Rolla Koopa
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  • Something I really enjoy about Platformers such as Kirby, is enemies doing background things/interacting with their environment, while on standby.
    I wish NSMB would jump on this. It adds immersion through world development and hints of plot.
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    Reactions: zel
    NSMB kind of have something like that, at least in the first game, where they dance with the music. However, Mario platformers aren't as focused on world building as the Kirby ones are, unfortunately.
    Had a fun platonic date yesterday, we got lost in a surrealist art museum where every room took us into another dream-like world; we went to a music lounge and she played the uke beautifully, and there was a community cat who liked to listen to people play; We went inside and played Mario Kart 7, it was her first time with any MK in years so I helped her along; We had a yummy pizza lunch, and best of all, she says she wants to hang out again next week ^ w ^.
    Buying a 4th wiimote today so my mom, sibs, and I can have a Mario Party~
    ooh epic! i dont think ive ever played a multiplayer game with another person offline(plenty online though) and i dont think my parents, who are the only other ppeople in the apartment, would ever be interested. its a bit of a shame but i dont really care much
    Rolla Koopa
    Rolla Koopa
    My lil bro got really into mario, I was surprise to find out! Though I think he's more into the competitive/online scene while I'm more into single player.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    I have 3 wiimotes, two paired with my Wii and one with my Wii U. In the past they were used frequently for multiplayer but these days it's almost exclusively me.
    I love that yoshi mood drum beat, it one of my stims , then again, most if not all retro mario music is (from a scale of nes to n64/gba)
    What if..
    Alphadream were to sell the rights to Fawful- to Canon Mario, Mario Kart, and Paper Mario. Thus now having the money to revive M&L and having spread the fury and chortles of Fawful throughout the marioverse!

    /pipe dream
    Hey! I like the way your avatar and sig together look like a whole dinosaur. :)
    How did you do it though?🧐
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    Reactions: Rolla Koopa
    Rolla Koopa
    Rolla Koopa
    THAMKYOU !!! <3 i much appreciate your appreciation of my joke. the punchline is the text is 'the body'.

    i crop his footsies and uploaded to my profile posts to make an image link. (sites like 'imgur' also work for making image link, but it was simpler to upload on marioboard)
    In signature after linking image, i clicked 'alignment', center.
    Do dinos treat unlicensed plumbers differently from the licensed ones?
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    Reactions: Rolla Koopa
    This one doesn't seem to have a problem with them... but for once I'm not sure if it's a dino or a horse.

    (credit to graphicsfish again)
    Rolla Koopa
    Rolla Koopa
    Yes, we gawk in amazement and cheer the licensed plumber if they show us how certified they are! and hold them to a higher standard.. please, for the love of Dino Island, don't let dinos down!
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    My original plan was to play 3DS Mario and then move on to another 3DS series. I'm thinking now I'll still do that, but I'll also continue the Mario series on the Switch at the same time.
    person 1: If Bowser Jr is Bowser's successor, who's Mario's?

    person 2: Baby Mario

    person 1: wait..

    person 2: That's right.

    person 1: but..

    person 2: And he will surpass Mario

    person 1:
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    Reactions: zel
    How to make a sonic game:
    MarioBoards.Flash {
    =¥[€€[°€€[=€€==€°•°¥°¥°¥^^^¥^¥^¥^®^°¥°¥°€°™°¥¢℅€\™℅°™€℅¥€℅¥¢€°¥¢^°™€¢℅™€=[¶™€[¶{{∆[€∆{[∆{[[¶¶[™¶∆™€[¥€¢[™∆€∆[{¥€{™€{[¢[×™¶[=¢[[∆{{∆[¢[∆{¢™¥[∆℅=¢™¥[°¥™¶[=¥€=¶[¥=∆[∆[{™¥¥€∆[{™∆={[∆™{[¶{™¥[∆{™¥[¶{¥™€[¶™¥€∆=¥¢™=∆{[{™®€[{¶™¥{™¥[{{}{[™®™{[™[{[{™¢[[=™[™¶℅€[¶=¥€¶=[®€=¶=®€[==¶[€®=€¶=℅=℅€¡€{€¡¥{¥[¥=¥°¥ππ¥°¥°¥°¥°¥^¥€π℅©°¢π€℅^€^¥{©℅°®=®=®=¥{¥{}{[®¢{[[{®®¢[<®¢<℅=¢°{®℅|=℅`®=¶™℅•|℅¶€¢®^¶=®®®®™©℅=℅®℅®℅¶℅¶=℅¶=℅¶=®℅¶^¶¶°¶°°¶€®℅¶®€¶℅=€℅¶®™℅=¶℅{=℅=℅¶=℅¶=¢>>€]€]€{€=€=®°®^®^^®^®^®√©¥¥®^®^®^®¥¥®¥®^®^®¥¥®®√™™™√¡°÷{^^÷}°π×÷®^¥°{^÷®^®^{{^®{®^^{®^®™°{™{°®°^=®^¥®{{¥®¥®×™®®™×®™^×™™×®™×®™{°®™{{™°™°®×™°{®®°×™®™×°™°×®™°{™°{®°{®®™°™°™°=®™°™°=®™°=®™×®=™®™×®™×°®™×÷®™×®°®×™®°®×™®°®×™×™©™®×^®™®™®×®®™™°®™×®®®®™™×°®×^™™π™®×™®×™®^™®÷^π®™×°®™×®™®™°®™×®®™™π®™×®^™°™°°®™®°°™×®°™®×^°×™°®°×™®×™°®× °
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