
Hello My Friends it is I Boo1268 The Fancy Phantom now you might be wondering why would a gentleman ghost like me be associated with a fighting tordament like this? Well the answer Is simple to have FUN listen I do enjoy a good spar from time to time and a nice round of fisticuffs with these fellows would be nice to test out my skills and besides I do LOVE the prospect of winning a tordament such as this since I was essentially left in the dust during the Hunger Games so I'm SHOOTING MY SHOT HERE! any who what do you got to say Specture?
:dry:: Yeah Yeah Boss I'm down for some fighting but let me guess are you gonna try and make friends with some of the fighters here?
:boo:: Yes Yes I am
:dry:: Great
7: Dexter Hexley & Spooks
A Fine pair of chaps that I would love to get to know more about I mean a REAL paranormal investigator? Sounds like a treat but we can't under estimate them they can be dangerous if things get out of hand especially that robot if it can slightly hurt us with its tazer that may spell trouble for us and since specture is essentially just bones that gun can prove to be a problem other than that I would love to help this man get his Ghost hunting career back on his feet.

:dry:: Any guy who says they can talk to ghosts with a spirit box is a hack job in my opinion.

6: Wheezlie S. Puff & Timothy
One looks like a selfish no good individual who seems more Prickly than a pokey and the other is Timothy a Spiny who reminds me of specture in many ways
Anywho I know this Wheezlie Lad might not seem so bad once I get to know him especially since he's a member of highclass society but then again these type of people are always such stuck ups and while I do hope that is not the case I get a bad feeling from this guy his cohort however seems like a much more interesting individual and I would love to get to know him more

:dry:: I don't trust both of them but the Spiny guy seems fine I guess.

5: Pyrokles, Kroop, & Explainer
First off I would like to say anybody who claims they don't use magic while actively useing magic are just plain lairs this Pyro individual is a dark Mage if I've ever seen one then again it's always good to see another representative of Undead magic but I will say that voice that follows them around is quite annoying and I would love to sit down and get to know Kroop More maybe he left his body in the lich yard? I could help him find it other than that Pyros Magic abilities are outstanding being able to transform summon fire and all sorts of wacky spell at WILL! And his fire may prove dangerous if he aims it at Specture and he may have some spells he can use on ME but I doubt his powers can reach that far especially since it seems his spells always backfire.

:dry:: Hey Nice Flaiming Skull My guy i like your style maybe after this is over we bone boys can take a night on the town but if you try hitting me with that fire just remember my scythe can harm mortals and spirits so don't try it (also how are you not buring into ashes my guy? Like how does that work?)

4: Kay Faraday
Such a LIVELY individual who probably has many storys to tell her Speedyness and skills could prove useful during the Brawl and I admire her drive to seek the truth and what better way to find it than to look at some history! and if she needs help I will provide my extensive knowledge I would love to have a spot of tea with her sometime however her hot headedness may be her downfall her gadgets may prove helpful however I don't know how
:dry::She's Weak can Barely Fight and if someone gets the drop on her she's done for.

3: Cosmo Neko
Ah yes my old pal Cosmo I still remember the time when they entered my lich yard and met specture for the first time anywho power wise I don't know much about cosmo it seems as if they are just any regular cat that can talk and shape shift a bit however this "Good Luck" Aura that surrounds them may prove helpful with defeating foes but if the time comes when Cosmo must fight me well I may have to flee for the time being
:dry:: this guy is very agile smart and if it comes down to it those claw HURT but other than that despite his book smarts he's as dumb as a brick also he has an unknown Achilles heel Catnip.

2: Polly Geist
OH MY ANOTHER SPIRIT Here of all places how wonderful! She seems quite friendly I wonder how she died? Maybe shes inhabitant of the lich yard? does she like tea? We're did she get that Cane? Can i have one? SO MANY QUESTIONS! I would love to get to know her however if she decides to turn to violence My Dark Moon Scepture Can always "influence" her or Specture can take care of her but I truly hope I doesn't come to that however her mysterious Cane may prove to be a problem.

:dry: : Nice Another Ghost and she's just as friendly as boo if i have to fight her the cane will be the main problem but without it shes easy pickings especially since my blade harms both mortals and spirits but i dought it will come down to that also I think she's very hot UM NEVERMIND FORGET I SAID THAT I MEANT HARD HARD TO SNEAK UP ON!

1: Kooshigo & Koohitsu
The Quiet one I don't know much about so let me just talk about this young lass! Koohitsu is very energetic I love her personality and her willingness to expose scummy businesses if there's nothing that I hate more than rude people it's scummy business Tycoons she reminds me of me quite a bit! And even though I perfer the indoors I always LOVE going on out door adventures and her skills could prove extremely useful on the battle field my knowledge with her survival skills and nature knowledge make her and I formidable foes on the battle field also her flying skills can prove to be very integral in certain situations and while I understand that she may not trust me due to my Fancy aperance I do still hope she won't judge my book by its cover because despite my fancyness and wealth I care about others deeply and I truly hope to become her friend however she seems very stubborn which may lead to her makeing pore choices reminds me of "someone" I know :dry:
:dry:: the girl is a bit too bouncy for my taste i admire her skills but she rubs me the wrong way her brother on the other hand reminds me of me calm quite collected and seeing how much technology is present here in the mega brawl he seems like a very powerful player also since hes able to breath fire that maybe a problem for me if he decides to get hostile other than that even though i like the kid he needs to toughen up and learn how to fight becuase if he gets sperated or has no team members becuause he cant communicate hes done for other than that seems nice.

