1. They make it extremely hot. In the middle of October.
2. They exacerbate wildfire conditions.
3. They blow the extremely loud sounds of construction at 1:00 AM in the morning towards our direction
Something felt deeply right with the world when I looked up the first name in Kreed: BFS's credit and found he later worked on the also-fps, also-jank, also-hilarious Exodus from the Earth.
If you and @Mario's Painting find Kreed so hysterial, you're gonna *love* this
*in the middle of working on something difficult and time-consuming*
One person: Can you explain to me the bone limit?
Another person: Can you record a video for me?
Some person: Can you rig Marie over Inkling for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
A Dude: Can you help me teach how to model import?
A User: hey could u help me with reggie?
Another guy: Hey I downloaded the Switch sdk do you know of any tutorials online on how to use it to create mods or could you post a quick tutorial.
One of my IRL friends: Can you make an animation of weight lifting?
Me: *breaks under pressure when trying help all of the above out in addition to working on the project*
I was considering taking a break from MarioWiki but there was a mod on the Super Mario Odyssey Modding Discord that pretty much forced me to post something here.