New profile posts

Today I learned that the office chairs produced in Xiamen, China can sometimes explode with the force of a gas pipe explosion when you sit on them
Knowing how to draw is probably the skill I most want to have, but I don't mind that I don't because there are other creative outlets I enjoy
Waluigi Time
Waluigi Time
If you ever do decide you want to pursue it, make sure to practice frequently! It doesn't have to be a lot but it'll build up and you'll see yourself improve over time. Tracing over images can also be really helpful to get a better grip on things as you learn.
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
This is good advice. I would like to add, rather than tracing over images, try to place the image in front of you and copy the lines by eye. Tracing directly usually turns you into a passive observer and you don't get a good feel for how the shapes and lines interact. You just don't absorb a lot of information when your mind is not actively engaged.
Koopa con Carne
Koopa con Carne
And remember one thing: for the purposes of training yourself, there's no shame in copying a photograph or even someone else's work. I'm specifically touching the topic of shame because I've seen a lot of budding artists worrying over the use of reference, and I've even stumbled upon certain concerning attitudes regarding this practice, some labeling it "cheating". If it's educational, it's ok. I'm unwilling to call the greatest artists, dead or alive, "cheaters" for learning off the shoulders of others, for in art, there's no step too piteous to achieve greatness. Just "monkey see, monkey do" this whole thing until you feel like you're grasping the practice well enough. It's human nature.

(But if you copy someone's work, do not *ever* pass it off as your own. Just for the record.)
Today was yet another rollercoaster of emotions for me. This isn't exactly how I envisioned my extended weekend to go, and I'm hesitant to call it a crummy weekend because while I have had a couple of small positive experiences so far, I personally feel the emotional highs are tarnishing the weekend.
Panther Pedalf
Panther Pedalf
Sorry to hear that. Yeah, sometimes emotions can cloud out the positive experiences of a day.
What stories/authors did you look at in your high school English classes? I'm asking this because when I start teaching 101/102 (the introductory composition classes in college), I want to avoid the typical high school readings.
Lord of the Flies
Fahrenheit 451
Animal Farm
The Tempest
To Kill a Mockingbird
@Roserade I have Frankenstein literally this semester so clearly that one hasn't gone anywhere.
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
Animal Farm
Lord of the Flies
The Great Gatsby
Of Mice And Men
The Bean Trees
The House On Mango Street
Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
To Kill a Mockingbird
Today was a long and tiring day for me. Here's hoping tomorrow will be more tame and without any pestering from other people.
I'm actually heartbroken. I tried to buy a Cheez It Hawaiian shirt but it was out of stock. I have no words to express my emotions. That shirt was the last piece of fashion on the internet that suited my style.
Ok so I want to change my profile name and avatar and everything to Ludwig but it won't let me change my username, even though it says I CAN change it after or on September 4 2024, and it's September 4 now. I guess maybe I need to wait til tomorrow?
I think it's also sensitive to the time of day so the prompt is imprecise and should say "You can change your username on or after 4 Sep at [hh:mm]". It should be exactly 30 days since your last change.
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
@Zatanna Yeah I know. Porplemontage fixed that so now it makes it clear I can't change it until tomorrow.
I defeated all the evil robots made by Professor Kill and saved all the orphans but never got any respect for it
Today was actually pretty productive given that I had two classes, hung up two flyers and gave another one to the library to hang up themselves, and lined up two letters of recommendation for grad school.
I think I need a bit of a break from the internet as it's been making me unusually aggressive for the last few days. So that means my activity on the site will most likely be limited to only once or twice a day. Just a heads up.