whatever the heck is that

It's a more souped-up Switch. It kind of makes sense it wouldn't look THAT different. Then again I guess a lot of people were expecting it to look a lot more beefed-up, which makes sense.

I wonder though if its hardware capabilities are SO much bigger than those of the original Switch if it would hopefully make up for this. My opinion-I'm not really unhappy with it; I didn't expect it to look THAT different. However I will be honest I did expect it to be much-beefier than that. Maybe twice as big. You know, like how the "New Nintendo 3DS XL" was so much bigger than original 3DS. Like, I was wondering, is that why people are a little bit upset about this? I suspect so, but I don't know for sure.

Maybe it's a combination of it not looking much more advanced than the original Switch and not looking bigger and beefier?
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My first instinct obviously is to doubt it's legit. However, if this is actually what the Switch 2 preliminarily looks like, it's good that it got leaked. It means Nintendo has the chance to take in feedback and adjust the design accordingly.
I wonder though if its hardware capabilities are SO much bigger than those of the original Switch if it would hopefully make up for this.
Well, the hardware specs for the Switch 2 are already out there, thanks to shipping data. Without getting into fancy tech terms, the specs suggest that when handheld, it'll be about as strong as a PS4, whereas docked it's more like the PS4 Pro. For reference, both the Switch and Wii U were about as strong as a hypothetical PS3 Pro. In short; yeah it looks like it'll be much stronger.

Also I think the specs suggest it'll be like 20% bigger than the Switch (at least the screen is). Wheter that's substantial or not, I guess that's up to you
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If the design ain't broke don't fix it.

Like yeah the drift is a problem but the fundamental shape and feel of the system was just fine if you ask me.
So I'm not sure if this model WILL have drift problem fixed or not from what everyone is saying. It would be nice if it was fixed-it probably WILL be fixed, but I don't know. Also don't mind this basically being only a slightly-improved Switch 1 but it'll be nice when Nintendo's REAL next-gen console comes out because that will be probably as good as today's tech. Like, this isn't meant to be a NEW console-just an improved Switch I guess. Like, I can let that slide, Nintendo....for now.

Like, ok, I'll be honest-normally I'd be a bit annoyed this console isn't much more advanced than the last version of itself but it's essentially the same console only slightly improved. So I'm not really that annoyed or disappointed by this. I mean for example the **New!** Nintendo 3DS XL wasn't much improved from the original 3DS other than being bigger.

Seriously though I hope the REAL next-gen console is awesome. Probably will be based on how advanced Nintendo's next-gen consoles have been in the past. At least the quality of Switch 1 games is still good.
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So I'm not sure if this model WILL have drift problem fixed or not from what everyone is saying. It would be nice if it was fixed-it probably WILL be fixed, but I don't know. Also don't mind this basically being only a slightly-improved Switch 1 but it'll be nice when Nintendo's REAL next-gen console comes out because that will be probably as good as today's tech. Like, this isn't meant to be a NEW console-just an improved Switch I guess. Like, I can let that slide, Nintendo....for now.

Like, ok, I'll be honest-normally I'd be a bit annoyed this console isn't much more advanced than the last version of itself but it's essentially the same console only slightly improved. So I'm not really that annoyed or disappointed by this. I mean for example the **New!** Nintendo 3DS XL wasn't much improved from the original 3DS other than being bigger.

Seriously though I hope the REAL next-gen console is awesome. Probably will be based on how advanced Nintendo's next-gen consoles have been in the past. At least the quality of Switch 1 games is still good.

Nintendo hasn't made a machine as powerful as modern consoles in ages. They have no reason to.
Hmmm....I wonder if all the other companies are being lazy and don't do that either. I think I heard something about people complaining about that.
Laziness has nothing to do with that. The whole point of a console, even the so called "next gen" ones compared to their custom computer counterparts is convenience via outdated technology.

Also (in theory) cheaper pricing.
Laziness has nothing to do with that. The whole point of a console, even the so called "next gen" ones compared to their custom computer counterparts is convenience via outdated technology.

Also (in theory) cheaper pricing.
Yeah but I was wondering if the other companies are also not really making massively improved consoles anymore and are just making ones that are somewhat improved and outdated is well is all. Sorry I have so many questions; I don't know much about this stuff and how it works.
So I'm not sure if this model WILL have drift problem fixed or not from what everyone is saying. It would be nice if it was fixed-it probably WILL be fixed, but I don't know. Also don't mind this basically being only a slightly-improved Switch 1 but it'll be nice when Nintendo's REAL next-gen console comes out because that will be probably as good as today's tech. Like, this isn't meant to be a NEW console-just an improved Switch I guess. Like, I can let that slide, Nintendo....for now.

Like, ok, I'll be honest-normally I'd be a bit annoyed this console isn't much more advanced than the last version of itself but it's essentially the same console only slightly improved. So I'm not really that annoyed or disappointed by this.