And THAT my friends is what i think about these selected fighters i hope to see them on the battle field also your jokeing if you dont think im not going to endorse our team becuase all our opponents have just made a grave mistake faceing off against us also even if we dont win i would be happy if we made it to the top 3
:boo:: Oh Hush there's no garentee we will win but still I only hope for the best good luck to you all.

Bout of The Lich Yard Spirits
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Hey everyone, it's me, Toadette! Last year's Mega Brawl was just so exciting. It taught me a lot of really neat skills, and allowed me to get out of my comfort zone. I'm here to give you guys my thoughts on these new fighters, as well as Endorse one of the two new fighters us Car Wash employees entered.

Alongside Toadette here, you've also got me, Nitros Oxide! While my competitive spirit hasn't gone away quite yet, I'm clamoring to see what these new fighters will bring to the table. If the original brawl was like the first Smash Bros., this one's kinda like Melee, with lots more teams compared to individuals. Well, let's get started!

In 7th place, we have Cosmo Neko! I'm a very dedicated Shroom Reader myself, so it's always a delight to see what kinds of places Cosmo is travelling to! He's also quite smart, even if he's a little on the lazy side. Plus, he's a cat, so how could I not vote for him? He's just so cute!!

In 6th Place, we have The Bin Brothers! You know, cleanliness is an important asset around the Car Wash, so I think they'd keep the battlefield neat and tidy. They can not only clean up, but also make weapons out of old, broken materials. This is a really smart move, and their teamwork sets them apart from the others as well. A team of Three is a dream compared to a team of two!

In 5th place, we have Bunny Ditto! A shapeshifting fighter is always a delight to see, especially when a Pokemon like Ditto is involved! Her squishiness reminds me of my own slime form, and best of all, she can even mimic the appearance of other fighters, which I've started to learn thanks to help from Bubblun and Bobblun. So I hope she uses this ability to her advantage!

In 4th place, we have Polly Geist! Ghosts aren't fighters you'd usually see on the battlefield, so my spine is feeling just a little chilly right now. She seems like such a lively person, and her mastery of various weapons makes her moves hard to predict. She sneakster abilities are delightfully spooky as well, so I'll be keeping a steady eye on her when the competition comes around!

In 3rd Place, we have Wheezlie S. Puff and Timothy! I've heard about Charmy's adventures at Waluigi Time Amusement Park, and I think Wheezlie was an amazing teammate that helped him a lot. He brings a posh atmosphere to the table with his monocle and tophat, and his fighting skills are no slouch. Let's not count out Timothy! He may be of little words, but don't underestimate him. The best fighters are the ones that strike silently after all!

In 2nd Place, we have Satoru Fujinuma and Enby! Enby might look like your average plush rabbit, but much like Geno from Super Mario RPG, he's actually a star animating a doll. His memory is quite sharp, and his extensive knowledge of the universe is impressive. Satoru on the other hand, is resourceful with a strong determination to boot. He's also great at inspiring others to join his cause, when could help turn the tide when things get tough!

Finally, in 1st Place, we have the Mystery Fighter! It's so astonishing just seeing who this competitor really is, right? It could be anyone, to be honest. It just awes me so much. I must have answers! Who is this fighter? What are his or her intentions? What skills do they even have?! Am I losing my mind here or what?!

Calm down, Toadette. Take it easy for once in your life. I know you like everything in order, but sometimes a little fun can help people focus and realize perfection doesn't have to be at the forefront. Look at how much farther you survived compared to me last time, cutie. Sure, this mystery fighter might not seem like much at first glance, but I think they might just have what it takes to win, no matter who they really are!

That's right, Oxide. Man, ever since that last adventure with Shantae, I've started to lose sight of my goals. Of course, I have an amazing family and a wonderful crew of fellow employees, but that Trading Toad guy was a real fake! I should've never listened to him. But one thing I can rely on are my friends, and you're one of the best ones I've ever made!

Aw, thank you, Toadette! That was very sweet of you. There's only one last thing to do, and that's the endorsement. So, who are you thinking of giving an extra boost this year, cutie pie?

I think Klonoa and Huepow are deserving of it this time, Oxide. Not only are they reliable partners in battle, but their commitment to helping others is outstanding. I really want them to prevail in their efforts, so let's make this endorsement happen!

Well, there you have it everyone! I'm so glad to have shared our thoughts on these new fighters. To all the competitors, we wish you the best of luck on the battlefield this year. Practice often, and study your opponents diligently. And don't forget to Settle it in Smash when you need to. This is Nitros Oxide, signing out!

Thanks for listening to our placements, guys. We hope that every single one of them achieve their dreams, even if they don't manage to win the tournament. We'll be keeping watch over these competitors in the lead-up to the big day, so stay tuned. Be smart, and fight strong, everyone. This is Toadette, signing off for now!
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Hekki - 7 points
Dexy & Spooks - 6 points
Scaran - 5 points
Meldspar - 4 points
Bunny Ditto - 3 points
Polly Geist - 2 points
The Stallion - 1 point

Self-endorsement on Wexy, Vexy & Mixy, solving mysteries in their Winnebago.

