
Hello My Friends it is I Boo1268 The Fancy Phantom now you might be wondering why would a gentleman ghost like me be associated with a fighting tordament like this? Well the answer Is simple to have FUN listen I do enjoy a good spar from time to time and a nice round of fisticuffs with these fellows would be nice to test out my skills and besides I do LOVE the prospect of winning a tordament such as this since I was essentially left in the dust during the Hunger Games so I'm SHOOTING MY SHOT HERE! any who what do you got to say Specture?
:dry:: Yeah Yeah Boss I'm down for some fighting but let me guess are you gonna try and make friends with some of the fighters here?
:boo:: Yes Yes I am
:dry:: Great
7: Dexter Hexley & Spooks
A Fine pair of chaps that I would love to get to know more about I mean a REAL paranormal investigator? Sounds like a treat but we can't under estimate them they can be dangerous if things get out of hand especially that robot if it can slightly hurt us with its tazer that may spell trouble for us and since specture is essentially just bones that gun can prove to be a problem other than that I would love to help this man get his Ghost hunting career back on his feet.

:dry:: Any guy who says they can talk to ghosts with a spirit box is a hack job in my opinion.

6: Wheezlie S. Puff & Timothy
One looks like a selfish no good individual who seems more Prickly than a pokey and the other is Timothy a Spiny who reminds me of specture in many ways
Anywho I know this Wheezlie Lad might not seem so bad once I get to know him especially since he's a member of highclass society but then again these type of people are always such stuck ups and while I do hope that is not the case I get a bad feeling from this guy his cohort however seems like a much more interesting individual and I would love to get to know him more

:dry:: I don't trust both of them but the Spiny guy seems fine I guess.

5: Pyrokles, Kroop, & Explainer
First off I would like to say anybody who claims they don't use magic while actively useing magic are just plain lairs this Pyro individual is a dark Mage if I've ever seen one then again it's always good to see another representative of Undead magic but I will say that voice that follows them around is quite annoying and I would love to sit down and get to know Kroop More maybe he left his body in the lich yard? I could help him find it other than that Pyros Magic abilities are outstanding being able to transform summon fire and all sorts of wacky spell at WILL! And his fire may prove dangerous if he aims it at Specture and he may have some spells he can use on ME but I doubt his powers can reach that far especially since it seems his spells always backfire.

:dry:: Hey Nice Flaiming Skull My guy i like your style maybe after this is over we bone boys can take a night on the town but if you try hitting me with that fire just remember my scythe can harm mortals and spirits so don't try it (also how are you not buring into ashes my guy? Like how does that work?)

4: Kay Faraday
Such a LIVELY individual who probably has many storys to tell her Speedyness and skills could prove useful during the Brawl and I admire her drive to seek the truth and what better way to find it than to look at some history! and if she needs help I will provide my extensive knowledge I would love to have a spot of tea with her sometime however her hot headedness may be her downfall her gadgets may prove helpful however I don't know how
:dry::She's Weak can Barely Fight and if someone gets the drop on her she's done for.

3: Cosmo Neko
Ah yes my old pal Cosmo I still remember the time when they entered my lich yard and met specture for the first time anywho power wise I don't know much about cosmo it seems as if they are just any regular cat that can talk and shape shift a bit however this "Good Luck" Aura that surrounds them may prove helpful with defeating foes but if the time comes when Cosmo must fight me well I may have to flee for the time being
:dry:: this guy is very agile smart and if it comes down to it those claw HURT but other than that despite his book smarts he's as dumb as a brick also he has a unknown Achilles heel Catnip.

2: Polly Geist
OH MY ANOTHER SPIRIT Here of all places how wonderful! She seems quite friendly I wonder how she died? Maybe shes inhabitant of the lich yard? does she like tea? We're did she get that Cane? Can i have one? SO MANY QUESTIONS! I would love to get to know her however if she decides to turn to violence My Dark Moon Scepture Can always "influence" her or Specture can take care of her but I truly hope I doesn't come to that however her mysterious Cane may prove to be a problem.

:dry: : Nice Another Ghost and she's just as friendly as boo if i have to fight her the cane will be the main problem but without it shes easy pickings especially since my blade harms both mortals and spirits but i dought it will come down to that also I think she's very hot UM NEVERMIND FORGET I SAID THAT I MEANT HARD HARD TO SNEAK UP ON!

