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  • My ex is so dumb that when he doesn't follow through on something he says he'll do, he acts surprised when I call him out on it.
    Sorry if this is prying, but the way you talk about your ex makes it sound like you are still in a relationship with him? Again, you don't have to answer this if it's too personal
    We live together, that's all it is. We broke up a year and a half ago but I still have to deal with him because of that.
    Eeeeeee. I'm very giddy now because my ex just got an email that we got our new apartment.
    It's such a nice apartment that's really close to school and really close to where my friend lives. I'm so happy we got it.
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    Reactions: Hooty
    Getting an amazing level in Endless Easy is like getting a rate-worthy level in the recent tab in Geometry Dash.
    Someone is just needlessly revving their motorcycle over and over. I hate living on a major road, man.
    I never expected to be watching Panga and then suddenly recognize a level name as one that SimpleFlips had played.
    I just heard a description of someone's dream and I'm not a different person. The time traveling vampires walking in a single file line into a 7-11 and chanting "Carlos" at a vending machine to scare the cashier has left me completely changed. For better or for worse? I have no idea.
    My dad got here today and he's been dunking on my ex for being a total slob. This is the most cathartic thing I've experienced in a long time.
    I really hope my current lease is month-to-month so I have the chance to move out in April. There's some really nice places that are a lot closer to school where the neighbors hopefully aren't jerks.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    For my college I have a lease for two semesters in an area with three roommates, I really am getting along well with two of them but the third is really quiet around me so I'm probably going to try to keep in touch with the first two
    There's this thing I saw a review of once that's like an inhaler for people with anxiety that I genuinely think would help me a lot. I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately and even though I know it helps to focus on my breathing, I have a hard time doing that for very long so I think having a physical thing that will keep me focused on doing it would be really helpful. The only issue is that it's $200 and I don't have that kind of money right now.
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    Reactions: MegaBowser64
    I've heard that oxygen inhalers help with that stuff, but I don't know if that's the kind you're talking about
    It's not. There's a particular product I'm thinking of.
    I really want to get on hormones and start transitioning but I'm just so nervous about the whole process. There's so many unknowns that it's scaring me really badly. Even the idea of having to call the Planned Parenthood place in the area to schedule an appointment with them for whatever initial consultation they need to do freaks me out.
    I haven't been able to hear properly out of my right ear in nearly a month and today I'm going to schedule an appointment to get it flushed out. I'm very ready to have my full hearing back.
    The Drew Gooden video I'm watching has a section where the background music always sounds like the music from Blooper Beach in Mario Party 9.
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