I just got an unpatched unbanned switch in the post!
It cost me £150 and I am probably going to donate my patched unit to my older sister since she mentioned she wanted a switch tonight
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (the first movie, 2013): I immedately watched this with my grandfather who was actually a lot more okay than I thought (I hadn't been looking forward to seeing him as he is usually not too nice), it was a truly amazing movie with awesome songs too, the human world thing with no supernatural stuff
apart from the start and the end with the crown magic and twilight, rainbow dash and fluttershy gaining wings
made the film feel positively different to the FiM series whilst not completely straying from what made FiM so great. I think they made the right decision making Twilight Sparkle and Spike (and Sunset Shimmer) the only ones who have the same consciousness from the pony world and having Twilight repairing the broken friendships of the Humane Six and uniting them and later the school against Sunset Shimmer. It was a reasonably short film, only like an hour and 15 minutes but it honestly felt much longer than that which was good I guess. I will definitely watch the sequels sometime!
Paper Mario the Origami King and the LEGO Movie 2 Video Game, both for the Nintendo Switch, I can't play either of them anytime soon because my Switch is still at my university accommodation, but I'm looking forward to both
I don't understand why you reacted to my post with "Angry." I didn't mean any offense, I was just trying to prove my point and that "best" and "worst" are all in the mind.
now i cant get pokemon bank my old pokemon are gonna be stuck in their games forever