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  • It's so trippy to see the exact town that I'll hopefully be going to college in next year in the news and trending on Twitter.
    Maybe it's just that I'm not logged in but since when has there been ads on the wiki that take up like a quarter of the screen and have X buttons that do nothing?
    Speaking of ads, has anyone else on the boards got those things with ads that appear at the bottom or top of the page with the arrow to put it down? It's really annoying to me.
    Yes, I have.
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    yay somebody else thinks their annoying 😍

    If something could be done about those, that would be great!
    I used to think the concept of kinning was weird and kinda cringy. Oops, I guess.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Well I used to think furries were fun to mock, as well as crossdressing and gay marriage (but never wanted to take away rights, just thought it was amusing), but now it's just acceptance and more of appreciation of human diversity.
    I'm the lil bro.
    I'm the lil bro.
    Cringe culture is dying and I for one welcome its demise.
    Is anyone else's internal clock just constantly one day off? I swear I'm always thinking it's the day after whatever day it actually is.
    Well, I haven't had a good sleeping schedule for a decade so I guess
    Someone help me settle a debate I'm having with my boyfriend: Is this a smile?
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    It looks like a curt smile
    .....eeeehhhh???????????? idk
    What do you think happens in the video game world when you hit the pause button? Does nothing happen? Does the world completely freeze?
    I could list every dumb thing my mom does in a single day and post it to r/mildlyinfuriating if I wanted to.
    I can't decide if I want to use any pronouns or if I want to just be he/him for a while.
    I like using Luigi as my name. Identity is really weird but experimenting is fun and I've been enjoying being Luigi.
    I taught myself DT cannon and then couldn't use it in the four matches I played after.
    I could go on at least an hour long rant about the horrible identity crisis I've been having for a while but at the risk of sounding like a fucking weirdo, I'm not going to do that and I'll probably just take a social media break until I'm ready to talk about it with people.
    if you want you can rant to me whenever you want, i promise i will listen and you do not need to fear me judging you
    Cool. My mom forced me on to some far right stupid phone carrier and then broke the back of my phone replacing the SIM card.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    that sounds like an absolutely secure phone carrier
    The service isn't even good so I'm talking to my dad about either getting on his plan with my uncle or getting on my own plan.
    Cool. Never heard of that.
    Sometimes I'm a little embarrassed to be such a sucker for anything with Mario (or, more accurately to my tastes, Luigi) on it, but then I remember that there are people on here who are 5-10 years older than me and just as proud fans as I am.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    That's super sweet. Great to hear that from you. 💕 Stay pretty.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I'm 26 with a full time job as a cashier with plenty of people complimenting my Baby Luigi necklace I wear, trust me, it's the cool thing to do.
    I wore my Mario and Luigi hoodie out to get my hair cut yesterday and I felt fine about it after a while.
    Am I allowed to be upset at my boyfriend for sleeping this late when I have plans that he's supposed to come to?
    Eh, sorta? Yes, it's disappointing but he's just a human, and we all screw up. Be willing to hear his side of it, and don't let it ruin your evening.
    I was only as upset as I was because he still wasn't up yet and we had plans in less than an hour, and I really needed to know if he would be able to make it to them. I'm mostly calmed down now though. I'm more just pissed that he said he would wake up at noon and woke up at 6:15.
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    Some law firm in Texas has been calling me for almost a year about a claim that belongs to someone else, is the only way to get them off me to call them and say it isn't me?
    Texans are weird.

    Wait a minute...
    • Thinking
    Reactions: Flowey
    yeah, i think at this point just call, say you got the wrong guy, and then it's their problem
    Ugh. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to make a phone call since they give me horrible anxiety but I guess it's the only way to get them to stop.
    Wouldn't you know it, I actually took enough naps that I woke up just before it started to get dark.
    Merry December, I'm going to go back to bed and start sleeping through the daylight for the rest of the month whenever I can.
    I'm already a night owl as it is but my sleep schedule has been turbo fucked for a couple weeks after I was forced into an all nighter by a medical scare. So now I've been falling asleep around 7:30 AM.
    so it's not something you've actively tried to make the case, do i understand right?
    i was just wondering because your profile post made it seem like you're trying to be nocturnal
    would you consider trying to go back to being diurnal?
    i'm a university student so on some days I HAVE to be awake to make it to my 9.00AM lectures (luckily i only need to walk for like 15 minutes to get there but i still need time to dress and ideally have something to eat too)
    I'm in college too but all my assignments are online and aren't at specific times so maybe I'll try to fix my sleep schedule soon. It seems like every time I try to, it doesn't really work. I only see myself needing to fix it when I move away and get a job but that's a couple months away. As for right now, having a somewhat nocturnal sleep schedule is working fine for me.
    Just read that Barbados is getting rid of the queen as head of state in November 30. I guess that's in a couple weeks, I think to myself.


    That's tomorrow. Does time even exist anymore?
    • Wow
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    If you want to help with the feeling that time is passing really quickly, you can try changing up your routine regularly. Take a different path through your workplace, have different stuff for breakfast, watch a movie occasionally, etc.
    If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone with a Mario sona change to having a Splatoon sona, I would have three nickels but it's still weird that it's happened with three completely unrelated people.
    I sure do love that a 25 year old is dating and potentially grooming a 17 year old friend of mine and I can't say anything about it because everyone likes the older guy and hates me for not liking him.
    "everyone just seems okay with it somehow" try bringing up the question in private

    the situation earlier this year happened in part because people assumed things were isolated/not that bad until everyone cross-referenced and realized oh, this is very bad, and promptly acted
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    Per Reko, plus I will also add that why people assume things aren't as bad as they actually are, like with Lord Bowser earlier this year up until his facade broke really quickly when people started cross-referencing, is that the victims who are subjects of things like grooming are often too scared to say anything because they're terrified everyone will say "YOU'RE PATHETIC, THE ONLY THING MORE PATHETIC THAN THAT PERSON DOING THAT TO YOU, IS YOU BECAUSE YOU COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT" which unfortunately some people will respond with in real life. Araceli, your friend might even be feeling uncomfortable about the 25-year-old's behavior towards her but is too terrified to say anything because she's worried those people will be assholes to her about it. But what's important to realize is that people who will respond to one's problems by leaping down their throat like that deserve to SHUT UP, and BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.
    I would give more details but for one, there's some things I'm not really comfortable sharing publicly and I'm also trying to work through the anxiety of potentially risking losing a good majority of my already small friend group over this. It's really stupid that that's even a possibility but it's the situation anyway. I'd be okay sharing more in Discord but as for right now, I don't know how much I want to share in a public space like this.
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