Princess Zatanna

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  • Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Maybe but then that kinda suggests that I'm perfect at doing things fairly, which I'm not
    It's possible to hold a subjective opinion and back it up with enough logic and reason that it encroaches on "objective" territory because no one can dispute your findings. Don't ever be afraid of having your own personal view on something, but be prepared to fight for it! For something like a video game, it's possible that the game is produced in a sound and proper manner, that it's a functional game in all aspects, but just something about it doesn't click with you or inspire your joy or attention. Like, I fucking hate Super Mario 64, it didn't appeal to me and I found the controls aggravating. Regardless of my personal views, other people find joy in the nostalgia of it, as well as the challenges they can create within it. Both are valid, so long as there's ample reasoning why that exceeds just stubbornness or mindless acceptance. As a critic it is an ongoing battle to challenge your preconceived notions and prevent them from clouding your judgment, but no review will ever be objective; instead use objectivity to build and support a strong subjective argument.

    Don't try to escape your personal views, just try to support them. If you can't find enough support for your personal view, it is up to you to consider whether you continue holding that personal view.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    @Anton thank you for your suggestions!

    I kind of aim to divide it in two: how much I like the game personally, and how good I consider it nonpersonally. If I don't like a game because of something which is just personal taste and doesn't really affect

    The criteria I consider are: was the game intended to be something that could likely become very popular and regarded by many as a very good game? Is it something that would appeal to a wide audience or a narrow one? Is it executed in such a way that this goal is likely to be satisfied? Does it have the properties that would make it entertaining to many people? Can I recommend the game?

    I don't mark down the nonpersonal judgement, but if it does affect that, I do.

    So I'm not fighting against my subjective opinion, I'm just putting it aside when I review things to make it more (as @Striker Mario put it) fair
    My maths teacher in class: set's impossible homework
    Me at home:
    So I played DKCR3D on the train back from London today and added it to my spreadsheet.

    I'm not sure if I like it more than the Wii version (graphics and controls are my main gripes by comparison), but it's a big nostalgia blast and I very much appreciate that from now on I'll be able to play this game on the go. Overall I don't regret spending £16 on it
    That bird was only two days away from retirement!
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    B I R B = How do you add those sentences and pictures at the bottom of all your posts?
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Click on your name in the top right corner on this site, then signature can appear in the drop down, you can customise it with text, images, or even gifs as I have done. Then people will see it at the bottom of all your posts, unless they have opted to not see signatures
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    B I R B O = Thanka you aso much!
    Pretty crazy that this is only the third leap day as far as I am able to remember. I remember being 9 and having games that day (and that's about it lol). I remember being 13 and Minecraft 1.9 coming out. And now I'm 17 and I'll probably just be doing schoolwork a lot rip
    One of my favourite youtubers, ibxtoycat, had a live stream last night and I spent half an hour trying to get a shoutout (and failed) rip :(
    Today I beat NSMBW in one sitting (took me 1h20m according to Wii notice board thing). That's one of the first times I've done so, iirc my third game beaten in one sitting after SML1 and SML2 (which aren't that long games anyway.) When I was younger I kind of knew about the warps but didn't use them much. After watching any% speedruns I learnt the optimal route and beat it by warping from 1-3 to 5-1 and 5-boo to 8-1, also 8-2 to 8-airship with 8-7 in the middle.
    Yay I actually caught myself winning on camera for once:
    (btw yeah it does look better when i'm playing, the thing i use to capture makes some things look fuzzy and gives a lower framerate)
    (and tbh i didn't do that much, just got lucky that everyone else took each other down)
    I just found out you don't get the big mushroom in SMM1 without paying extra money for the Mario anniversary amiibo

    It's kinda sad (I don't have the amiibo either) but then again, you can still play levels that use it on Course World, and then download and edit them, so it's not a complete loss.
    OK done

    Was not expecting someone to win in 4 mins lol when I only have 6 seconds left!

    In the end I made a modification to King Kaliente's fight to make him much faster since yeah it wasn't working otherwise.

    Dino Piranha - just Bowser Jr. he was meant to be quick and easy

    King Kaliente - Bowser with a pipe dropping koopas, you throw them into the pit and when you do three they hit a POW block which defeats Bowser. Obviously this mimmicks sending things back three times whilst being blasted with fire in front of a lava (bubble) sea.

    Major Burrows - some moles, with the sinking platforms to mimmick how you're always having to be quick to avoid damage. The big one has the key.

    Bouldergeist - the stone blocks which you blow up with Bob-ombs just like the bomb boos in the original. The Boos are there because it's a ghost themed thing. The platforms are to simulate how the level is kind of chaotic and you need good timings. Chain chomp throws more attacks at you but can be eliminated by a Bob-omb. Once you gain access to the Koopa, you need a Bob-omb to kill it, just like you needed one more bomb boo to get rid of Bouldergeist's spirit form in the original. Phase 2 is basically the same but with two hammer bros to simulate the additional attacks and more platforms meaning you need even better timing. Unlike with the original, Phase 2 here may be easier than Phase 1 as it's harder to miss the platform making it easy to reach the Koopa. Unfortunately it didn't seem possible to stop the Hammer Bros. jumping out of the stone so they're actually quite easy to get rid of.

    Fiery Dino Piranha - there wasn't much I could think of which would simulate the fight accurately so I had pipes with mushrooms and giant Koopas and a giant Bowser since this is kind of like a big monster with fire everywhere and you attack with big things that you send towards it. The fight is quite hard to lose if you make sure to always pick up the mushroom but if you're low on time you have to be quick with the big koopa shells.
    Ummm... I kept hearing random ads when using the internet but I checked all my tabs and none of them seemed responsible. Then I opened the volume mixer and found one of the "proxycheck" things was playing. I muted it and the ads stopped. Is this a bad sign of anything?
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    @FieryYoshi! No just audio
    Hmm. Look in task manager and see if theres anything you think is suspicous.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    I don't think so. The volume mixer says it was one of the proxycheck things btw.

    Edit: I went back to the volume mixer and whatever I muted isn't there anymore. Idk. I haven't been hearing any more ads since I muted it earlier today.
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