I notice in the new Jamboree trailer where Waluigi is seen spicing while striking poses reminds of the EXACTLY LIKE IT minigame in Super, being Time To Shine (or whatever it's called)
Don't read this post if you don't want to see me getting insulted by a former friend.
My former friend told me today that my mom "forgot her abortion papers" when I was born. Quite the kick in the nuts, parents already know and friendship has been terminated. I already couldn't deal with him lately, as he's been all "I'm the best at this and that" and that hurts (especially when I was called the R by him, worst thing to tell a smart{ish} person)
On a better note, I just noticed I have 5 pages worth of status updates. Guess that's what happens when you start posting nearly daily
My school just blocked any webpage or search containing the word "noise." Huh, now I can't search what the fear of sudden ones are. Wonder why this happened
Y'know, ever since I joined the Boards, I thought (and maybe dreamed of) about writing for the Shroom. Next Saturday, that dream comes true. Never thought I'd see the day.
Hurricane Francine is hitting my area tomorrow/Thursday. I may not be active if our internet goes down, but don't worry, we have a generator that repowers the whole house after about 20 seconds
I sent my 'Shroom article to Meta Knight via PM on Friday morning, so just letting y'all know. Should I expect a response back, as I asked for feedback on any errors I may have made?
I'm about 1/3 done with my 'Shroom article. For more context, both sections will have the good, bad, and the fix about three topics per article [you'll find out said topics later next month ]
I never knew that that one meme associated with ascending or something like that was a song from Ducktales NES the WHOLE TIME. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF32DRg9opA)
Well, my school closed down today in 5th hour due to sewer problems, so now I'm at home. I may be a smart school kid, but I still don't enjoy school (especially because of another student...)