E. C. Koopa
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  • Writing is a fun hobby because instead of "rules for thee but not for me" it's more like "rules for me and not for thee." The number of arbitrary rules I love to impose on myself would look absolutely ridiculous if it were to be put into a numbered list but everyone else's writing? Just have fun, it's a creative hobby.
    "I would buy Swiffer WetJets to this song." -a real thing I said earlier
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    I have this thing where I accidentally say Swiffer SweatJet whenever I intend to say Swiffer WetJet due to that being a joke I made as a kid, so that's literally how i read your post. Anyway, depending on the bpm of your song, that's probably a lot of WetJets.
    I've returned from a week full of the most godawful luck ever. I'm hoping my mental health keeps getting better from here now that I've cut my mom out of my life and I'm close to starting my transition.
    Just wanted to give a bit of an update - yesterday when I said I needed some time, I was still dealing with the emotional hurt that came from my mom's transphobic speech toward me a couple weeks ago. I'm still working through that so I'm going to need some more time, but today I spent an hour and 42 minutes on the phone with my dad today and we both agreed that it's for the best that I finally cut my mom off. I was surprised he was so willing to accept that outcome, but he told me he would support me in whatever I chose to do and understood that my mom has done nothing but cause problems for me over the last several years. Knowing that I have his support is going to help me a lot in processing everything and I'm already in a lot better mental state than I was yesterday.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    Do you have a specific plan to cut your mom off? Either way I hope the best for you. Being able to finally seamlessly cut off someone who has caused one a lot of pain is always very empowering, speaking from experience.
    I'm still feeling really hurt from my mom's rant from a couple weeks ago. It's genuinely affected my mental health to the point that I've had to start more frequent therapy. Think I'm going to need to take some time to try to heal.
    My writing mojo has been totally gone lately so I'm thinking of going over to campus and spending a few hours at the library so I can get some writing done. I'd go to the building I usually write in but the air conditioning there is awful to the point that I nearly passed out there once so I think the library is a better idea.
    There's nothing more inspiring than some good old fashioned air conditioning
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    I can relate on the writing troubles, Natalie. I've been dealing with severe writer's block as of late, and I just struggle to find the inspiration and motivation to write anything. And I have no idea how I'm going to regain that inspiration and motivation.
    Last night I dreamed that after my ex made me miss my counseling appointment today, I came here to a metric ton of messages from one of the mods telling me I had to roleplay as Diddy Kong. I told them I couldn't do it because I was going through mental health issues.
    "It tastes like Stop and Shop." -something I just said, because apparently tastes can make me think of grocery stores now
    Each store tends to have a distinct smell as well. One whiff of an item and I can tell whether it came from Walmart, any specific dollar store, a thrift shop, Save a Lot, Hannaford, or elsewhere.
    By any chance, did you eat a Banjo-Tooie cartridge and then very quickly eat a Banjo-Kazooie cartridge?
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    @Doctor Bowser I get that but I've just never had it happen with tastes before. Grocery stores definitely all have unique smells but it reminded me a little of how one of my friends has colors associated with letters.
    Dream me had a chance to meet one of my favorite YouTubers but then real me botched it by burning a song into my head and making me go crazy.
    My mom decided to leave me on a transphobic rant until next time I see her in December.

    I don't think she'll be seeing in me in December.
    I will never complain about a good dream being disappointing ever again. I forgot about the misery of anxiety nightmares.
    Do you think there's such a thing as like, a calculator that markets itself as AI? AI has become such a stupid corporate marketing buzz word that any program more complicated than Hello World is "AI" now so I wouldn't be surprised.
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    That reminds me of that scam I was messing around with yesterday. Basically, they were marketing themselves as an AI "service" or "program" that... makes millions of dollars for you via its unlimited knowledge? I assume that they scam a lot of older people who really aren't aware of what AI is and have only heard of it as a buzzword.
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I'm not in the field of media production but I want to make a "trailer" for an AI phone where all the AI features are clearly useless and don't work. It asks you a bunch of intrusive questions, gives you blatantly wrong information, gives you recommendations you didn't ask for, that kind of thing. I feel like there's enough gullible AI bros who wouldn't get the joke.
    A couple days ago I complained about the frustrating dreams I've been having about bowling and then last night, I have another one. Can I stop having dreams that remind me how boring real life actually is?
    I sure am having an actual serious discussion with my dad about what a golden limousine would cost.
    There have been some big rivalries in the past; cats and dogs, democrats and republicans, Seinfeld and Newman, etc. But allow me to propose one of the greatest rivalries that no one ever talks about: night owls and lawn mowers.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    They work their loud shit every Monday morning and I hate it. Got disrupted at like 7:30 in the morning because of it.
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