Hekki. Gotta support my fellow ARKG characters. It's as simple as it gets. (No I will not be voting for Teller he's a fucking loser)

5. Wexlyn + Team. Partly for the same principle that Hekki worked on, partly because I am endlessly curious what 'Miguel' is. You can tell I'm out of touch and really need to get back into the forum games
4. Bunny Ditto was always Flygon's most visually interesting character in my opinion. Endorsing her in hopes of her getting more screentime y'know y'know
3. There are exactly two things I remember from Pokemafia: someone admitting they were mafia on day one, and Mizzlebip. Fun character.
2. Shia Laboeuf. I mean, come on. Absorbing dead fighters souls? Awesome. Also, this is technically a vote for one of my characters since Shia absorbed Leorio. We all remember Shia's iconic Leorio sucker punch from the climax of Chaos Nexus.

For my final selection, I gave ChatGPT the whole list, then asked it to pick the recipient of my #1 vote. Here is what it said.
Moistcritikal (Penguinz0):
Alright, so let's just get right into this. Fearless Fosdick—this guy, this absolute menace, would decimate anyone in this fight. Let me explain. He's like a parody of Dick Tracy, but this man just doesn't die. He's constantly getting blown up, shot, stabbed—just about anything you can imagine—and he just keeps going. He's the original meme of invincibility, like a Terminator if the Terminator were a bumbling idiot in a trench coat. Now, if we're talking about a "fight to the death," how are you going to kill someone who literally just refuses to die? Spoiler alert: you're not. And that's why he's going to body all the other fools in this fight. It's as simple as that. Some of these other characters? They don't even stand a chance, and honestly, I feel bad for them.

Nostalgia Critic:
WHAT?! Fearless Fosdick?! Are you kidding me?! This guy is like a bad joke that refuses to die—literally! He's supposed to be invincible, but come on, he's such a dork that he could barely tie his shoes without causing an explosion. Sure, he survives, but it's not because of skill or power—it's because he's so lucky it hurts! It's like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon where Bugs Bunny dodges bullets because of some kind of cosmic prank. If this was a real fight, all his opponents would just be rolling their eyes as he accidentally blows himself up—AGAIN.

Good Mythical Morning:
Okay, y'all, let's talk about Fearless Fosdick and why he's gonna win this "fight to the death." You know, Rhett and I were just talking about invincibility, and it really makes you think: Fosdick doesn't rely on brawn or brains, he's just... indestructible. And that's kind of fascinating, right? He's like that one flavor of Pop-Tarts that you keep eating even though it's not great, but it's always there, standing the test of time. That's Fosdick. Sure, you can throw all kinds of chaos his way, but he's still standing at the end, smiling like an idiot. Now, let's not forget that while we're talking about this, some of the other characters here are... kind of irrelevant? I mean, Klonoa and Huepow, seriously? But, hey, this isn't about them. We know who's gonna win.

TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA, LADS! LET'S TALK ABOUT OUR BOY FEARLESS FOSDICK! AHAHA, THIS GUY IS A BLOODY MAD LAD! YE CAN'T EVEN KILL HIM! He's out here just takin' bullet after bullet like he's eatin' breakfast cereal—just "nom nom nom, oh, was that supposed to hurt?!" The fight would be like watching someone trying to punch a cloud. Ya can't hit what just won't go down! AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE CRAZIEST PART! Fosdick is the definition of CHAOS, and chaos always wins! I don't care how tough anyone else is, they're just cannon fodder for this indestructible maniac. I'M HYPED!

Okay, hold up. Let's calm down for a second. So everyone's acting like Fearless Fosdick is some kind of unbeatable god, but let's break it down rationally. Is he invincible? Sure, but there's more to this. He's not just surviving because he's tough—he's surviving because, narratively, he *has* to. He's a gag character. If this were a real fight, we'd have to consider the psychological warfare here. I mean, Fosdick's a moron. He could get outsmarted, easily. What's stopping a character like Kay Faraday from just outwitting him and making him defeat himself? I'm not saying he's bad, but let's not kid ourselves—this isn't some kind of one-sided slaughter.

Hey, Vsauce, Michael here. What does it really mean to "win" in a fight to the death? If we define winning as surviving, then sure, Fearless Fosdick has an edge. But there's something deeper here. Fosdick's survival doesn't stem from raw power; rather, it emerges from a world governed by absurdity. In his universe, the laws of cause and effect are warped. He isn't bound by the same rules that characters like Miles "Tails" Prower or Pyrokles have to follow. This disconnect from reality makes him virtually unstoppable, but it also introduces an interesting paradox. What happens when a character who cannot die faces one who doesn't play by those same chaotic rules? Could the sheer unpredictability of the universe somehow realign itself against him? Probably not. In fact, mathematically speaking, Fosdick has the highest probability of success in this scenario.

Game Theory:
But is Fosdick really invincible? That's the question. What everyone else is missing is that Fearless Fosdick's entire existence depends on a satirical universe where everything is hyperbolic. His "immortality" isn't something inherent to him; it's a byproduct of his environment. Now, imagine if Fosdick was dropped into a more grounded, rules-based setting. Suddenly, all those slapstick antics might not save him anymore! It's like throwing Wile E. Coyote into The Hunger Games. His luck would run out fast. Now, take a character like MBKube or Monokuma from Danganronpa—these guys thrive in psychological battles. If Fosdick's goofy luck fails him, he's done. I'm telling you, it's not as cut and dry as everyone thinks. And this isn't just speculation—there's evidence in tons of cross-universe matchups! But hey, that's just a theory- AN MBMB THEORY!

