My Suggestions for SSB4

Holy shit, three Links!
If we're going that direction then let's put a fourth link and have them each a Four Swords adventure color for an in-joke.

Joking aside. If we're going to have 3 Link then it just furthers my thing about Paper Mario should of been a character earlier. You put Paper Mario series characters (Particular all 4 of the SPM villains...), stages, and items and you have count 'em 3 versions of Link
Maybe there could be more creative attacks for Zelda other than magic coming out of her hands. About 3/4 of her attacks are like that.
I´d stick with "hero of time" Link and Toon Link, since the "lightweight Link" spot is already occupied by Toon Link, and I´d rather have a different character which can have different attacks (which I hope he will in the next SSB, considering he was mostly a clone in Brawl) than having the very same Link in young form. That would be like having Mario and Fire Mario as separate characters: It´s the same person.
I still can't get over there was no Dixie on this list, but that aside, no Young Link. Having three Links would be dumb. 2 is too many IMO. Give that space to new characters.
Next topic!

series: Legend of Zelda

Toon Link: Unlockable
I really think that there should be a different Final Smash for Toon Link, it can be based something off his appearances in his games.

Toon Zelda/Tetra: Unlockable
You see how I put Tetra because there is no Toon Sheik. Toon Zelda and Tetra can both be faster then Zelda and Sheik and also can jump higher then them respectively. All of Tetra’s attacks can be exactly like Sheik’s attacks. All of their attacks can be the same as their counterparts but "toonish". Also they can probably have a different Final Smash from their counterpart's.

Toon Ganondorf: Unlockable
All of his standard, special, & final smash can be exactly like Ganondorf except his side special and the attacks look “toonish”. Toon Ganondorf could also carry around his swords instead of fighting with his hands.

Toon Ganondorf’s Side Special: Gerudo Dragon
Since you took it off from Ganondorf it will be a good idea to put it on Toon Ganondorf.
But there is a Toon Ganondorf, if there wasn't then I wouldn't mention him
Scorpion999 said:
Shouldn't there be a new characters from LoZ? Put someone else like a Darknut maybe?

Darknut would be too generic, as awesome as they look it'd be the equivalent of having a normal tough mook from Fire Emblem as a character or a Miniboss in any series in the game. Also I'm sure if there are any new characters besides versions of the Triforce 3 it'd be like Midna, Skull Kid, King Harkinian (Just kidding), etc.
Next Topic! Oh yeah, you know how in the beginning there was a mystery series, well I added another one before it!

Series: Legend of Zelda

1st: Hyrule Castle (Default)
It is just basically a remake of the Hyrule Castle stage from Super Smash Bros., the only main difference is that the tornado in the middle appears randomly instead of every thirty seconds.

2nd: Twilight Realm (Unlockable)
I'm not sure how this stage will work or look exactly, but I got an idea that it can either float above the Twilight Realm, overlooking it or it can be a moving stage, going around the Twilight Realm.

3rd: Palace of Twilight (Unlockable)
I'm not sure how this stage will look like but it takes place either on, in, or around the Palace of Twilight.

4th: Skyloft (Unlockable)
I'm not sure how the stage will look like but the stage takes place on Skyloft.

5th: Moon (Unlockable)
This stage takes place on the Moon from Majora's Mask though I don't know how it will be like.

6th: Clock Town (Unlockable)
This moving stage takes place over Clock Town from Majora's Mask. During the battle the Four Giants, Majora's Mask, and the Moon can be seen. Also in some occasions the stage will go to the Clock Tower and the fighters fight their.
Nice to finally see some Linear stages. Also having Hyrule Castle from N64 would be sweet. I bet it'd be improved to look better and maybe even a bigger stage in general but still have the basic ramp at the left and to the right that 1 little hut thing. If there's another Smash Bros. game I actually kind of hope that the majority of the N64 stages return (Even if Corneria and Brinstar were made as a counterpart to Sector Z and Planet Zebes)

Also if the next batch is going to have Wind Waker levels there should be one that takes place in a Boss door of some sort.
Actually that is all of them because I haven't play much of LoZ games with Toon Link in it. The only stage I can think of right now is one where it takes place on the train in Spirit Tracks, do you have an idea I can add?
I haven't played much of LoZ but I saw a Let's Play of Wind Waker that game me ideas. Like say Dragon Roost (Where the red dragon can come in and breathe fire at some points). Maybe the Temple of the Gods, or somewhere in the Final Dungeon of the game.. Maybe one that changes in between the 4 bosses (Though not like Sunshine style, it's random everytime you start a new match there similar to how Mushroomy Kingdom has random 1-1 or 1-2) that you fight and refight in game. (Keeping with that everything is Black and White except for the characters and probably the items too)
Alright, Next Topic!

Series: Chibi-Robo

Chibi-Robo: Unlockable
Chibi-Robo is the only character that can be in the SSB series from the Chibi-Robo series. I can't think of down or standard special for it.

Chibi-Robo's Side Special: Recharge
Chibi-Robo throws its outlet plug forward, if it hits somebody Chibi-Robo will retract the outlet plug and can do one of two things: one, he can suck out some health from the opponent and heal itself while damaging the opponent (but it doesn't take a lot of health away or make too much damage), or two, he can throw the opponent at either direction doing more damage then grabbing and throwing the opponent and it can throw its opponents farther. Recharge can also grab items and be used as a tether recover, just like Zero Suit Samus's Plasma Whip.

Chibi-Robo's Up Special: Telly Vision
This recovery move will work similar to Snakes' Up Special, Cypher.

Chib-Robo's Final Smash: Giga-Robo
Chibi-Robo will summon Giga-Robo. Giga-Robo will just basically be doing the same thing like Godzilla, it will stomp, pound the ground, and attack individual players anyway it can, and it can also jump and give more damage and stun opponents who are standing on the ground when it lands. Giga-Robo will not fall off the stage. Chibi-Robo can still move around while its Final Smash is going.
Actually a great fit for the group of obscure weird characters. He'd be like the 2000s version of Mr. Game and Watch in obscurity (Even if Mr Game and Watch is pretty much no longer obscure thanks to the Smash series). Though I've never seen footage of Chibi-robo so I have no idea how he'd fight.
Next topic!

Series: Chibi-Robo

1st: Sanderson's Home (Unlockable)
This stage will take place on the coffee table in the Sanderson's home. It can probably have like a book on the table to act as higher ground or a slope. Also the members of the Sanderson family can be seen doing regular, normal stuff they do in their house walking around.

2nd: The Park (Unlockable)
This stage takes place in the park, now this stage is similar to Delfino Plaza, a floating stage that will take the players to random areas of the park. Probably flowers, tree branches, and even playground parts can act as platforms. In some areas Smoglings will appear and try to attack the fighters. In some rare occasions Miasmo will appear and attack all of the fighters giving them more damage then the smoglings.
Alright ok, I should probably look up stuff about Chibirobo sometime. I have no idea how those games work unless I see something from it.

Anyway, I've been thinking of doing my own thing once you've finished all your suggestions. When your done, I'm thinking of analyzing all of the character ones and garner a big but spread out roster that will probably have a few "In our dreams" characters but for the most part try to get the most realistic characters in a playable spot. Would that be alright (Though really it will take a while before you get to everything I'm sure. I'll probably be in college by the time everything's done here.)