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My parent's dog chewed my laptop charger into oblivion today so i had to buy a replacement (she destroyed my expensive sunglasses as well today). I managed to get on the internet on another device just to let you know about this but you probably wont see me on here for a week or so until i get my laptop running again
Gonna be honest with ya: I find grown up cats cuter than kittens
Maybe because my own cat is lovable despite being an old lady
I'm thinking of changing my theme for August, and I'm thinking of choosing between Goombario and E-103 Delta. Which do you guys like better?
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
One of the users here is Goombuigi, so maybe E-103 Delta? I've only played Paper Mario out of the two games but have heard mostly good things about Sonic Adventure.
Roses are red
Socks come in pairs
(hits fire with stairs)
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I suck at poetry
Let's go play video games
easily my most unpopular opinion i hold is that i think people under 18 should be banned from like most, if not all, social media sites

i'm not even joking either, that shit is dangerous to people's mental health and if we can't ban social media entirely, at the very least we should be able to ban kids from them
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plus that's putting a lot of trust in a law to not view any social posting website as bannable/restricted in the process
I think minors should be able to access social media, but if they're too young (under 13) they'll need some parental supervision (and besides we already have a poorly enforced age restriction don't we?). Over 13? It's probably still up for parents to decide, but kids over 13 should just be made aware of the risks, misinformation (parents should teach kids how to spot lies and disinformation; also how to avoid coercion and predators, although adults fall for this crap too), and whatnot and if they know their mental health is affected they should see therapists and school counselors. If kids proceed knowing the risks (and they don't share sensitive information), then I guess if they wanna be wound up in drama, so be it.

I know it's unpopular but the idea that people under 18 should be barred from social media is draconian, overstates the risks, and there too much overreach into kids' lives.

Besides kids are smart enough to lie anyway. Ive been on GameFAQs when I was like 10.
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
@Veneer forums may technically be a form of social media but nowadays people treat the term 'social media' as synonymous with 'social network' which is shit like twitter, tumblr, facebook, etc.

besides forums are a dying medium anyways, places like this are a rare breed nowadays
It's amazing how Weird Al has not only been making music for like 40 years but has also been culturally relevant that whole time. Like my grandparents, parents, and I could have all listened to his music
It certainly is amazing. And I also love how Weird Al has also remained so humble during the entirety of his career. He always asked for permission from musical artists to parody their songs, would write back to his fans whenever they would send him letters or cards back before e-mails and social media were a thing, and after his parents unfortunately passed away while he was away on tour, he would dedicate each show he did for the remainder of the tour to his late parents in their memory. The man is nothing short of a model celebrity.
Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious
I pointed out specifically that he's been culturally relevant because I think it's fascinating and pretty rare to see. Most artists have their time in the limelight but after 10 years or so, even if they keep making music, people talk about them/listen to them less. It doesn't seem to be the case with him
Yeah, that too is an amazing achievement amongst musical artists because of the reasons you mentioned.
this is probably how everyone feels abt me
i need him carnally, spiritually, lovingly, platonically, limerencely, obsessively, eternally
Give me new weird words to confuse my dogs with
Charmy Bee
Charmy Bee
How about Ugga Booga? My mom says that to me sometimes, and I think it's pretty funny.

Raggle Fraggle would also work. Harold said that in the Billy and Mandy episode Har There Be Dwarves, which is one of my favorites in the series by the way.
Valence! Effervescence! Psoriasis! Bombasticism! Polaroid! Melanoma! The list goes on!
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Ray Trace
Ray Trace
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