Numbers don't lie. And let's just get down to the math of it all. Fosdick's survival rate in these situations is practically infinite. You see, in his universe, we observe that no matter how many times he's attacked, the probability of his survival remains 100%. If we compare this to, say, a regular human, who only has a finite number of ways to avoid death, the gap is astronomical. Imagine flipping a coin a billion times and getting heads every single time. Statistically, Fosdick's invincibility works like that. Sure, it's absurd, but absurdity doesn't make it any less real. The numbers back it up. If we calculate the survival rate of each character, Fosdick stands out as a statistical anomaly.

Scott the Woz:
Yeah, uh, what the hell is this mess? Fearless Fosdick? Really? I mean, sure, he's invincible, but let's not act like that makes him cool. The guy's just a walking punchline! Imagine being so bad at fighting that your only redeeming quality is not being able to die. Like, come on! It's like losing a game of Mario Kart because your controller just stops working—but hey, at least you didn't get blue-shelled, right? This whole fight is pointless because Fosdick winning isn't even a victory, it's just... existing. Everyone else might be stronger, faster, smarter—hell, even Banana Man would probably put up a better fight—but no, Fosdick just won't go away. It's like bad DLC that you can't uninstall. God, I need a new hobby.

Finally, I will be endorsing Satoru and Enby. I want to see the goats through to the end.
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The Sunshine Travel Guide

Written by: TheBlueCatMenace

Smashing Times in Brawlopolis

I know what you're thinking. Whoah, Cosmo. What the heck are you doing here?! This ain't the 'Shroom. Well I took a wrong turn on the way home and accidentally enrolled myself in some kind of fight thingy. I just hate it when that happens. Anyway, thought I'd take the chance to make some cash, by turning this area in to a travel destination! I'm sure no one will mind, heck, no one will even notice.


Well, the only thing going on around here is that battle thing, so I might as well show my support for some fighters.

7-Teller Vision + Some Hairy Guy

I like TV, I kind of like some people, put them together and you get something that I mostly like! Honestly, this guy rocks purple. I need to get myself a purple suit. Also there's that hairy guy tagging along with him. Yeah he seems cool.


I approve of this human. They just seem like the friendly type. This has nothing to do with the fact that I want food. I'm not trying to butter them up so they'll buy me cat food. Nooooo...

5-Pyrokles and the Gang

Gotta support fellow Fake News writers! This magician is the kind of guy to make your wallet disappear, then run as fast as he can. Then he's got his underling, who can back him up if things get tough. Then the explainer...can explain things, I guess.

4-Enby + Some Manga Artist

Woo! More walking talking animals! Though this one isn't actually an animal, are they... Oh well. They're still awesome! Also, I like manga so I must support this team.

3-Boo1268 + His underling

This is my buddy with the scary lawn, the eloquent Boo1268! Historian extraordinaire, he can probably use some of his vast knowledge to come up with unbeatable strategies. I guess his underling can do some of the menial labor, too.

2-Bin Brothers

Just when you thought it was safe to recycle, The Bin Brothers are here, and they're ready to take out the trash. Trust me, none of these fighters are rubbish. They've got some dangerous teamwork, and incredible powers. Don't chuck out these bins!

1-Box Guy

This is honestly the scariest man I have ever met. His powers are beyond comprehension. His dedication to his box is stronger than iron. He is on the level of Rick the Door Technician. No one stands a chance against him, not even me. I sincerely hope I never have to fight him.

Anyway those are the fighters who I like the most. I'm very excited to battle, and probably lose straight away. Anyway, a quick word from our sponsors.

A Word From Our Sponsors

*Jingle plays* Hello. My name is Voiceover Guy. I'm the guy you always here on television, raving about sales and stuff. I have come to endorse a fighter. I don't know why I am talking in such strange sentences. Anyway, let's look at the list of fighters I can endorse. *Extremely loud paper ruffling noises* Huh. It only says Cosmo. Alright then. I guess I'll endorse Cosmo. Bye for know. Probably forever. *Jingle plays*


Uh, sorry everyone, but it looks like I'll have to cut this short. I was looking at some paperwork about Brawlopolis, and it says in the fine print:

"This location may not be used as a travel destination.*"

"*This means you, Cosmo.**"

"**Yes, it is legally binding.***"

"***Yes, I wrote this in my own blood.****"

"****My pen ran out of ink.*****"

"*****Of course it hurt!"

So I unfortunately can't make any moolah while fighting. Sigh... Until the next issue of The 'Shroom...
1. The Stallion (7 points)
2. Meldspar the Treasurer (6 points)
3. Fearless Fosdick (5 points)
4. Teller Vision & Bhigwhig (4 points)
5. Donna Quiñones (3 points)
6. Miles "Tails" Prower (2 points)
7. Kooshigo & Koohitsu (1 point)
Endorse: Kay Faraday

With my fullest sympathies to the several runner-ups to this vote - the pool of submissions this time around is seriously amazing
1. Box Guy
2. Polly
3. Kooshigo/Koohitsu
4. Wexlyn/Victor/Michele
5. Scaran
6. Zhen and Mizzlebip
7. The Bin Brothers

Endorsement and justifications to come later.... ✨🔮🎲🎋🎊
So when do those justifications come in?
  1. Kay Faraday (+7)
  2. Boo1268 & Specter Striker (+6)
  3. MBKube (+5)
  4. Hekki (+4)
  5. Arle Nadja & Shmaisy (+3)
  6. The Bin Brothers (+2)
  7. Tuxedo Mask & Brock (+1)
Endorse: Polly

Before the Brawl begins, Polly takes a quick mental note of some of the combatants.

