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You can make your life a little more fun by saying "ding a ling" when someone rings a doorbell in any kind of media
just when i thought i was done talking abt trolls 3 for a good long while new concept art just came in





i have many thoughts i may detail in a future status update but there is a lot here despite how close we are to the final
Did Toby Fox work on the PMTTYD Switch remake? Because I recognize the voices during text boxes as being inspired from Undertale.
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
Nope, he's not credited for it. The similarity is probably coincidental. There are only so many ways to do those little "here are some short soundclips strung together" type of voices.

That said, some of the Twilighters do sound rather like Sans, don't they?
Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
Someone recently accused me of being anti-Christian which is hilarious because I literally am a Christian?

Oh yeah btw I'm a Christian IDK if y'all knew that, I mean you probably didn't, I'm a fairly recent convert (only been a few weeks) and I'm still studying Scripture but yeah.
Panther Pedalf
Panther Pedalf
Great to know you've made that decision! Also good to know you're studying Scripture, that's a valuable resource for spiritual growth.
Princess Viola
Princess Viola
Yeah it was a tough-ish decision but it's one I've made.
Is there a term for when you're not an insomniac but your body just really hates being asleep for some reason?
Jeff Lyne (real)
Jeff Lyne (real)
I'm pretty sure that's basically what insomnia is though
It basically is but my 3:00 AM brain didn't seem to think so.
Why do 99.9% of all YouTubers let the fame go to their heads if you give them even the slightest bit of it?
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
The reasons are complex and it's not possible to paint every case with a broad brush, but I would reckon fame tends to warp how people view their relationships to everyone else. Massive attention from the public invites constant scrutiny, harsh criticism from strangers, and excessive praise/fawning all at once. Attention is already a heck of a drug on its own. Consider how stimulating it is (for better or for worse - sometimes you're exhausted and still can't look away from the computer) to see online chatter and messages, especially concerning yourself. Multiply that greatly, and suddenly you're awash in this stimulation that you're going to keep craving even if it's actively making you feel worse.

Then add to that a sense of being "critic proof". You have to shut out the most vitriolic comments from your critics, because people can say truly nasty things behind the anonymity of a screen, but it's easy to slip from there into denying and deflecting all criticism. Then your decision to disregard criticism is easy to justify, because you have all these legions of fans praising you. You must be doing something right, right?

So you're awash in a level of attention you've probably never had before, you're craving more of it, which starts turning people from people into... well, merely fans, potential fans, and folks who don't like you, and you're incentivized to move as many people from that middle category into the other two (even negative attention is attention!). That's already changing your dynamic with the people around you. Add on that shutting out your critics and embedding yourself in an endless stream of praise making you feel smugly superior to a lot of other people, another change in how you relate to everyone else. Maybe you also become obsessed with comparing yourself to other famous folks, another way in which the way you relate to others can warp! You start to see yourself as powerful and talented, and it becomes easier to justify exploiting people around you. After all, they're inferior to you! They should be thankful you let them have the opportunity to work for/with you at all! Maybe on top of all of this, your life circumstances are changing, because, say, this has all made you wealthier, so even there the way you relate to other people is undergoing a massive change.

All of these rapid changes, all of this new self-perceptions, all of these new ways of relating to people around you, it's going to change how you behave.
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Jeff Lyne (real)
Jeff Lyne (real)
The ratio of chill to not chill YouTubers that I know about is pretty heavily weighted towards ones that are fine so I don't know where this info is coming from
@Sir Pentious It's just based on personal experience. Like half of the YouTubers I have watched over my lifetime let the face go to their heads, both in my homeland and in English speaking countries alike.
Ever since I came out as trans, people stopped yelling at me:"Play that funky music, white boy!"
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
That's strange that they did to begin with. I'm a white guy but no one ever does that towards me but maybe it's an inside joke lol
How would you react if I retroactively erased every time you ate a hamburger from the past?
Time to wait an hour for a meeting that might not even happen because the person I'm trying to meet with is really unreliable about answering his emails.
What are people's views on the phrase "Violence isn't the answer, it's a question, and the answer is yes."?