1: Kooshigo & Koohitsu
The Quiet one I don't know much about so let me just talk about this young lass! Koohitsu is very energetic I love her personality and her willingness to expose scummy businesses if there's nothing that I hate more than rude people it's scummy business Tycoons she reminds me of me quite a bit! And even though I perfer the indoors I always LOVE going on out door adventures and her skills could prove extremely useful on the battle field my knowledge with her survival skills and nature knowledge make her and I formidable foes on the battle field also her flying skills can prove to be very integral in certain situations and while I understand that she may not trust me due to my Fancy aperance I do still hope she won't judge my book by its cover because despite my fancyness and wealth I care about others deeply and I truly hope to become her friend however she seems very stubborn which may lead to her makeing pore choices reminds me of "someone" I know :dry:
:dry:: the girl is a bit too bouncy for my taste i admire her skills but she rubs me the wrong way her brother on the other hand reminds me of me calm quite collected and seeing how much technology is present here in the mega brawl he seems like a very powerful player also since hes able to breath fire that maybe a problem for me if he decides to get hostile other than that even though i like the kid he needs to toughen up and learn how to fight becuase if he gets sperated or has no team members becuause he cant communicate hes done for other than that seems nice.

And THAT my friends is what i think about these selected fighters i hope to see them on the battle field also your jokeing if you dont think im not going to endorse our team becuase all our opponents have just made a grave mistake faceing off against us also even if we dont win i would be happy if we made it to the top 3
:boo:: Oh Hush there's no garentee we will win but still I only hope for the best good luck to you all.

Bout of The Lich Yard Spirits
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Hey everyone, it's me, Toadette! Last year's Mega Brawl was just so exciting. It taught me a lot of really neat skills, and allowed me to get out of my comfort zone. I'm here to give you guys my thoughts on these new fighters, as well as Endorse one of the two new fighters us Car Wash employees entered.

Alongside Toadette here, you've also got me, Nitros Oxide! While my competitive spirit hasn't gone away quite yet, I'm clamoring to see what these new fighters will bring to the table. If the original brawl was like the first Smash Bros., this one's kinda like Melee, with lots more teams compared to individuals. Well, let's get started!

In 7th place, we have Cosmo Neko! I'm a very dedicated Shroom Reader myself, so it's always a delight to see what kinds of places Cosmo is travelling to! He's also quite smart, even if he's a little on the lazy side. Plus, he's a cat, so how could I not vote him for him? He's just so cute!!

In 6th Place, we have The Bin Brothers! You know, cleanliness is an important asset around the Car Wash, so I think they'd keep the battlefield neat and tidy. They can not only clean up, but also make weapons out of old, broken materials. This is a really smart move, and their teamwork sets them apart from the others as well. A team of Three is a dream compared to a team of two!

In 5th place, we have Bunny Ditto! A shapeshifting fighter is always a delight to see, especially when a Pokemon like Ditto is involved! Her squishiness reminds me of my own slime form, and best of all, she can even mimic the appearance of other fighters, which I've started to learn thanks to help from Bubblun and Bobblun. So I hope she uses this ability to her advantage!

In 4th place, we have Polly Geist! Ghosts aren't fighters you'd usually see on the battlefield, so my spine is feeling just a little chilly right now. She seems like such a lively person, and her mastery of various weapons makes her moves hard to predict. She sneakster abilities are delightfully spooky as well, so I'll be keeping a steady eye on her when the competition comes around!

In 3rd Place, we have Wheezlie S. Puff and Timothy! I've heard about Charmy's adventures at Waluigi Time Amusement Park, and I think Wheezlie was an amazing teammate that helped him a lot. He brings a posh atmosphere to the table with his monocle and tophot, and his fighting skills are no slouch. Let's not count out Timothy! He may be of little words, but don't underestimate him. The best fighters are the ones that strike silently after all!

In 2nd Place, we have Satoru Fujinuma and Enby! Enby might look like your average plush rabbit, but much like Geno from Super Mario RPG, he's actually a star animating a doll. His memory is quite sharp, and his extensive knowledge of the universe is impressive. Satoru on the other hand, is resourceful with a strong determination to boot. He's also great at inspiring others to join his cause, when could help turn the tide when things get tough!

Finally, in 1st Place, we have the Mystery Fighter! It's so astonishing just seeing who this competitor really is, right? It could be anyone, to be honest. It just awes me so much. I must have answers! Who is this fighter? What are his or her intentions? What skills do they even have?! Am I losing my mind here or what?!

