Viral Video Topic aka "YouTube/Google Video Stuff"

TF2 Saxxy entry

It wouldn't let me use the video embedding.

P.S. I saw our own former Garlic Man/Christian Brutal Sniper in the comments (he's GamuhCube).
I don't think I can watch this. The animation is just so sloppy it irks my soul.
Sergeant Sillies said:
I don't think I can watch this. The animation is just so sloppy it irks my soul.
I have to admit, did not see that coming, I thought the show was pretty well dead
I'm fine with the style and all minus Buttercup looking like a girly girl. My only problem is how sloppy the animation is.

Hey! I actually like Teen Titans Go and I doubt it's actually cannon. If anyone is ruining Teen Titans it's the fans and their whining about how their demands weren't met. So what if Teen Titan Go happened you're not obliged to watch it.
In short, I thought it was going tobe some spectacular sequel series. Maybe picking up where the last one left off. It was just so different than what I thought it would be. Saying that, I watch every episode, because it is, after all, Teen Titans...somewhat.
I did the same thing and I ended up liking the show. I don't exactly love it because there are episodes that are cringe worthy and make you want to tear our your own hair and asphyxiate yourself with it.

This spin off is slightly disappointing, but I just think it's rather silly when people say it ruined Teen Titans for them. They're really going to hate the whole franchise just because of a little side series didn't turn out their way.
Voldemort's Retarded Laugh:

I remember watching that all the time.