Viral Video Topic aka "YouTube/Google Video Stuff" (Part 1) (Part 2) (Final Part)
Mystery flipnote from Hatena.

Fuck yes. <3
Just thought I should say, comments have been disabled on Friday's music video.
Oh yeah.

insert coolface here
Her song may not have been very good to a lot of people, but the things that people said in the comments on the Youtube video were very hurtful and rude. These people don't even know Rebecca Black at all, so they shouldn't judge her because they don't like how she sings. That song probably ruined her whole life.
Fawfulfury65 said:
Her song may not have been very good to a lot of people, but the things that people said in the comments on the Youtube video were very hurtful and rude. These people don't even know Rebecca Black at all, so they shouldn't judge her because they don't like how she sings. That song probably ruined her whole life.

Yeah, I know. The whole music video got deleted. But theres still other videos of the song on YouTube.
Look, at least she wrote that song herself, most famous artists don't.
If that is the best she can come up with, hey, that's her problem, not yours.
Maybe she is not the best singer in the world, but neither am I.
So people, what is your problem?
She's human, just like you, so why do you treat her differently?
Goombella said:
Look, at least she wrote that song herself, most famous artists don't.
If that is the best she can come up with, hey, that's her problem, not yours.
Maybe she is not the best singer in the world, but neither am I.
So people, what is your problem?
She's human, just like you, so why do you treat her differently?
Goombella has a point.

On topic: O_O
EDIT: Yes I have to bring this manga up everywhere.
Goombella said:
Look, at least she wrote that song herself, most famous artists don't.

Actually, she didn't. Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson (the rapper in the song) did, so people should stop blaming her for the lyrics.
Goombella said:
Look, at least she wrote that song herself, most famous artists don't.
If that is the best she can come up with, hey, that's her problem, not yours.
Maybe she is not the best singer in the world, but neither am I.
So people, what is your problem?
She's human, just like you, so why do you treat her differently?

If people don't like it, they don't like it.

and every living being treats every human differently. This is why there are such entitlements such as family, friends, and enemies. As well as different groups of people within race, gender, and other such things as mental conditions.

So don't even pull that idealist crap. I know this post is a bit old, but it's really annoying, also Rebecca Black has pretty crap music.

Speaking of music ill leave this here