A guy in a mask... and Brock! One thing my "Killing Game" experience taught me is to never trust a guy with a mask! He could be the Silver Phanto for all I know!

And Brock is no joke either — I've heard he can use a frying pan as a drying pan! Only real masterclass chefs can make use of a technique like that. I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for him. Who knows what kind of trouble someone with his cooking experience can cause on the battlefield!


Polly once said:
Ghosts don't f- with vacuum cleaners. Have you ever played Luigi's Mansion???

Sucks To Be You- The Bin Brothers are each armed with two powerful vacuum arms that can suck up objects from two feet away - including fighters!


Shmaluigi's girlfriend! It's nice to see a familiar face in a competition like this! Seems like she's partnered up with a lil' ball of chaos. I wonder how they met?

If Shmaisy's cigarette smoke doesn't kill them first, I can see them being a real pain to deal with in a competition like this.

Woah, boo! I almost didn't see Hekki standing there! Seems she likes to slink into shadows similarly to myself.

Looks like she's sort of a trickster too. If we get into a prank off, there's no telling what could happen.


(No offense, Enby.) Oh, well. At least they're not forcing us to kill each other this time.


Ayyy, another ghost! He seems like a delightfully posh gent, doesn't he? It looks like he's able to use some magic with that scepter of his too.

Not a big fan of the way he and his skeleton friend are eyeing my cane at the moment, but I think we'll be able to get along just fine.

Kay Faraday, huh?
She reminds me of myself.

Somewhere in the fan viewing area, Scott Howl sits next to a fridge and holds a sign reading "GO POLLLIE!"


(I hope I spelled her name right.)
(Spelling is hard.)
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You're listening to GLDE-121.8, your one-stop shop for all your classic rock needs.


Yo, yo! What is up, up!? Welcome back to The Squawk Box. Looking like a lousy morning for all you out there crawling I-15. Some dolt's backed up Mushroom Bridge with a three-mile jam from an accident. But hey, hey, idling on the road means more kicking back with your favorite jams. Bossman hits you up for showing late? Caw-caw-call, call! I'll vouch for your traffic troubles.

But we'll play some of the best call-ins we get from your boss battles later in the hour. For now, let's crank up the energy with a Squawking Seven!

This time 'round, I've made a top seven list of the fightin' fools trying their luck in that Mega Brawl all of you've been buzzing about on the studio's Cheeper. Ask me, I think they're all nuts. They got what, over thirty of 'em? Yeah, good luck, luck, pals! I'd tell you "break a leg out there", but I'd bet there's someone already planning on breaking 'em for you!

Someone like my number seven pick, the grandmaster of despair himself, malicious malevolence wrapped in marketability, the one madman with the tendency to torture to come up with some personal strategy for bringing every other fighter in that arena down. That's right, we're kicking off the ground and taking off with #7: Izuru Kamukura... and some teddy bear or something he brought with him. Kid's got analytic abilities to take him places, that's for sure.

Moving right along, for a sixth pick, we've got ourselves a challenger who gives new meaning to "a stitch in time saves nine"! Hey, kid, you ever figure out how you got around to screwing with the timeline, slip me a tip, 'k, 'k? Coming back from death's pretty sweet. But seriously guys, one having free revives and the other being a battle-hardened star, #6 Satoru and Enby are gonna be tough to beat. Now, I'm kinda a lapsed worshipful, so I don't know where Stars stand on gambling - or how those time-fixer whatchits feel about it, for that matter - but if you've got dough to burn, these are the two to bet on.

But, hey, hey, that's not me giving you financial advice, got it? Legal'll be on my tail if you say otherwise, and I don't tangle with the law. I've had enough of running in with the popo, which is why I'm tossing #5: Fearless Fosdick up on the board next. You might be thinking "what's the big deal, that guy's the joke of the pigpen!". Which is what makes him so dangerous, duh! A real cop, cop!? They wanna act all tough and lord their badge over you, but they're the first to turn tail when real danger comes along. This guy? He'll shoot up half a city and have a mob on his tail and keep going. He thinks he's upholding the law no matter how he fumbles the ball, and a guy who doesn't know when to quit's the biggest danger there is.

Alright, alright, who's next? Let's see, number four, four? Oh! Whew, whew! Cancel the fight, we're already getting some action! Hey, Stephan, spin up a new mix for me! ♪ #4: Polly Geist has got it goin' on! ♪ Ah, yeah, I dig the cut of this chick's vibe. Profile says she's a battle-hardened bombshell, too. She's feisty and crafty, survived her way through that whole DeMorge incident, says here in her profile. Got some fights under her belt, huh? Something about some photographer creep and big DeMorge himself. She's got tenacity like that, that? And all those ghostly powers and big DeMorge's cane? Oh, man, you'd better watch out, out!

