Princess Zatanna

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  • Remember Red Star from the 2000's Titans cartoon? Well, in the comics, he had the name Starfire first, but he had no realtion to the current Starfire, comics are confusing
    So I got 3D Land and I have to say that it lived up to more than my expectations were given it was almost unanimously agreed to be the worst 3D Super Mario.

    I definitely like it less than 3D World as its graphics are far inferior, you can only play as Mario
    And I think eventually Luigi?
    And its levels feel less interesting, but overall I like it a lot. 3D Land is the 3DS game for me rn.
    A lot of its bad reputation I think comes from how the previous 3D Mario was Galaxy 2, and from the beginning you could tell the engine was the same so a lot of people, including myself, was expecting an adventure on the scale of Galaxy when getting it. It's a decent game on its own.
    Honestly, I did like 3D Land. It doesn't have a negative reputation; it's simply regarded as the least good. It's my least favorite because the levels felt bland and the game was pretty short, not to mention I played 3D World first which is better in every way.

    But even with that, 3D Land is an easy 8/10 for me. It's just that every other 3D Mario is higher than that.
    Well, the time has finally come to put the turkey away and change my username again!
    Well I tried SMB1 (Wii U VC port of NES version) and I have to say it's a lot more challenging than I expected.
    I'm trying to use Warp Pipe to get to 3-1 and use the infinite lives trick to win more easily but even that is proving quite the challenge.
    Perhaps I'll just use save states to avoid having to restart every three deaths and then beat it legit some other time because I also want to try the rest of the pre-N64 Mario platformers.
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    Don't forget that you can hold A while starting again after a game over to start from the beginning of the world you died on.
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    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    The game's extremely archaic, just use save states, which Nintendo implemented for a reason, and don't be ashamed in using them. Play the game however you want.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    @Ribbon thanks for the tip idk that
    So, I liked 3D World and I wanted to get 3D Land on Nintendo eShop. I log on to Nintendo eShop and get to 3D Land. But instead of "Proceed to Purchase" it says "Redownload." What shall I do?

    I know there was a hack that can make a 3DS get any game from the eShop for free but I swear I've never done that and every other game on the eShop I can find doesn't do this. I did buy my 3DS second hand but it seemed to be reset to factory conditions.
    Well the PS4 conttoller came, and I'm pretty satisfied. I managed to hook it up to DS4 and I could move in Minecraft by tilting! I wanted to configure it to be able to fly the elytra with motion but that didn't turn out too well as DS4 ended up just having my cursor jump everywhere, so I had to close it. Anyway, playing Minecraft with it was awesome, and I look forward to everything I'm going to play with it.
    This has been on my mind for quite a while so I decided to write this document:
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    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    You should touch upon people in other countries such as in Brazil where they can't afford electronics, or in Russia where there's barely any means of legally buying the goods.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Personally, I don't have any qualms for downloading a ROM. People think it's stealing, but it's not stealing, piracy is still illegal yeah, and it has its own set of legal ramifications, but it's different than say burglarizing a store. The main reason I use ROMs however is for wiki purposes (which I don't even do all that much anymore to be frank) and modding games at ease. I wouldn't beat around the bush and say that what I'm doing is legal however, even if I twist it around and say that I'm archiving or that it's not available or whatever. It's not. But I do completely understand why some people in some countries pirate. One of the biggest places where people pirate is Russia and Latin American countries, as for a great deal of time, there simply was no market for them and price of ROMs were ridiculous (I think people in some Latin American countries pay well over 100 for a game).

    Also, piracy in general, not just ROMs, can apply here. I pirate my music all the time. I refuse to purchase any music from any service that imposes DRM. If they won't let me actually own and keep my music files, I am not interested in purchasing products. What also doesn't help is that the music industry is slimy and you don't actually benefit the musicians when you buy their album; musicians make most of their money through tours and merchandise. To put things into perspective, out of all music industry profits, only 10% of the share are earned by artists, and most of those earnings aren't from album sales.

    I never pirate indie games by the way. I think that's crossing the line, and indie games typically run very cheap anyway. If I had no plans of buying them, I wouldn't play those.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    @Jolly DönerMax yeah I should but I'm mainly considering people in the developed, Occidental world. To be honest I was never at all knowledgeable about what it's like to live in other parts of the world. The writeup is kinda long already and it's mainly aimed at people in a similar position to mine - they can pay to buy the games but they're not so rich it's nothing.
    Thank goodness, the site finally worked!
    Here's my new remixes:

    I'm trying to change my TheTopTens list for my most anticipated video games, but the site doesn't seem want to co-operate with me.

    Anyway, here it is:
    1. Dream Team
    2. Odyssey
    3. Super Mario RPG
    4. Mario Maker 2
    5. Mario Maker 1
    6. 3D World
    7. Mario Advance 2
    8. Mario Advance 4
    9. Tropical Freeze
    10. Partners in Time
    11. Bowser's Inside Story Remake
    12. Superstar Saga Remake
    13. Mario Party 6
    14. Mario Party DS
    15. 3D Land
    16. Super Mario Party
    17. Mario Party 2
    18. Mario Party 3
    19. Mario Party 1
    20. Super Mario Bros. 1
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    hehe, look like we both on a mario quest ~ nwn

    :D I share anticipation for Dream Team, Odyssey, Maker 1&2, 3D World, and Bowser Junior's games !!
    Well I was late but after seeing this opportunity I couldn't resist the name change. Can't go back till after the 12 days of xmas are over, but better late than never!
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    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    I am going to play both SMB3 and SMW but I'm asking a) should I get the original SMW or SMA2, which you said you recommend SMA2, and b) should I get the original SMB3 or SMA4?
    tbh I haven't played any of the gba remakes, but I hear they have improved graphics, added vocals, and better saving options.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    From my thread I get the impression that the remakes are generally recommended.
    I might get the original SMB1 though just because.. it's the original and I want that 1985 experience!
    (Well it's not actually the first Mario game but it's the oldest one which I'm interested in playing myself.)
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    New Super Mario Bros. DS may have a nonexistent story, but I find it intriguing that Peach's Castle, when it was attacked, spawned many screaming Toadsworths running mindlessly in a circle.
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