Viral Video Topic aka "YouTube/Google Video Stuff"

a beautiful vid of yorkies

a slide show of yorkies
another slide show of yorkymon (some pic are the same as the last one)

Hilarious video of "Sonic Sez (Says)" where Sonic tries to do a commercial but has some problems...then Shadow doing his own "Shadow Sez".

Then some kid and Mr. Owl try to do a Tootsie Pop commercial but Mr. Owl can't count.

Then there's a Volvic commercial and later a Head On Commercial. The HeadOn commercial is interrupted however by Luigi and some other freaks.

Head On: Apply Directly on...

Luigi: Spaghetti!

This video is Rated PG!
I never noticed how stupid the Super Mario Sunshine commercial was...
Moogle said:
I never noticed how stupid the Super Mario Sunshine commercial was...
I think, and hope, that commercial was being sarcastic. >_>
Uniju said:
Paper Jorge said:

Hilarious video of "Sonic Sez (Says)" where Sonic tries to do a commercial but has some problems...then Shadow doing his own "Shadow Sez".

Then some kid and Mr. Owl try to do a Tootsie Pop commercial but Mr. Owl can't count.

Then there's a Volvic commercial and later a Head On Commercial. The HeadOn commercial is interrupted however by Luigi and some other freaks.

Head On: Apply Directly on...

Luigi: Spaghetti!

This video is Rated PG!

PG, eh?


Now that I watch the video again it might be PG-13. Nah. It doesn't have cussing. Only CENSORED cussing. And it doesn't have blood. Only very-badly-drawn-MS-Paint blood.

Weasel Stomping Day: Robot Chicken video.

CAUTION: May cause nightmares, bloody convulsions, or sides to split in incontrollable laughter.

Two greatest lines:

"It's tradition; that makes it OK"


"Put your Viking helmets on; spread that mayonaisse on the lawn..."
how fight the otakus (from argentina, but I got the english sub)