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99% of people who take risks end up poor, but 99% of people who are successful take risks
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
Some people are just born poor and some people are just born successful.
Jeff Lyne (real)
Jeff Lyne (real)
How are you born successful? Does success not come from your achievements?
It entirely depends on your metrics of success.

If success to you is a personal confirmation that you have accomplished the goals you've set out for yourself, then yes, success is built off of your achievements.

If your vision of success is based on normative societal views (i.e. achieving fame, fortune, etc.), then you can absolutely be born into success. Celebrity children are already in a position of "winning", and even if they aren't, the advantages they enter into can be crucial to achieving success. Somebody born into money is going to have far more ability to navigate the world than someone who isn't.

It's a toss-up. Theoretically you can say that success is entirely individualistic, but it's hard to deny how systems of inheritance shape what can or can't be successfully accomplished.
The best April Fool's "joke" that could happen on the Boards is making GIFs accessible avatars, then leaving it in (just like some game developers do)
Is it true that the first comic issue of Fantastic Four established a lot of canon, but none so firmly as Reed Richards' inability to read a room?
Anyone experienced with 3d? Specifically Blender? Been trying to make stuff for stuff but I've been losing steam when it gets to rigging characters. Fr anyone who has the time hmu!
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You definitely don't want to do this manually if you don't have to. Use Blender's default skeletons and create rigs using automatic weights, and tweak by hand from there. I don't know the specific keyboard shortcuts or plugins off the top of my head so I'd recommend doing some Googling to double check.

Ian Hubert has a good introduction to inverse kinematics, a great tool for rigged animation, on YouTube.
I tried Rigify which as far as I know is meant to just be a point and click and its done but idk - I think thats only for single objects models. Could always be wrong and may just need to tinker with it more but idk