So cracking the top three, we got... Who's this Fancy Phantom, anyway? Ghost, got a sceptre, knows how to fight, is this guy Polly's uncle? Nah, I'm just fooling. There's no relation. Good thing, too. Would be pretty awk to fight with your uncle beside you. So, #3: Boo1268, he's gonna be hard to put down. Says his big weakness is magical spells and charms. I'm sure there'll be a few of those, but, come on, flying, turning invisible, he'll know how to keep away from threats! And he can hold his own in a scrap. Says online something about him tracking down some art thieves, or whatever, whatever. Beside, if he does get cornered, he's got that Dry Bones bud to hack and slash an escape route.

Number two, we've got this cool cat #2: Cosmo Neko. Man, Cosmo, you're out there living the dream. Getting paid to travel, how about you hit me up sometime and let me tag along? Anyway, they say cats always land on their feet, and that's the truth with my man Cosmo here. The world kicks him down, down, and he springs right back up, up, raring to go! Heck yeah, man! Stick it to fate! A lot like Fosdick, Cosmo's the kinda feline who never gives in and never gives up, but he's got more than heart - he's one of them espers. Sure, he doesn't know how to use it, but aren't we all just scraping by with what we've got? I'm telling you, they'll keep punting this cat away, but he'll just keep on crawling back to the end!

#1: Pyrokles, Kroop, and the Explainer! Dude, hooooh, what even is this guy? "Anti-logic"? Yeah, no, I don't muck with that. Dude sounds like he's a Greek philosopher, looks like he's the final boss of Wizard Tower's Adventure or some junk, and he's got a flaming skull with him. I'm telling you, I don't muck with that, and if you like your safety, you shouldn't either. Dude, what're you going to do when some flaming skull eats whatever magic you can throw at it and roasts you, before this mage dude is turning your bubble of reality inside out and some freakin' disembodied voice comes at the end of it all with the audacity to explain how you died? I'd never- I'd never show my face again, again! That's too much. I'd be like, "I'm out, peace". Oh, man, it's gonna be a magic - uh, anti-logic - show alright, seeing Pyrokles blow everyone up to smithereens!

There you have it, have it! You can mail a cut of the winnings right to the studio when you strike it rich betting Pyro, Pyro!
We've got to cut some endorsements in soon, so let me play you out before we hit the break. When we come back, Box Boss Battles, featuring your best submissions! Caw-caw-call in now!

#7: Monokuma and Izuru Kamukura
#6: Satoru and Enby
#5: Fearless Fosdick
#4: Polly Geist
#3: Boo1268 and Specter Striker
#2: Cosmo Neko
#1: Pyrokles, Kroop, and the Explainer.

Endorsement: Hekki
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In case you couldn't tell from the influx of votes, you have until the end of the day today to get them in!

...Hoo boy. What's with all the weirdos? Looks like a bunch of undocumented Anomalies too... What the hell are we getting into? We'd better not be lost - after that whole business showing up late to Trick Tower, you'd better not fuck me again on this, cat.


Negative. I can verify that there is a 99.8% chance that this is the correct location. The [MARIO BOARDS MEGA BRAWL 2] is our objective. A multiversal tournament in which all manner of entities are to compete for an unknown prize. Despite the high quantity of Anomalies present, this event itself has been classified as a RED-class Anomaly in and of itself and therefore we have been assigned with an exploratory mission with the aim of gaining information on the Anomalous event.


Wait, what? A tournament? Like, fighting? Dude, I have a GUN! That's it! Where the hell was this briefing before we left?

I deemed it unnecessary, as it does not meet the requirements for Major Hazardous Occurrences according to the Employee Handbook (pg. 51). There is no risk of death involved in this operation - though we may both perish in the tournament, previous testimony gathered by the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation indicates that death within the tournament simply results in a safe return to one's own world, though time will have passed since our entry.

Furthermore, we are not required to win, simply to gather information on the Anomalies and the greater Anomalous event in which they are engaged through basic combat experience.

...Alright. Not exactly filled with confidence here, but permadeath disabled is good news.

Uh... How about you give me... I dunno, some kinda preliminary scan? Biggest threats, shit to keep aware of, you know. We don't gotta win, but I'd prefer not to beef it right off the bat, you know what I mean?





It appears as though one of these entities is one relevant to your prior experience. BPI-TEMP-7: [The Fancy Phantom] appears to be a residual spirit featuring high Chaotic-type attunement allowing him to interface with the physical plane. Additionally, he is accompanied by a secondary apparition, a POSSESSOR-CLASS spirit bound to its former body. While this duo does not seem particularly threatening and lacks unexpected abilities, they possess prior military experience and are likely to utilize their inherent Anomalies capabilities in unexpected ways.


What, just a couple of ghosts? Eh, should be fine. Giving 'em a look-over though... they don't seem that bad. Maybe we can get 'em to help us out? The one in the hat's looking this way, maybe he endorses us?


I have also detected an Anomaly in the form of BPI-TEMP-6: [Ink Blot Girl]. While this Anomaly appears of be of an Occultic alignment, it seems to notably possess minor random Chaotic abilities not unlike BPI-2096 [GAME OF CHANCE]. With that in mind, she appears to have few abilities beyond these, disregarding her amorphous form. She has a close relationship with several of the other contestants, however, and could potentially serve as a high-risk threat in combat due to potential collaboration with these individuals. Exercise caution when able.


Yeah, good idea. Last thing I want is to get ganked by like 4 guys. What's up next?


