New profile posts

Hey Will, are you a "Terminator" fan? "Terminator: End Of War" is coming out in cinemas this summer and I think it'll be the last movie, because the franchise is over 40 years old now and the woman who plays Sarah Connor who showed up in "Dark Fate" is getting old and so is Arnold Schwarzennegger. I've seen all the Terminator movies up to this point and I plan to watch it but because of all the shootings lately (at least in the last year, although there's probably a lot happening now too), including some movie theater shootings I heard about, I'm too scared to go to the cinema right now and see ANYTHING, so I'm going to be watching it on Amazon Video or Paramount+ or something at home. It might be good or it might be "meh" or it might be crap but at least I get to see how everything ends and I'll at least be satisfied with that, which is how I felt after I watched the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Well anyway, do you plan to see it? I heard the fans thought "Dark Fate" really sucked but surely it can't get any worse than THAT, right? (Famous last words.) Well-nothing I don't think will ever be as bad as "Terminator 3" and "Terminator Salvation" and all that. I think the fact those were so bad is why the franchise really doesn't count those films as being "canon" anymore (which is why Sarah Connor showed up again in Dark Fate when she was supposed to be dead between Terminator 2 and 3). I kind of think they're bad, too, actually. I really hope End Of War won't end the franchise on a sour note for me like what happened with Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny. I'm not feeling very hopeful though given how people think a lot of the stuff Hollywood movie and TV has put out lately has been awful, at least last time I checked. That was a year ago, though.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
@Lily I doubt the guy is an AI chatbot, given that the conversations I've had with him felt natural enough that I felt like I was talking to a real person. I do agree that his posts tend to be rather lengthy though.
Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
@Lily I apologize. I have ADHD and can be blabby. I'll try to watch that.
Will Solace
Will Solace
I'm honestly perfectly cool with getting long messages, and can even find them more interesting, but yeah one's gotta check if the sources they see are legitimate. To answer the question I was asked I don't plan to see anything new that Terminator comes up with as I am not currently into the series, although I have heard extremely good things about the first two movies. I'm happy other people like them a lot
A scene I created in GMod last night with My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic I really wish had happened on the show and it's a shame it didn't but at least I created it:

Soarin And Rainbow Dash Wedding.png

Also happy 6th anniversary to DCSHG G2 since #SweetJustice premiered on IWD 2019!!
Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
Awesome! Hey Princess Zatanna, what did you think of the Totally Spies "Game Over" screens? Did you think they were funny?
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
Sorry Miles but I haven't had time to watch it yet. Don't worry I promise I will eventually, just I've had a lot on my plate in the last few days.
So, as I took pictures of the minigame lists from every non-full remake Mario Party game, I found that the Star Rush minigames are not organized by type, and left as "general" minigames. Just putting this out there to be edited.
Oh my God guys my dad just had a really close call. He got into a car accident on the way home and got hit from behind and plowed into the guy in front of him. Fortunately he's ok and the guy he hit is ok and the guy who hit him is ok but his neck and back are going to be sore for at least a little while. Fortunately he's not paralyzed and can move his arms and his legs but my mom decided he should go to the hospital to get a CAT scan. Holy crap that was mom and I were really scared for him because she actually heard the accident as she was talking to him on the phone but I think he'll be all right. Feel free to offer messages of sympathy or prayers or whatever if you want. I'm just glad he's ok.
I am no longer a hypocrite, I now have a Shy Guy plushie
...which is the exact same as my profile pic. I might make my own profile pic with him...
No joke, I had a crazy dream about like a post apocalyptic Care Bears movie last night and wish I could show you it
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Cheer and Grumpy are like the last ones after a genocide, it's crazy
Hi everyone. Another profile update. I'd like to tell you all about something AWESOME! You HAVE to read the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and G5 comics from IDW. All of the volumes of the Friendship Is Magic IDW comics and the G5 IDW comics are available in hardcover, as well as all the special event issues I am about to list off. I happen to have read all the issues of both comics, and I have to say, these comics, especially the Friendship Is Magic ones, do not disappoint! The FIM ones take place between different episodes of the show and there is even a TENTH season exclusively in comic form! What's more, there's so many good storylines, such as one issue of that comic series where Twilight and her friends went to an alternate dimension where Chrysalis and King Sombra were GOOD and Celestia and Luna were evil! The MLP G5 IDW comics are just as cool. They have a lot of nostalgic Friendship Is Magic-based themes; for instance, in the last iteration of the G5 comics, titled "The Storm Of Zephyr Heights", the G5 ponies actually find and explore the now-long-abandoned Cloudsdale! Discord also makes a reappearance and they have to stop him from destroying the crystals Sunny and her friends used to bring magic back to Equestria! And there's also an issue called "Set Your Sail" where Sunny and her friends journey to the sea and become SEA PONIES which is a nostalgic flashback to the 2017 My Little Pony movie! There's also some awesome specials with the FIM IDW comics, including TWO different issues where the ponies team up with the Transformers Autobot characters, and another one called "My Little Pony: Generations" where they team up with the original 1980s G1 ponies! Anyway, yeah, you all should really get into these comics if you're interested. You won't be disappointed. All the specials of both sets of comics as well as all the volumes of both are all in hardcover. Seriously guys, don't miss out on these comics. They're so awesome.

