Why do others like lambasting the DS line for no good reason?

Xiahou Ba

If I know my father....he'd be smiling!
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Ray Trace
First, I heard this: Sony fanboys wailing that the 3DS ripped off the PSP analog stick and some even going as far as "3 screens!!?? You gotta be kidding me!??" They also said 3D is a gimmick and the 3DS is just another revamped DS, much like the Lite. They then state that there are too many ports and the graphics suck as much as the PSP.

Recently, I heard news that Apple made, stating they outsold the DS with their Iphones as a gaming handheld! WTF!? Aren't Iphones, uh, phones with gaming applications?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this particularly nasty subject.

For the PSP and Apple fans: this isn't anything personal directed at you. I'm talking about the FANBOYS, the idiots with no tolerance at all.
BabyLuigiOnFire said:
They also said 3D is a gimmick and the 3DS is just another revamped DS, much like the Lite.
"Revamped" is not a word I'd choose when referring to that waste of money. Aside from it just simply being smaller, all it has is a slightly brighter screen (which was completely unnecessary, considering the fact that the original alright had a built-in light up screen that was bright enough as it was). So, in other words, it's more of a rehash than anything else.

Anyway, to stay on topic, I don't understand how the iPhone managed to out-sell the DS, either (assuming that claim was true). Sure, it may be impressive from a technical standpoint, but from what I've heard, its touch controls (rather than a control pad) makes certain games somewhat hard to control. Also, yeah. I agree. Fanboys are idiots.
Geez, I only use my phone to call or text.

Yeah, fanboys usually have their heads up their asses, and they are usually ones that bash Nintendo, of course.
But why choosing only 1 gaming handheld, and bash the rest?
I mean, I have a DS, DS Lite and iPod Touch 2G, and the only thing I say about Sony is, their E3 presentation was disappointing.
I mean, Sony announced 2-3 games for a small amount of time, they talked for ±30 minutes about how Godly the PS3 is, and the rest of the time, they were bashing Nintendo and Microsoft.
YamiHoshi said:
they talked for ±30 minutes
They talked for positive or negative 30 minutes? As in, there's a chance they're presentation imploded space-time and destroyed 30 minutes?
Super WaluigiWare said:
Yeah, where'd they get "3 screens" from?

A serious lack of research. Obviously.
There are Nintendo fanboys also. But Nintendo fanboys are much more resonable. And atleast 40% of Playstation users are fanboys.
I think all fanboys are the same, whether they're Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, or Sega fanboys.
>>Herr Shyguy
"±" stands for "average".
It's nothing positive or negative.
>>Jesus Freak
Maybe in America, but we use it if we're not sure about it.
Example: "I'll come to you in ±30 minutes" <- This means, I'll try to come in 30 minutes, but I'm not sure it'll be earlier, or later.
YamiHoshi said:
>>Jesus Freak
Maybe in America, but we use it if we're not sure about it.
Example: "I'll come to you in ±30 minutes" <- This means, I'll try to come in 30 minutes, but I'm not sure it'll be earlier, or later.
I assumed it was the same worldwide. Learn something new everyday, I guess. :)
I'm a self proclaimed Nintendo fanboy but I give other systems and games a chance. I like sony's ps1 and ps2 very much. Sega was pretty cool with there systems until they swiched to making software. What I'm trying to say is that the fanboy wars between the microsoft and sony and NINTENDO groups is futile.
Jesus Freak said:
BabyLuigiOnFire said:
some even going as far as "3 screens!!?? You gotta be kidding me!??"
wait wut


I don't think you went far enough,

and if I had seen these Fanboys in action, this would be my response;

Or I could make a documentary: "As we pull aside the curtains and peer into the small room filled with sony objects and 10 different computers with fanboy forums up, including www.sony>nintendo.com, www.whysonyisbetterthannintendo.com and www.wehavenolife.com. The Fanboys are in their natural habitat and are pulling shit out of their asses that makes no sense to rip on the 3DS, they are displaying the common signs of No-life-itus. Some of this shit includes the 3DS having three screens. My camera crew and I can't contain ourselves, we must facepalm. *simaltaneous facepalm*."

Seriously, these people need to grow up and get a life, although it might be too late if they are in the late stages of no-life-itus.
We can just leave the fanboys alone. It's their problem that they are so stupid and ignorant.
Smugleaf said:
Fanboy = A male fan.

So all of us are fanboys of something.

No, fanboys are over-obbsesive freaks who hate anything accept the thing that they worship as a God.