirby Wii.

Kirby's Epic Yarn is a Wii game, SolarBlaze. Browse around that website some more and you'll see. ;)

WaluigiWare may, unfortunately, be right though.
No, while Kirby's Epic Yarn is a Wii game it's certainly not Kirby Wii.
I just wonder what ever became of Kirby wii...

I hope this is a filler game and that Nintendo is still working on Kirby Wii.
Weird, I could have sworn Epic Yarn was a DS game, but I guess not. My mistake.

Anyway, yeah, I'm pretty sure Epic Yarn is just a filler game that's meant to keep people busy, until Kirby Wii is finished (whenever that is).
I don't think you guys realize quite how much it takes to make a game for modern consoles. Nintendo isn't going to use all those resourses just to make a filler game.