Will be streaming the Devolver Direct pretty soon, if it's like any of the last ones, expect a lot of blood and swearing, be wary coming if you can't stand that stuffAnd here we go
Getting kinda worried that with Pepe gone, they decided to cut Penelope too from A New Legacy and her presence in the tie in books was something in development of the movie they forgot to cut from the books, with Gossamer in the new trailer, she is the only one to have a presence in the Xbox ad but none of the actual trailers
Finally watched the Shiftylook retrospective, so weird to see the Lost Media Wiki article I made show up in it, nice to know the Valkyrie artist is a trans-man
Why are so many people on the internet are so proud to announce they look down on kids? When I went through this in my early teens, my main thoughts were that it made me feel so bad that I wouldn't wish this on anyone else, how is it cool to have no compassion?
Bad news, folks, Porple sold the site to Lord Farqaaud and he will ban anyone taller than him, so that means all of us, every single one, nice knowing ya