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I swear APT sounds like something I've heard before and I was thoroughly convinced it was at least a couple years old until I found out it came out in October
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
Is it the pre-chorus that gives you that vibe? I think the melody it uses is a very familiar one, and has been used in other songs from the 2000s and 2010s such as Night Changes by One Direction, Can We Dance by the Vamps, So Am I by Ava Max.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
That sometimes happens with movies and TV shows as well. One example I can name off the top of my head is the 1990s coming of age film The Sandlot. The movie is set in the 1960s, and it does such a convincing job at portraying that time period that you would think the movie was actually made during the 1960s.
recovering from being stalked and harassed for months on end leading to the fallout of multiple friends + a two day long transphobic yap session from my mother after she forced me to come out as trans + getting actually physically sick

i have work tomorrow and i dont wanna do it 🥹
I watch Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent all day every day
You already said that
I watch Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent all day every day, all day every day
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
We should use Mordecai to make Cape Feathers and Rigby to make the fur pelt for the Raccoon Form. 😜
Hey nice to see another cat lover on here. 🐱🐈
Comrade Amylya, steel production is down. Productivity increase is required. Refusal to comply is punished with imprisonment in Gulag.
I saw these Peach and Luigi themed Pringles in my local supermarket (I live in the UK) which was cool to see, but for some reason they put lactose in them when the Salt and Vinegar (Peach) one would've been vegan if it weren't for that. So unfortunately, I can't have either of them. 🙁




My theory is that there is some sort of "doctor flower" or other power-up that gives Mario characters the ability to sling magic pills, because there is no way half of these guys made it one year in medical school.

The obvious flaw in my theory of it being a power-up of some kind is that there are fire versions of some of the doctor characters, and power-ups don't usually stack that way. Perhaps there is a "doctor/fire flower" that grants both fire and doctor abilities.
Is there any way to update the Opera web browser so it crashes less often? Granted it's hardly ever that it gets stuck, but whenever it occasionally does it can cause serious problems because it locks up my computer's screen as well so I can't do anything or even go to Task Manager to shut it down; it's a nightmare. It's frustrating; I literally can't do anything; my entire computer's screen completely freezes up for a couple of minutes.
Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
Well I used to use Google but I'm not going back because Google steals people's data and spies on them and is all evil like that. It's really only once in a while Opera misbehaves like this to be honest. It's just annoying when it occasionally does happen. I want to stick with Opera.
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
I know you said you prefer to stick with Opera, but my honest opinion is that if privacy was your reason for quitting Google Chrome then I think Firefox is a significantly better option than Opera (eg Firefox is fully open source, Opera is not.) I use Firefox as my go-to web browser and it works fantastic for me so I definitely recommend it!
Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
@Green Lantern I understand but I wish to keep my current browser. It's only very rarely that it ever locks up and crashes. I just wanted to express my annoyance when it sometimes does happen to see if anyone on here can relate and that was really the only point of the post. I hate computers sometimes LOL. Sure plenty of people can relate to that.
Still reeling from that heartbreaking Buffalo Bills loss. We seem so close, and yet so far... we'll get the job done one day.
What do the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come do for every other day of the year
They have no responsibilities except during the Christmas season, so they'll be relaxing.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
Yeah, they likely like to take a load off for the rest of the year on the spirit realm equivalent of Tahiti or any other tropical island that attracts lots of tourists.
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I think they play cribbage if I remember correctly.
Wake up (wake up)
Grab a brush and put a little make-up
Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up (hide the scars to fade away the-)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable, you wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little make-up, you wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up, you wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to
My proposal for Multiversal Month may have been a bust but as a wise man once said if you want something done right you have to do it your self so looks like I'm brute forcing this now.
The poll for the first month of the year long character tournament is up! It will last until the first of February just so you know
Willie E Coyote is leading by three votes, everyone else either gots one vote or no votes, I need a top 5 so any votes are appreciated from anyone who hasn't already voted