BPI-TEMP-5: [Bearer of the Box] appears to be a-

What? No way, man... that's just a dude with a box.

While he appears to be on the outside, BPI-TEMP-5 is a high-risk Anomaly formerly associated with BPI-2101. Individual appears capable of several Chaotic abilities such as shapeshifting, psychokinetic abilities, and the power to spawn an unknown amount of boxes in the vicinity at will. While he is unlikely to cause an immediate problem, avoidance is still recommended unless otherwise occupied. He does not appear to have any form of defense if distracted.


...Additionally... while there may be a high concentration of Anomalies in the surrounding area, I have also detected several enemy agents who may pose a threat. I have assigned them a BPI-TEMP categorization as well to avoid confusion.

BPI-TEMP-4: [Agents 30 & 47] appear to both work for an agency known as the ICA. Specializing in both disguise and subtle assassination, there is a significant chance that they have been dispatched to this event in order to eliminate enemy agents for unknown reason. Furthermore, they are experienced in espionage in a generalized manner and it is possible that they will be able to analyze and exploit our weaknesses in combat.


Another duo, huh? Guess there's a lot of us. Well, these two guys... Just gotta stay the hell away from them. Nothing anomalous or worth giving a shit about, but fully capable of wiping us out if we piss 'em off. Yeah, that's a hard no. Anyone else to watch out for?


BPI-TEMP-3: [Temporal Agent] otherwise known by the moniker of "Donna Quiñones" poses a significant threat as well. Unlike the previous agents, BPI-TEMP-3 does appear to possess Anomalous abilities bestowed by her parent organization known as the "Temporal Committee". While her armor and weapon possess the usual defensive and offensive capabilities one would expect, it also allows for time travel, potentially resulting in conflicts with multiple iterations of the same individual. With that in mind, there are no recorded conflicts between our agencies.

...In a similar vein with regards to enhanced Anomalous equipment, I have detected a familiar presence.
BPI-TEMP-2: [Banana M-

Oh! Yeah, I remember this asshole! Back at the Trick Tower job... he's the reason we got stuck floating up in the sky! Man, I know I've been mashing the "Avoid" button pretty hard so far, but this guy? Nah, we're gonna beat his ass. I know we don't gotta win, but like hell am I gonna let this guy get anywhere!


Alright though. I don't give a shit about him. Whatever. What's our biggest threat? Give it to me straight.


That would be... BPI-TEMP-1: [Dubious Horse]. I have preemptively classified this Anomaly as PALE-class. Entity appears to display active malice towards other forms of life and strong Telluric and Stellaric signatures not unlike that of an Aberration or other major Esoteric distortion. It is likely that this entity serves as an avatar for a greater being (potentially multiple powerful entities) and its physical form seems to both ignore the established laws of physics while simultaneously being granted immense physical strength by the Thalassic esotera constituting half of its being.

Due to the restrictions of my programming, I am not certain which universe this Anomaly hails from, however I am certain that this Anomaly will bring a significant level of destruction to that world if left unimpeded. We are unlikely to survive an encounter with this being.


...Ugh... never liked horses. Even the regular ones. This one seems rough - we're gonna need all the help we can get, huh?

It is likely.

Yeah...figured that'd be the case. Alright then... let's see if this works.


I'm gonna ENDORSE MYSELF! Yeah, let's see how these bastards deal with a whole extra vote! Yeah, get bent - this is our game now, and you're gonna get what's coming to you!


...I do not believe that will have significant impact on our likelihood of winning.

#7 (1 vote) - The Fancy Phantom
#6 (2 votes) - Hekki
#5 (3 votes) - Box Guy
#4 (4 votes) - Agents 30 & 47
#3 (5 votes) - Donna Quiñones
#2 (6 votes) - Banana Man
#1 (7 votes) - Dubious Horse

ENDORSE: Dexter and Spooks

BD : "www, that's like Japanese "lol" or something."

D : "Sure, fine, laugh at me... whatever bro."


D : "Stop yelling at me...

BD : "Inaccurate?"

D : "Obnoxious."

BD : "Wrong obnoxious quirk, wan wan--that's not a laugh! Ugh!

D : "Even if it were the cat, I wouldn't shed a tear. I'm just too... exhausted."

BD : "Hey, I've been there. Listen, for whom does the bell toll?"

D : "It tolls for fucking no one anymore!"

BD : "It'll eventually dude, don't give up... what was the word?"


M : "Best left forgotten."

BD : "Hi, I was not expecting this, I am surprised."

M : "Cherish that feeling!"

BD : "Why?"

M : "Cuz it'll make it feel even worse when it's taken away from you!"

BD : "W-What the hell, who would want that--"

M : "I'd cherish that feeling so much..."

BD : "What feeling?!"

M : "Guess, c'mon, put that intuition to use for once! Now, now, we don't have all the time in the world."

BD : "Excuse me--"

M : "Bzzt! Wrong answer. I can't dismiss you quite yet, ya ditzy lagomorpher! You're clearly in desperate need of some teaching and you've got a teacher right here. I happened to hear you using some "Japanese" earlier, very lovely, let's make this interesting..."


M : "Say, for example, an unfortunate fate for you was predetermined... the emotion you would feel..."

M : "When sensing the vibrations of an echoing aching hole in your heart..."

M : "...See, some folks liking calling that zetsubō and some like calling it DESPAIR!"

