Say something the above user would NEVER say

I prefer to make my Spider-Man memes based on animation
Chris Rock was in the right and should have sued Will Smith
There's nothing less funny then a pun. I'm not sure why anyone would try one of those as a joke.
Mario Kart 8 is better than Mario Kart Wii
I mean that's not that out of the blue, Mario Kart Wii has some aspects better than Mario Kart 8.
Good for Putin invading Ukraine, he just wants to stop it from being such an SJW/Feminazi-ruled area!
You're Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded For 28384748577362525171919182648491645939635826348 Years! Go To Your Room Right Now!
I have an RTX 3080