a rhinestone cowboy
George the Candy Cane hosted a quiz show with Chuck Quizmo. Their first contestant was Tony who had a douchebag haircut. Quizmo asked him "What is the color of my poop?" And Tony answered "bluey-black" Question 2. Who is Tubba Blubba?" Tony: "he is a *bleep*". "Incorrect, you lose go away!" "But" said Tony and died! "Next contestant"
THe next person was Wicked. He is a moderator. "Who is Goombella?" Wicked responded "She's a character from TTYD". "Correct!" Chuck said "Next question". "Never gonna give you up, let you be a whore" "uhhhhhhh," said Wicked. "Wrong" said Chuck. But up next is Tuckayo "Hey Tuckayo what's the air speed velocity of a dead mouse flung by Megaman?" "four." said Wicked. "Wrong." BOOM tucky exploded. Then Batman appeared
THe next person was Wicked. He is a moderator. "Who is Goombella?" Wicked responded "She's a character from TTYD". "Correct!" Chuck said "Next question". "Never gonna give you up, let you be a whore" "uhhhhhhh," said Wicked. "Wrong" said Chuck. But up next is Tuckayo "Hey Tuckayo what's the air speed velocity of a dead mouse flung by Megaman?" "four." said Wicked. "Wrong." BOOM tucky exploded. Then Batman appeared