I wonder how much hatred for Fortnite comes from Epic's greedy pratices opposed hatred for anything that isn't 10 years old or older that is popular with children
I got a cool idea for an ARMS spinoff, it's inspired by the open world Spider-Man games, it involes the heroic characters (minus Max Brass) training for the events of the orginal game by using their ARMS to help people around in their home town, you can also play mini games like food delivery or juggling
Donkey Kong is just a ripoff of Pac-Man, in both games, there is graphics so you can see what you're doing, absolutely shameless and all the other Mario games do it, no creativity at all
Truth be told, I don't really agree most of the "playing it safe" stuff myself mostly because the fingers are pointed at people with next to no involvement with the elements that make people feel that way but eh, I rather not get too into it right now