M : "And those who just don't like the feeling at all? You'd best let me teach you to... or maybehaps the better word would be REMIND."

M : "Hehe, lectures aside... the takeaway here is to follow me and give up those hopes!"

BD : "No! That's... wrong."

M : "Nyo dat's-- I am so sick of that!"

BD : 'Why should we just give up like you! I get you've got the least votes but... That wasn't predetermined... Fate's a load of BS!"

M : "You really don't understand, huh? I suppose people like you only know what happens when it happens, my students always need to learn the hard way. Geez, it's totally hilarious yet totally frustrating!"

BD : "You're too sure of yourself, nobody cares about your doomer misfortune telling, we can make a change.

M : Hmm, I'm curious what's your next move?

BD : Voting, I guess.

M : Do people really care about your fortune telling? Huh, strange.

BD : Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you don't mind...

M : Heh, you better start thinking about what you're doing after. When you run out of moves, all you'll be able to do is flail.

BD : ...

M : Will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?

M : What's it gonna be?! What's it gonna be?!



I like their style.



Coo coo cryptid.



ARKG gang. Ultimate Despair can mess with'em.



Connections to Shmaluigi whom Ditto admired so there could be fun stuff to do with.



ARKG gang. Ultimate Despair can mess with'em.



KG antagonist squad.



Tellervision is Monokuma's archenemy, besides a certain really average student. They've got a very interesting dynamic I wish got explored more, a completely random opponent to entertain the Ultimate Analysts. In another world I think they'd get along but they both hold grudges against one another because of ARKG.

I'll endorse Bunny Ditto.

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Hello! Grandma and Grandpa Box here. We are so proud of our grandson. He has never shown anyone what is inside his box.

#1: Kooshigo & Koohitsu


#2: Dex & Spooks


#3: Polly Geist


#4: Zhen & Mizzlebip


#5: Quantum Five'


#6: Scaran


#7: Fearless Fosdick


We fully endorse our grandson. Knock 'em dead junior.
"Well, gentlemen. Once again, we are called upon to evaluate all those who stand before us."

"Heh heh! Don't worry, we won't be giving ourselves too much of a push. That'd be a conflict of interest!"

"Yes, we'll only provide an endorsement of the Quantum Five. You'll all need far more luck than you have to beat them."

"A hundred possibilities in each choice! How could you ever match that?"

"But enough of that. Let us study our opponents, and cast our votes!"

"Then I'll go first. For #7, Boo1268. A powerful ghost is one thing, with the ability to move around through stealth and to strike from the shadows. But then you add on the mighty lich. I believe they will crush half this field before they fall!"

"I get one vote too, right? Mine's going to #6, Box Guy! Whatever's in that box... well it's important to him. Very much so! And it's because of that I think he'll carry the day. I'm sure it's some kind of insane final scheme that'll blow everything up!"

"Foolish choice. Only certainty is good in a court of law, Crump. Which is why my vote goes to #5: Dexter and Spooks. Very little is uncertain about these two. They know what they're doing, and they know their limitations. They'll work their way through technicalities and bent truths, and claim the victory!"

"Once again, you ignore the superiority of machine. #4, MBKube, is a massive network of powerful machines all linked together to accomplish a single goal. They will, for a fact, be unstoppable. The core cube can be protected by the sacrifice of other cubes, the forms can take on most anything needed... it will be a glorious scene of mechanical violence!"

"I'm impressed at how you all overlook the obvious. The previous winner of the MBMB was chaotic. He was underestimated, yet rose to the top through dedication and strength. The same will be true of #3, Banana Man. He will be a force to be reckoned with, and bring a massive amount of overwhelming power. That's all someone needs to win!"

"Hey, if I can share my opinion?" says Tristan, the one-time host body of the Big Five. "I want to say that #2, Satoru and Enby will do this one. A slight amount of time juice can be a lot more useful. It's one thing to get caught up in your own time traveling like Donna will be, but Satoru has just enough to help him out of a tight jam, without being totally reliant on it. With Enby there to provide strength to the team, they'll make a run right to the end by redoing what they need to!"

"...Hmmm. That was not too idiotic. I'm impressed.

But, let us finish. The final collective vote of the Big Five... #1. Agents 47 and 30.

I trust you gentleman understand."

"Of course."

"Frankly, it's the obvious choice."

"Run the numbers and you can't cook up anything else!"

"Indeed, even the child can see it."

"H-huh? Oh! Yeah, sure, I completely agree!"

"There you have it. Our votes. Now, let us begin to arrange the proceedings!"
A booming voice echoes from beyond...

And that's TIME! HAAHOHAAHO! Voting is closed!

Well done, folks! You've beguiled fate, influenced destiny, built the battlefield on which stories will be told! Soon, your beloved Brawlers will be navigating our lovely city for a chance at fame, fortune, and bragging rights for all eternity! But first, but first, it's time to toss the dice, spin the wheel, and see who will come out on top as Lady Luck's lucky lover! Which combatant will be our NEW CHAMPION? Stay tuned to find out!

The MARIO BOARDS MEGA BRAWL 2 will be here before you know it! Ooo, I can't to see what unfolds!
and so with the voting now ending all the combatants patiently wait for the fight to commence who will be friends and who will eventually become foes? Well we just have to wait and see
This isnt offical but if Polly Geist, Specture Striker & Boo1268 joined together they would be known as
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