What'd you learn in School today honey?

Vanillite said:
Some *bleep* 'bout the Ring of Fire.

Yeah, it's not really important unless you live there.
YamiHoshi.nl said:
I've learned this is a 4 months old bump.

9-6 =/= 4
>9-6 ≠ 4

I did half of my English assesment, it was quite funny because 5 classes were doing it at once and the bottom gorup were beside us, they got help like 'Remeber to write about the fighting', us top-groupers get little more than a 'Are you ok?' at the end.
I learned how in-game Menu's work.
I did a maths unit 2 practice paper, we havent finished the entire unit yet and I still got a B (with lilified marking.)
When you have 2 French lessons in one period after the other, ussually split with Break or lunch in between them though.
Its ok, double French can be hell, year 10 GCSE french isnot like KS3 when its French breakfast, saying things in funny voices and posters, nah most the time its writing, grammar or listening to a french person on a tape and answering questions, fun, not.