Calm down, Toadette. Take it easy for once in your life. I know you like everything in order, but sometimes a little fun can help people focus and realize perfection doesn't have to be at the forefront. Look at how much farther you survived compared to me last time, cutie. Sure, this mystery fighter might not seem like much at first glance, but I think they might just have what it takes to win, no matter who they really are!

That's right, Oxide. Man, ever since that last adventure with Shantae, I've started to lose sight of my goals. Of course, I have an amazing family and a wonderful crew of fellow employees, but that Trading Toad guy was a real fake! I should've never listened to him. But one thing I can rely on are my friends, and you're one of the best ones I've ever made!

Aw, thank you, Toadette! That was very sweet of you. There's only one last thing to do, and that's the endorsement. So, who are you thinking of giving an extra boost this year, cutie pie?

I think Klonoa and Huepow are deserving of it this time, Oxide. Not only are they reliable partners in battle, but their commitment to helping others is outstanding. I really want them to prevail in their efforts, so let's make this endorsement happen!

Well, there you have it everyone! I'm so glad to have shared our thoughts on these new fighters. To all the competitors, we wish you the best of luck on the battlefield this year. Practice often, and study your opponents diligently. And don't forget to Settle it in Smash when you need to. This is Nitros Oxide, signing out!

Thanks for listening to our placements, guys. We hope that every single one of them achieve their dreams, even if they don't manage to win the tournament. We'll be keeping watch over these competitors in the lead-up to the big day, so stay tuned. Be smart, and fight strong, everyone. This is Toadette, signing off for now!
Hekki - 7 points
Dexy & Spooks - 6 points
Scaran - 5 points
Meldspar - 4 points
Bunny Ditto - 3 points
Polly Geist - 2 points
The Stallion - 1 point

Self-endorsement on Wexy, Vexy & Mixy, solving mysteries in their Winnebago.

Hekki. Gotta support my fellow ARKG characters. It's as simple as it gets. (No I will not be voting for Teller he's a fucking loser)

5. Wexlyn + Team. Partly for the same principle that Hekki worked on, partly because I am endlessly curious what 'Miguel' is. You can tell I'm out of touch and really need to get back into the forum games
4. Bunny Ditto was always Flygon's most visually interesting character in my opinion. Endorsing her in hopes of her getting more screentime y'know y'know
3. There are exactly two things I remember from Pokemafia: someone admitting they were mafia on day one, and Mizzlebip. Fun character.
2. Shia Laboeuf. I mean, come on. Absorbing dead fighters souls? Awesome. Also, this is technically a vote for one of my characters since Shia absorbed Leorio. We all remember Shia's iconic Leorio sucker punch from the climax of Chaos Nexus.

For my final selection, I gave ChatGPT the whole list, then asked it to pick the recipient of my #1 endorsement. Here is what it said.
Moistcritikal (Penguinz0):
Alright, so let's just get right into this. Fearless Fosdick—this guy, this absolute menace, would decimate anyone in this fight. Let me explain. He's like a parody of Dick Tracy, but this man just doesn't die. He's constantly getting blown up, shot, stabbed—just about anything you can imagine—and he just keeps going. He's the original meme of invincibility, like a Terminator if the Terminator were a bumbling idiot in a trench coat. Now, if we're talking about a "fight to the death," how are you going to kill someone who literally just refuses to die? Spoiler alert: you're not. And that's why he's going to body all the other fools in this fight. It's as simple as that. Some of these other characters? They don't even stand a chance, and honestly, I feel bad for them.

Nostalgia Critic:
WHAT?! Fearless Fosdick?! Are you kidding me?! This guy is like a bad joke that refuses to die—literally! He's supposed to be invincible, but come on, he's such a dork that he could barely tie his shoes without causing an explosion. Sure, he survives, but it's not because of skill or power—it's because he's so lucky it hurts! It's like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon where Bugs Bunny dodges bullets because of some kind of cosmic prank. If this was a real fight, all his opponents would just be rolling their eyes as he accidentally blows himself up—AGAIN.

Good Mythical Morning:
Okay, y'all, let's talk about Fearless Fosdick and why he's gonna win this "fight to the death." You know, Rhett and I were just talking about invincibility, and it really makes you think: Fosdick doesn't rely on brawn or brains, he's just... indestructible. And that's kind of fascinating, right? He's like that one flavor of Pop-Tarts that you keep eating even though it's not great, but it's always there, standing the test of time. That's Fosdick. Sure, you can throw all kinds of chaos his way, but he's still standing at the end, smiling like an idiot. Now, let's not forget that while we're talking about this, some of the other characters here are... kind of irrelevant? I mean, Klonoa and Huepow, seriously? But, hey, this isn't about them. We know who's gonna win.

TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA, LADS! LET'S TALK ABOUT OUR BOY FEARLESS FOSDICK! AHAHA, THIS GUY IS A BLOODY MAD LAD! YE CAN'T EVEN KILL HIM! He's out here just takin' bullet after bullet like he's eatin' breakfast cereal—just "nom nom nom, oh, was that supposed to hurt?!" The fight would be like watching someone trying to punch a cloud. Ya can't hit what just won't go down! AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE CRAZIEST PART! Fosdick is the definition of CHAOS, and chaos always wins! I don't care how tough anyone else is, they're just cannon fodder for this indestructible maniac. I'M HYPED!

Okay, hold up. Let's calm down for a second. So everyone's acting like Fearless Fosdick is some kind of unbeatable god, but let's break it down rationally. Is he invincible? Sure, but there's more to this. He's not just surviving because he's tough—he's surviving because, narratively, he *has* to. He's a gag character. If this were a real fight, we'd have to consider the psychological warfare here. I mean, Fosdick's a moron. He could get outsmarted, easily. What's stopping a character like Kay Faraday from just outwitting him and making him defeat himself? I'm not saying he's bad, but let's not kid ourselves—this isn't some kind of one-sided slaughter.

Hey, Vsauce, Michael here. What does it really mean to "win" in a fight to the death? If we define winning as surviving, then sure, Fearless Fosdick has an edge. But there's something deeper here. Fosdick's survival doesn't stem from raw power; rather, it emerges from a world governed by absurdity. In his universe, the laws of cause and effect are warped. He isn't bound by the same rules that characters like Miles "Tails" Prower or Pyrokles have to follow. This disconnect from reality makes him virtually unstoppable, but it also introduces an interesting paradox. What happens when a character who cannot die faces one who doesn't play by those same chaotic rules? Could the sheer unpredictability of the universe somehow realign itself against him? Probably not. In fact, mathematically speaking, Fosdick has the highest probability of success in this scenario.

Game Theory:
But is Fosdick really invincible? That's the question. What everyone else is missing is that Fearless Fosdick's entire existence depends on a satirical universe where everything is hyperbolic. His "immortality" isn't something inherent to him; it's a byproduct of his environment. Now, imagine if Fosdick was dropped into a more grounded, rules-based setting. Suddenly, all those slapstick antics might not save him anymore! It's like throwing Wile E. Coyote into The Hunger Games. His luck would run out fast. Now, take a character like MBKube or Monokuma from Danganronpa—these guys thrive in psychological battles. If Fosdick's goofy luck fails him, he's done. I'm telling you, it's not as cut and dry as everyone thinks. And this isn't just speculation—there's evidence in tons of cross-universe matchups! But hey, that's just a theory- AN MBMB THEORY!

Numbers don't lie. And let's just get down to the math of it all. Fosdick's survival rate in these situations is practically infinite. You see, in his universe, we observe that no matter how many times he's attacked, the probability of his survival remains 100%. If we compare this to, say, a regular human, who only has a finite number of ways to avoid death, the gap is astronomical. Imagine flipping a coin a billion times and getting heads every single time. Statistically, Fosdick's invincibility works like that. Sure, it's absurd, but absurdity doesn't make it any less real. The numbers back it up. If we calculate the survival rate of each character, Fosdick stands out as a statistical anomaly.

Scott the Woz:
Yeah, uh, what the hell is this mess? Fearless Fosdick? Really? I mean, sure, he's invincible, but let's not act like that makes him cool. The guy's just a walking punchline! Imagine being so bad at fighting that your only redeeming quality is not being able to die. Like, come on! It's like losing a game of Mario Kart because your controller just stops working—but hey, at least you didn't get blue-shelled, right? This whole fight is pointless because Fosdick winning isn't even a victory, it's just... existing. Everyone else might be stronger, faster, smarter—hell, even Banana Man would probably put up a better fight—but no, Fosdick just won't go away. It's like bad DLC that you can't uninstall. God, I need a new hobby.

Finally, I will be endorsing Satoru and Enby. I want to see the goats through to the end.