Barby Koala
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  • I might not know a whole lot about Doctor Who, but because the show originally debuted on November 23, 1963 (Novemer 23 is my birthday) I'm making Doctor Who my theme for November.
    Don't you just love that a close friend is going through troubles that they refuse to elaborate on and you're powerless to do anything to help them? Because that's what I'm dealing with it right now.
    Ever since the year begun, things haven't been going well for me on an emotional level...My grandpa passed away in January, in February I got banned from a Discord roleplaying server that I invested my whole identity in for the past three to four years...Things just aren't looking rosy for me in life emotional-wise...
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Update: I just spoke to a friend who was still in that Discord roleplaying server, and he told me that the server is no longer what it used to be and that the server owner drastically changed the server just for the sake of pleasing one person. And once I learned this, that's when it struck me that the server isn't worth it anymore. Maybe this was the morale boost I needed to move on from the incident.
    Rhinos are kind of awesome. I am more of an Azalea fan, but Tank is awesome too.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Yeah, rhinos are my favorite animal and they have been since childhood. So I was very happy when I got Rhonda and Tank as two of my starting villagers in New Leaf and have had them in my New Leaf town ever since.
    So after I wrote that volunteer section for last month's issue of The Shroom and finding that I enjoyed it, I decided to try and apply for a full time position on the Fake News team, and I recently got word that my application was accepted, so starting with this month's issue, you'll be seeing me in action on The Shroom's Fake News team every month! :D
    Hey, Super Mario Boards! You training this month, kerPOW? No slacking, okay? I'm watching you!
    Over the course of the Wiki's nearly 20 years of existence, we've seen plenty of users come and go. Do you ever wonder how most of the users who left the Wiki in the past are doing in the present day?
    So I spent the night reading the latest issue of The Shroom, and I gotta say: I really enjoyed it! The writers once again put on very enjoyable sections that were interesting to read through, and I love the attention that Waluigi Time gave to my own guest section that I wrote for this month's Fake News section! All in all, another good issue of The Shroom, and I can't wait for more next month! :D
    Imagine if Shredder from 80s Ninja Turtles, Megatron from G1 Transformers and Skeletor from the original Masters of the Universe got together and talked about how useless their minions are. That'd be one heck of a poker night I'd love to be a part of.
    I shall take on the mantle of Jedi Master Qui-Gon for the entirety of this month. May the Force be with me.
    Man, I've been feeling irritable as hell for these past few days. I've been lingering on getting banned from that Sonic RP server on Discord back in February, I've been dealing with some struggles that come with living in a dormitory after moving out of my parents' house, and I've been lingering on issues with getting a Total Drama OC accepted into Submit Your Own Character stories. I hope that I'll be able to conquer all of these problems, or I'm only gonna be hurting both my own feelings and the feelings of others even more.
    If you ever get a business card from someone you hate, save these. If you ever hit a parked car, put the business card in the windshield wiper and write "Sorry" on it.
    I am no longer ClawgripFan9001. I am now Sally the Chipmunk, the Fastest Thing Alive.
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    Almost every other Sonic character and several poorly written super heroes would beg to differ.
    Even though we're only three months into 2022, the year has been pretty bad for me so far. In January, my grandpa passed away, and in February, I was banned from a Discord server I had spent a lot of my time in and went through anger issues as I tried to find something new. I just hope that March will be a much better month for me, or else this is going to be 2020 all over again...
    If there's one thing I hate, it's either rain or wind. I work as a courier who travels by bike, and I had to do my afternoon shift in the pouring rain. I'm soaked, man. No fun.
    I got a question for those people who use Discord in this server: Are there any RP servers you could recommend to me? I got banned from a Sonic RP server I spent a lot of time in last weekend, and now I'm looking for a new RP server and community to join. I'm mainly looking for either a Mario or Sonic RP server to join, so if anyone has any recommendations of RP servers in either of those fandoms to join, I'd greatly appreciate it.
    There are quite a few here. You can join my Sonic Role Play if you want.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    I appreciate the offer, but I'm not looking for a Sonic RP outside of Discord. It has to be specifically on Discord. And besides, I've already managed to find a Sonic RP server on Discord that I feel at home in, so there's no need to help me in my search anymore.
    • Like
    Reactions: Bugzzy
    I see what you are saying. It is okay if you don't want to join. I am glad you found a server.
    It's weekend time again, and since my parents are going to be busy again this weekend, it's likely gonna be another unproductive weekend for me. But I'm sure I'll get through it, just like all the other unproductive weekends before.
    I want to wish everyone on this Wiki and its forum a Happy New Year! Hopefully 2022 will bring you all a lot of wonder and whimsy!
    I got a question for the users of the Wiki and this forum who write for The Shroom. I have written for The Shroom in the past when I went by the name of Alexneushoorn and am considering writing for The Shroom again in the future. Is there any advice you can give me before I consider applying for any of the teams on The Shroom?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Honestly, my best advice is simple. "Put effort into it," and show us you can actually write what you hope to write. It doesn't have to be perfect. We just need to see applicants are willing to learn and actually try at their sections. Read the Manual of Style and follow it as best you can. Other than that, have fun with it, and focus mainly on bringing your idea to completion. If you want to write a review, make sure you give some reasons for your rankings of things. If you want to write a guide, go beyond the basics everyone would know. If you want to write a Fake News section, just see the concept through to completion; avoid, say, just a collection of disconnected jokes.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Alright, thanks. I'll bear that advice in mind if I'm planning on doing any of those things in the future.
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