Seriously though I hope the REAL next-gen console is awesome. Probably will be based on how advanced Nintendo's next-gen consoles have been in the past. That'll come out in....I don't know how many years. At least the quality of Switch 1 games is still good.
no offense but everything you just posted here is utter nonsense

this IS nintendo's next console and it's not just 'an enhanced switch'

nintendo is NEVER going to rejoin the hardware arms race because why the fuck would they?

nintendo when they tried to keep up with their competition:
- nintendo 64: 32 million sold, most which was just in the americas vs 100+ million sold for the psx - still beat the sega saturn but that console flopped everywhere outside japan, WHERE IT BEAT THE N64 BTW

- nintendo gamecube: 21 million sold, worst selling console of its generation other than the dreamcast but the dreamcast was only on the market from 1998 to 2001

nintendo when they said: fuck it, let's stop trying to compete that way:
- the wii: 100 million sold

- wii u: ok yeah the wii u was a huge ass flop lmao but tbf that had less to do with them not competing graphically and more 'the wii craze had already died out by then + poor marketing + poor hardware in general' (the wii u was functionally a souped up wii which was just a souped up gamecube and iirc the gamecube hardware based on components from like 1998-1999. THE WII U CAME OUT IN 2012)

- nintendo switch: 143 million sold as of june 2024, literally the third best-selling video game console of all time, only behind the nintendo DS and the ps2

Wait wasn't the Wii as powerful as the other consoles at the time it was made
the wii is literally a souped up gamecube

the ps360 could run circles around it lmao
@Princess Viola Yeah you have a lot of good points there. And financially it doesn't matter how outdated the tech is as long as the games and consoles sell well, which they still are. I mean they sold well enough for the Switch to be the third best-selling console of all time, so....

Personally when it comes to my Nintendo consoles I don't care how advanced or not advanced they are, just that they're fun to play.
Yeah but I was wondering if the other companies are also not really making massively improved consoles anymore and are just making ones that are somewhat improved and outdated is well is all. Sorry I have so many questions; I don't know much about this stuff and how it works.

If anything it's the opposite. they keep ramping shit up too much to the point that people (especially right now in an economic crisis) just can't afford it.
It's tough because gaming pcs aren't much cheaper (if not more expensive) than the PS5 and Xbox X/S. But on the other hand, you can do way more stuff on pcs as opposed to consoles, so buying $500-ish consoles these days is tough to justify. The market for performance consoles in general is has definitely shrunk over the past decade or two, that being one of the reasons Nintendo has been making so much off the Switch. It's relatively cheap, and can serve as basically a side dish to your main gaming setup.
It's tough because gaming pcs aren't much cheaper (if not more expensive) than the PS5 and Xbox X/S. But on the other hand, you can do way more stuff on pcs as opposed to consoles, so buying $500-ish consoles these days is tough to justify. The market for performance consoles in general is has definitely shrunk over the past decade or two, that being one of the reasons Nintendo has been making so much off the Switch. It's relatively cheap, and can serve as basically a side dish to your main gaming setup.
Hmmm....I guess the gaming companies now need to step up their game and start making gaming PCs. I'll be honest, that would pretty cool. Imagine if Sony made gaming pcs. Or Sega! With 16 different Sonic The Hedgehog games included pre-installed! I don't know if that will happen or not but it would be pretty neat. Like, I'd love to have a Nintendo gaming PC. Like, maybe one made to look like an NES. I remember they had a Game Boy Advance meant to look like an NES; it was the "NES Edition".

Then again the companies probably don't need to do that because the consoles and games still sell well, but it would be really cool.
Not saying Nintendo should make more powerful consoles, but Nintendo fans should just be aware that graphical fidelity on Nintendo games come with an asterisk. You can stylize the game and it can still look very good, but stylization can only get you so far imo.

Graphics isn't everything of course, and the graphics race can be way overdone to the point that the fanbase, that expects absolute perfect graphics from the developers, mocks a high-production game for a single texel bleed or a hair card that's chopped off slightly or a 30 fps man in the horizon or 2d trees flickering slightly in the distance, and it causes console prices to skyrocket and bloat video games with 200gb install requirements, but on the flipside it's always a fun to try to imagine what Mario on a current gen pc will look like rather than him pretty much looking like he's on a game dated by two generations.

When the Mario movie offered a look into what that could be, it's a big reason I got so interested in its first trailer.
@LeftyGreenMario I've personally noticed that graphics are important, but they don't make the game. Like, your game can have great graphics, but if the gameplay isn't fun, it doesn't matter. And your game can have outdated graphics but still be liked because it's fun to play. Like, a lot of people today even like playing the older Nintendo consoles like the SNES and all that because the games for them are really high quality and fun, albeit being outdated by more than 20 years. Heck, and this isn't just old people who grew up back in the 80s and 90s. Today's young people are starting to get interested in playing those too. I think that's pretty cool. Like, old-school gaming is a huge thing right now. People who played those old consoles back in the day feel nostalgia for them, and then there's young guys like me who like those consoles because we want to see what gaming was like for our parents' generation.