Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion

OK, I am about to say something not related to the topic, but it is very important. Why? To avoid conflicts in the future.

You know how almost everyone in this thread hates and flames Uni for hating SSB? Well, he doesn't hate it as much as he implies (he still hates it, but not THAT badly). The reason he says its the worst game ever, is because of us. When he states his opinion, everyone here flames him, telling him to get out because he hates SSB, and that just ain't right.

He has his opinion, we should respect that. So, don't flame him for his opinion, please. In turn, he'll stop viciously mocking the game, but that doesn't mean he'll instantly love it, so don't expect too much.

Sorry for wasting your time with this, but this seemed very important, and I wanted to make it clear to all, so future flame wars don't erupt.

OK, continue your normal conversation.
Actually, I don't exactly like SSB either.

But I try not to show it. :P

[today's update sucked]
I like crossovers. That, fun and awesome music keeps me playing.
Like the Erlking in Goethe's famous poem, the maleficence of Hyper Mushroom's insinuations can sometimes be imperceptible. The purpose of this letter is therefore to expose the lascivious nature of Hyper Mushroom's assertions and let you draw your own conclusions about Hyper Mushroom's motives. And that's why I feel compelled to say something about muddleheaded, militant ranters. Why don't more people complain when they see Hyper Mushroom identify political and religious groups that are his political enemies and re-label them as "belligerent humanity-haters" in order to justify operations against them? It's because Hyper Mushroom has mastered the art of tricking people with images and myths. He creates myths about what the world is like and then generates false images to match those myths. This proves to me, at least, that Hyper Mushroom's faculty for deception is so far above anyone else's, it really must be considered different in kind as well as in degree.

By comparing today to even ten years ago and projecting the course we're on, I'd say we're in for an even more disorderly, puerile, and infernal society, all thanks to Hyper Mushroom's publicity stunts. And what of it? Hyper Mushroom has written volumes about how it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong. Don't believe a word of it, though. The truth is that he asserts that the most valuable skill one can have is to be able to lie convincingly. That assertion is not only untrue but a conscious lie.

If I may be permitted to make an observation, Hyper Mushroom's plans for the future are not our only concern. To state the matter in a few words, it's truly astounding that Hyper Mushroom has somehow found a way to work the words "labyrinthibranchiate" and "counterrevolutionize" into his vaporings. However, you may find it even more astounding that he once tried to insist that our society be infested with officialism, blackguardism, deconstructionism, and an impressive swarm of other "isms". If you consider this an exception to the rule then you definitely don't understand how Hyper Mushroom operates. I hope, however, that you at least understand that instead of taking the easy path in life, the downward path, we must choose the upward path regardless of the pain, suffering, and sacrifice that this choice entails. Only then can we finally build a world overflowing with compassion and tolerance. Yes, Hyper Mushroom will try to stop us by forcing me to endure his despotic tyranny in all its plenitude, but he wants to cashier anyone who tries to shelter initially unpopular truths from suppression, enabling them to ultimately win out through competition in the marketplace of ideas. You know what groups have historically wanted to do the same thing? Fascists and Nazis. All of this once again proves the old saying that Hyper Mushroom is morally irresponsible and mentally feeble.

Random complaints FTW.
Today's update was awesome. More Co-op stuff. We need that. Besides, you can't play the whole game by yourself. That takes the fun out of it.
King Boo said:
Today's update was awesome. More Co-op stuff. We need that. Besides, you can't play the whole game by yourself. That takes the fun out of it.

Wasn't Co-Op in the original too?
Yes. Sakurai being careful with the single player because he doesnt want to the game to be TOO single player focused. So he added Co-Op in order to add more things for multiple people to enjoy.
King Boo said:
Yes. Sakurai being careful with the single player because he doesnt want to the game to be TOO single player focused. So he added Co-Op in order to add more things for multiple people to enjoy.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Sakurai wants this game to have a lot of emphasis on single-player, as well as multi-player; he wanted to do the same with Melee, but Shigeru Miyamoto pressured him to do otherwise and focus more on multi-player.
Sakurai should have left HAL before he made Melee. That way, Shiggy couldnt stop him from giving the game a real single player mode. But now, Brawl is sure to be the best game in the series. This will be either the last Smash Bros. game, or the last one that Sakurai is making. So Brawl better be good, because it's gonna the last one I buy if it's the last on Sakurai makes. I refuse to buy Smash Bros. if Sakurai doesnt make it.
Sir Grodus said:
SmashBrother said:
Maka said:
Dodoman said:
Fox has Down's syndrome?
He doesn't act retarded.
But Slippy does.

His new forehead.


Is an abnormally large forehead even a symptom of Down's Syndrome?
No. Having a very flat forehead is.

Concerning today's update, I'm happy to see more Co-op. This means my friend and I can play Event Matches together!
Dodoman said:
Concerning today's update, I'm happy to see more Co-op. This means my friend and I can play Event Matches together! :D
Screw your friends, my brother and I will enjoy that Co-op! >:D

Just kidding. But, seriously, my and my brother will have an awesome time fighting together in the Event Matches. :3 We are the best of friends! :D
Pokemon DP said:
Dodoman said:
Concerning today's update, I'm happy to see more Co-op. This means my friend and I can play Event Matches together! :D
Screw your friends, my brother and I will enjoy that Co-op! >:D

Just kidding. But, seriously, my and my brother will have an awesome time fighting together in the Event Matches. :3 We are the best of friends! :D
What's wrong with you?! Brothers are supposed to fight to no end!

Oh, and we could take you two. :D
Dodoman said:
What's wrong with you?! Brothers are supposed to fight to no end!

Oh, and we could take you two. :D
YAYz! Popularity! =D Me and my brother HAPPEN to be good friends, thank you very much! Also, yeah, you could. I suck, but my brother PWNs! :smug:

My best Melee character returns in the form of Lucas, who looks better, cos' he has the Rope Snake! =P So, just try and beat me when I use him! >=D

And, regarding today's update, it was cooler than most. The new stage is confusing, but awesome! And the music was goofy and funny. XP LONG LIVE THE MOTHER SERIES!!! =D
Maka said:
3Dejong said:
Koiby, Koibeh, Koibee.


And Climbers.

Cliimbahs. Clehmbaehs. Chleasbmsers.

I also occasionally use Captain Falcon and Luigi.

Luigi is actually pretty good.

Once I get to play as Mr. G&W, he'll probably become my fave.
My best characters in Melee are Mewtwo, Mr. Game & Watch, and, at the risk of being flamed... Dr. Mario.

Today's stage and music were awesome. Probably the second best thing this week.