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  • What idiot called it the ozone hole instead of the nozone?
    Are you telling me that I can't know if there's still a unit available in the building I want to move into because my boyfriend doesn't have a hair dryer? What is going on with my life?
    I love how people think Charles Martinet as Mario and Luigi would get annoying in a feature film when, I can see why people might think Mario is a little grating but Luigi's voice is perfectly normal.
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    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    Anyone who believes that, check this out.
    @zelen !! I literally thought of that exact thing last night, Mario is perfectly capable of speaking in normal sentences without it being annoying.
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    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Also people act like Mario is going to straight up read from a book for an hour. There's going to be breaks in the movie for several minutes where you don't have to hear him. If you can tolerate intervals of him talking like in the video, you'll be fine.

    Speaking of which, I'd be down for an audio book of Mario talking for a horror novel

    Also my ear canals are melted; lol Mario in my Smash Bros won't shut the hell up and I can recite every word of his lines, that's my experience of prolonged exposure. Watch: Mario's dair: "OOH MAMA MIA IT LOOKS LIKE THE LETTERS ARE ALREADY POURING IN. HAHA. YOU'RE AMAZING!"

    Oh and finally I feel the Sports Mix one is the most exaggerated of the accents but try listening to the Nintendo World stuff and the "Mario disses Sony at E3"; the accents are usually toned down in unscripted conversation.
    The Japanese Game Boy and the American release of This Time I Know It's for Real by Donna Summer share a birthday on April 21, 1989.
    I take back any comments I said earlier about me saying something dumb because I just sent a message to one of my Discord friends that just said "Neither the show."
    Okay but if Charles Martinet is somehow involved with the movie, why is Chris fucking Pratt the voice of Mario and not, you know, the voice of Mario for the past 25 years?

    Jack Black as Bowser could work really though. I think he'll end up carrying the whole thing.
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    Reactions: Uniju
    can't believe I just said
    way to go, jayden
    Have faith in Chris.
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    Reactions: Flowey
    It would be so cool to have a superpower that let you travel to alternate timelines and alternate universes. Like, I can just imagine going to another timeline where I go on a game show from the 70s or the 80s. Or a timeline where I'm a trans guy instead of a trans girl. Or one where I can draw but not write.
    I have an entire sort mod for Wii Party U planned out but I can't make it because some moron at ND Cube made the Mii data file inaccessible.
    I was going to write my marketing paper today but I'm depressed so I think I'll do my writing assignment instead. Writing is my favorite and easiest class so it should be fine.
    I want to get into the Super Monkey Ball 2 modding scene but I hate 3D modeling, would anyone want to help me out with that?
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    What kind of environment do you want to make? Like, is it from scratch? Also, I'm not aware of the limitations that come with Super Monkey Ball 2 modding.

    If you want to make an environment, I suggest you start small, don't get overly detailed and stuff.
    I wouldn't really be making environments so much as the stages that go within them. It would basically just be a bunch of platforms shaped differently, setting the goal and start and all that would happen in a different program.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    From my understanding of Super Monkey Ball, it looks like an algmation of smashed cubes that follow a particular pathway. If you want to make this in a 3D modeling program, you take a cube, select a face, and you just extrude it according to the path you want to make.

    Blender can do this but damn I can't use it because I have Maya and that one is just a better program for me than Blender.
    I really don't want to do an economics quiz today since it's the weekend and my stomach doesn't feel great but I guess I should get it out of the way.
    I'm up way too late realizing that a lot more of you have Twitter than I originally thought.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I don't really use my account much tho, just occasionally to get in contact with someone and to support good stuff like charities
    I have a twitter but anytime I check on it I immediately hate that sites existence
    There's not enough fanart of the CPU Miis from the Wii and the Wii U. I was thinking of changing my name but then I realized I don't have a good picture of Araceli that isn't just the default one from my Mii Maker.
    I've been thinking of applying for a section for the Shroom and I was thinking of going by JC in it (since my name is Jayden Cristina) but then I realized I don't want to accidentally be confused with another JC that I know is around here.
    Is there really no way to change the number of posts in a thread anymore? I had it at 50 posts per thread for several years but now I can't find the option to change it back.
    I saved a damselfly from being eaten by my mom's cats and I didn't even kill it myself. I'm doing good in the world today.
    I submitted my first college assignment last night and got full points on it. I think I'm off to a good start.
    Can't believe I just wrote my retirement post. It feels good to be back but I think it's time to move on to bigger and better things.
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