There are omnibuses of all of the issues and if you have all eight of them you will have all the issues. They are:

The complete hardcover compilations of the original Friendship Is Magic comics include the following. If you get all of these, you will have all the issues. They are:

My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 1
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 2
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 3
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 4
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 5
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 6
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 7
My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 8

These omnibuses, if you have all of them, include
all the issues all the way up to issue #102, the final

There are also the paperback editions of both "My Little Pony Transformers The Magic of Cybertron" and "My Little Pony Transformers Friendship In Disguise" which contain both of the MLP Transformers crossovers with ALL the issues!

The complete series of issues of the "MLP Generations" issue where the Mane Six crossover with the G2 ponies is also available in paperback with ALL FIVE issues included!

If anyone is interested for me to list the rest of the collections of issues be sure to let me know. I will list more here. There's only a few more I think. The main comics in the omnibuses are the best ones, but there's different specials you may also be interested in. That's the rest of the comics.

After I'm done listing all the G4 comics, I'll list the complete collections of the G5 ones too.
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Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
Ok here's the rest of the FIM IDW comics. There also is a paperback edition of the My Little Pony "Generations" crossover comic with all the issues as well. And there's also a "Friends Forever" and "Legends Of Magic Omnibus" which explains how all the magic of Equestria came to be way far back in the past. And the "Mysteries In Ponyville" and "Spirit Of The Forest" paperback and "Feats Of Friendship" paperback and "Fiendship Is Magic" which shows the origins of all the villains. And also "Adventures In Friendship" and the 2017 movie prequel also in paperback. I think that's about all for the G4 stuff. I'll list all the G5 comic collections tomorrow. But yeah guys, these MLP FIM comics-don't miss them. They're so awesome and I've read every single one. The MLP G5 IDW comics are also surprisingly good and I'll list those all off tomorrow.
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Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
Ok you know what, I have all the info for all the G5 comics so may as well list it all here.

Ok-now for the IDW G5 comics. There are four paperbacks. Combined, they all contain all TWENTY awesome issues of the main G5 comics. They are:

Big Horseshoes To Fill (#1)
Smoothie-ing it Over (#2-contains comic series where Discord reappears!)
Cookies, Conundrums & Crafts (#3)
Sister Switch (#4-final issue-contains issues 15-20. #20 is the LAST issue!)

Ok. Now for the specials in paperback. They are:

Camp Bighoof
Kenbucky Roller Derby
Set Your Sail (the G5 Mane 5 go to the Sea Pony Kingdom from the 2017 movie and become Sea Ponies and help bring peace between the Sea Ponies and another faction I can't remember)
Maretime Mysteries (Sunny and her friends play a magical board game, which turns out to be HAUNTED!)
And last, but not least, The Storm Of Zephyr Heights, where the G5 ponies discover abandoned Cloudsdale and must stop its weather machine from destroying everything! Plus Rainbow Dash appears as a hologram!

And that's it for the G5 comics. Not nearly as long as the FIM comic series, but still really good. I highly recommend you guys copy all the stuff I have listed into a Word document or text file on your computers to keep track of your collections, or if you don't have any, know which ones you want to get.
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My nerves are rather rattled but what fits me scared is a rather sensitive topic, would anyone be willing to talk me in a private message?
I may not be able to give you the best advice or guidance, but sure, I'll send a message to you.
Thank you
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Here's a real question, Disney: Why isn't House of Mouse anywhere to be easily watched? I've seen plenty of clips of said show that proves it was one of their great animated shows, so why is it nowhere to be found?
Hey Princess Zatanna want to see something hilarious? The YouTube channel "GameOverContinue" made a compilation of all the funny "Game Over" screens for Totally Spies on Game Boy Advance. Do you want me to send you them? You'll likely laugh if you like that sort of thing, but then again if you don't like seeing your favorite characters getting defeated even in a game you might not want to watch and that's ok.
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
Sure thing, I'd be interested.
Miles Tails Prower
Miles Tails Prower
LOL here they are (sent the wrong link before; it was for the first game-those ones aren't nearly as funny):

Currently, I am attempting to fix the issue with the following official Mario sites that require Flash/Marcomedia software:
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • Mario Party 4 & 6
  • DDR: Mario Mix (Needs to be fixed because nothing works)
  • Mario's World Microsite needs to be fixed due to my discovery of some soundbites that need to be placed.
  • DK: King Of Swing, DK County 1, 2 (Plus, the Gameboy version) & Jungle Climber needs to be put into Flashpoint Player since it's microsite counterpart has been archived on the Wayback Machine on the Web Archive Site

I have other sites that need to be fixed or need to be archived again, but I will have to do some deep digging to find them, since Flash has died during the pandemic. I feel bad that most Nintendo sites from back in the heyday are either lost or have not been archived, which is very sad. :( :sad:

(Please remind me about this, because I will update that on this later, when I have time also feel free to tell me or dm me if you have any more information about the sites)


UPDATE: Yoshi's Island(SMA3) microsite works however, all of the information about the world's do not work and I do not know if they had like a mini game or like a hidden reward system. I will have to put that in the Flashpoint launcher.
Pardon and excuse my French, but holy FUCKING SHIT I think I've solved a mystery with one of the Nintendo flash sites.