London Parris

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  • I was gone all day. I had a ton of fun and spent life to the fullest! I made a few friends and played with others in the playground. I'm almost 19, but I need to get my inner kid out of me from time to time.
    Here the quote for the week, my new weekly installment here on my profile.

    Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind. - Douglas MacArthur
    The Coronavirus better known by the official name Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Is in the neighbouring states of Georgia and North Carolina. I hope it doesn't come into South Carolina. I live close to the border with North Carolina. I hope I don't get it.
    I had received mail from Bernie Sander's campaign. What he promised is great. I am starting to swing my vote to Bernie Sanders. If he wins, I will be happy. Although I'm a Republican, I am a swinger this time.
    Ugh, yet another all-nighter. Man I hate all-nighters due to my mood changing towards insanity near day's end.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    What is against doctor's orders?
    London Parris
    London Parris
    Not taking my meds for sleep. I can last without them. But occasionally I can't swallow the suckers.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    If it's getting bad you should stick to them. I don't know that much medical stuff but I would say following what your doctor says is almost always good.
    My record player broke down yesterday after one use. The brand I was using was notorious for doing it. And my CD got stuck in there and I have to buy a new copy and it is rare.
    London Parris
    London Parris
    Victrola. I have seen many YouTube videos of people saying it was trash. I bought it and my mother bought a new one, and the SAME brand. I swear if it eats up my CD like it did with the old one, I will get angry.
    then dont buy that brand. simple
    I have a Walkman, but it drains battery like nobody's business.
    After almost two years using blue as a colour for my posts and whatnot, I'm using red, since I can see it better.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    It's the same color as links so....I don't think that's the best idea.
    London Parris
    London Parris
    I have decided against it.
    Google Chrome is refusing to show the site due to it taking too long to load, so I'm on Firefox. Google Chrome can be shit at times.
    Just had that issue! I restarted my PC and now Chrome works~
    yea both wiki and boards died for me fir a while
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    I just noticed you joined the same day that Smash was revealed in the Nintendo Direct.
    I looked up the Sonic.exe creepypasta. I read it in it's entirety. I felt dread when reading more and more of it. Please don't look it up. It creeped the living daylights out of me.
    I didn't read the full thing because of all the ads obscuring the text, but it wasn't really super scary or anything.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Jeff the Killer again, looks extremely generic, like, just a poor man's variation of practically every other psychotic killer that exists like Jason. I've seen this character design countless times. Like, so much creepypastas look like they're written by edgy teens, and while the story's summary doesn't give me as strong as an edgy teen vibe as Sonic.exe did, it's still woefully generic.

    I don't know, maybe I'm just getting too old to be scared by made-up creepypastas. Watching bodycam footage of shootings are far more terrifying to me than reading this. Or seeing the US government propose roll back on regulations for environmentally friendly acts such as the Clean Air and Water Act.
    Sonic.exe is cringe to me at this point, but if it's done well, which is like, never, then that's the only case where I like it.
    About my previous status update for me being in the military. I didn't do my research when I said I would be leaving in 30 days at the time. I thought I would be going in a month. But as I learnt it could take months even a year before I could get approved. So I'll be around a bit longer.
    London Parris
    London Parris
    I should of really done my research before I posted that. It was an error due to my lack of knowledge of the recruitment process.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    When did you took the MEPS?
    London Parris
    London Parris
    Well according to Google the closest is Fort Jackson, but I haven't been in months. And I didn't know about it. I thought it was just a simple as signing up. I'm really not an expert when it come to military. So I plan on doing soon.
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