Mario Fan 123

I'm Mario's crazy fan!
Welcome! Here am I with the new Super Game Championship 2010!
To enter it, you MUST have a Wii with Wi-fi connection. Publish your name, friend code and what do you want to play.
It is about Wii game championships with various users and more.

Events list
21/12: Opening and Mario Kart Wii championship
22/12: Super Smash Bros. Brawl championship
23/12: Animal Crossing: City Folk party
24/12: Super Mario Strikers Charged championship
25/12: ABSENCE: Christmas Day
26/12: Wii Speak chat and closing

Friend codes
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Fan 123
Name: Érico
Code: 2106-2182-2197

Castle Toad
Name: Aldo
Code: 2320-7610-4505

Name: InsaneZ
Code: 4125-8154-4216

Name: '3K
Code: 3738-5862-2428

Name: Paula
Code: 0860-9360-5660

Name: s-y
Code: 3952-9653-3427

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Fan 123
Name: Érico
Code: 1290-2235-4293

Castle Toad
Name: Aldo
Friend Code: 3224-0700-4234

Name: '3K
Code: 2234-6900-9346

Code: 5328-4924-4720

Name: Paula
Code: 0903-6983-4447

Name: s-y
Code: 3137-4276-7960

Name: BBY
Code: 2063-4246-0008

Name: Rob
Code: 5113-2486-9746

Animal Crossing: City Folk
Note: the event will be hosted at Mario Fan 123's city.
Mario Fan 123
Name: Érico
Code: 0775-5036-5254
City: SãoPaulo

Name: Jordan
Code: 3051-2173-5781
City: Pokémon

Castle Toad
Name: Aldo
Code: 1978-3218-3907
City: Centro

Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Fan 123
Name: Érico
Code: 2492-9265-0257

Name: Josh
Code: 4984-6189-6812

Wii friend codes (for Wii Speak chat)
Mario Fan 123 - 5214-0104-5136-9656

Have fun and happy holidays! ;D
I'll do ACCF. You have my information already. I'll post it in the morning.
Mario Kart Wii
Name: Aldo
Friend Code: 2320 - 7610 - 4505

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Name: Aldo
Friend Code: 3224 - 0700 - 4234

Animal Crossing: City Folk
Name: Aldo
Town: Centro
Friend Code: 1978 - 3218 - 3907
Also, the championships will be at 8pm (Brazil time).
Have good luck with the MKW championship tomorrow! ;)
Technologic Robot said:
Mario Kart Wii
Name: InsaneZ
Friend Code: 4125-8154-4216

Oh and what would that be in Eastern Standard Time?

Added you. My local time is in my profile, see it :P
Mario Kart Wii
Name: It varies. Just put down '3K. ;)

Name: '3K
FC: 2234-6900-9346

Technologic Robot said:
Oh and what would that be in Eastern Standard Time?
Around 6-ish.
Technologic Robot said:
I friended you all in MKWii along with Zero777. And Brawl. Confirm me.
I'll friend everyone in MKWii today BEFORE the championship, I'll friend everyone in Brawl tommorrow and so on.
Oh also the Animal Crossing: City Folk event will be at 4pm EST due of MrConcreteDonkey's time zone.
OK, I'm having family issues right now. I've added everyone, but don't be surprised if I don't show up later.
Yes let's all cross. It's 18:35 here, the championship will begin at 8pm at my time (6pm EST, 2am GMT :P)
Mario Kart Wii
Name: Paula
Friend Code: 0860-9360-5660

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Name: Paula
Friend Code: 0903-6983-4447

I can play at anytime. :D
EVERYONE, please register every people's codes, including mine. Please.
1 more hour to the MKW championship
Yay! It seems we played a lot.

People who came: Mario Fan 123, Scorpion999
Yeah, it was pretty exciting. The guy who I through that was NOT coming came!
After looking all the people who weren't my friends yet, marked with a '?', I felt this should be canceled.
Then, out of a sudden, with the name InsaneZ, Scorpion999 appeared playing a worldwide race.
Immediattly, I opened a room. He came, we said a lot of 'Hello's (I couldn't figure it out how to start a race :P)
I then chose VS Race. I chose Toad with his Quacker (pretty good acceleration) and Scorpion came with Koopa and a strange bike.
The first course was Koopa Cape, and I was a bit sad about 999 and did let him win.
Then I begun the battle. The REAL battle. I started winning and PWNing him everytime. Bang bang BANG!
He said I was "very fast" and then we played a Balloon Battle. We played Funky Stadium and some sweet retro course: Cookie Land (no, not :yoshi: Cookies).
We played for 1 whole hour. We were pretty tired! Since MKW's chat system is horrible and there was nothing to do, we said "good night" and quit. Oh so fun!

Now tommorrow, at 6pm EST, there's the Super Smash Bros. Brawl championship! See ya all!
Technologic Robot said:
you can if u have brawl, mario strikers charged, anial crossing city folk, and/or wii speak. MKwii just happened tonight.

I have all of those but not wii speak hold on let me give me the FCs

Name: BBY
I hardly play it so it will be interesting how I compete ;D
Mario Strikers Charged
FC: 498461 896812

best in the family