New profile posts

Everybody's here is like "Mario" but me, I'm aiming for something different, I'm like "Toad"
Don't you just love being woken up at 4 AM in the morning by a mosquito and being unable to go back to sleep afterward, knowing you have to get up at 8:30 in the morning to get ready for work?
Tell me about it. Summer fucking sucks. It's hot, there's bugs always getting in the house, it's a mess.
Jeff Lyne (real)
Jeff Lyne (real)
I don't think a mosquito would wake me up in the middle of the night. Nor do bugs get in my room all too often
Panther Pedalf
Panther Pedalf
The only bug in my room is me 🤯
If you ever want to be extremely worn out, I highly recommend taking three 400 level classes and a Theory class all in the span of seven hours in the worst building on campus.
I can't wait for the day when I'm a tenured professor in creative writing and when my students get on a Zoom meeting with me while I'm not on campus, they'll just see Mario collectibles everywhere in the background.
I'm making an Add-On for Minecraft that will (hopefully) get published. Or at least, I'm making a slideshow to send in to Mojang/Microsoft so they can make it, I don't have the proper software. If you want to see the slides, private message me, and I'll give you a link to it! (It's about making the spawn eggs craftable)
If you are ever bored, you can imagine what noise a clown would say if they explode out of nowhere
Crazy how not getting home after a nine-hour day at school leaves me a lot less tired.
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
By this do you mean you don't have school or that you actually had more energy after having to stay there past classes
I got home five hours earlier than I did yesterday.
So im trying to improve art so im actually doing requests now. No need to pay. I will draw you whatever you want (if it's not weird...). I hope you like my drawings!!
What if Nintendo ended up making an open world Mario game that included full voice acting as well as radio stations playing real world music inspired by Grand Theft Auto, with the disk jockeys being several Mario species that are voiced by both regular voice actors and celebrities alike?
There's an alternate universe where Mike from Wii Sports is a mod here.

Source: a dream I just had.
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
We couldn't even afford to get Matt...
What's funny is that there's totally a justification for it. If you start with number 1, Matt is the 25th Mii in the files, but since the actual IDs start with 0, if you asked for Mii number 25, you would get Mike.

Thank you for letting me share some of my unexplainable Mii knowledge.

I was not aware Spike Top had gemstones for eyes.
I think there's something funky going on with the normals on the Spike Top model that I cannot at the moment figure out how to rectify. The Buzzy Beetle model did not have this issue, but I will figure it out before rolling out the NSMBU enemy table.
(Alternatively, maybe it's a neat bit of lore - a turtle that lives underground and has gem stones for eyes.)