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  • I'm going on an MFuge trip with my church tomorrow to a college in Mobile until Saturday, so I won't be talking. And Burgy Kirber
    I may have just set a personal record. On Dragon Palace in MK8DX's Bob-omb Blast, with a Shy Guy in Junior Clown Car with standard wheels and Cloud Glider against easy CPUs, I got 43 popped balloons and only lost 4 of my own in 5 minutes.
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    Dragon Palace is great for getting ridiculously high Bob-omb Blast scores.

    Source: My record is 45 and I think I only lost two or three of my own?
    I'll try again to get a better score. My strategy is to be inside the Palace and drift in a continuous circle while dropping Bob-ombs at each new Item Box. I also had items set to Frantic, as all Item Boxes will be Double Item Boxes throughout the mtach.
    54 popped. 3 lost. My first run, I had 55 popped but died, so I scrapped that one.
    Ah, Tick Tock Clock, the area that can make you wish you stopped playing games when you fall and die with 76 coins
    Garfield: *eats apple* *spits out core* *eats fish* *spits out bones* *eats donut* *spits out nothing* "I spit out the hole :)"
    • Haha
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    I've edited this strip to remove any traces of wording, and I noticed that if Garfield never communicated (to the reader), the reader wouldn't know the joke. Goes to show that despite the adage of not explaining the joke (at the risk of ruining it), not explaining it might also confuse the reader.

    Thank you for reading.
    Which is funnier; no images or no text?
    Personally think that the text is serviceable, so I will go with the one with the text. Garfield's thoughts, I felt, didn't detract from the joke.

    Thank you for reading.
    In honor of the new Paper Mario, a buddy and I made our own Pit of 100 Trials in Minecraft. The one difference between this and the ones in the mainline game is every 10 floors is a "boss" and item floor, that will have a larger horde than the rest of the Trials. For items, I have some ideas. The only thing I don't know to do is what mobs should occupy each floor, and what the 10-floor boss horde should be. Anybody want to tell me their ideas?
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    1) Is it playable on Bedrock Switch and how so?
    2) Floor 100 should be the Warden
    Switch, its not a Marketplace map though. If you or anyone would like to play it, message me your Microsoft account so I can invite you to the world. We're also working on two versions: one has prespawned mobs with potential armor, while the other has auto spawned mobs that will spawn when the door opens. For clarity there is a one-way door, then the fight chamber, then a pressure plate that "makes the next round start" when it just teleports you to an identical room. And that is a very good idea.
    Why did Origami King have such unique and fun boss fights?
    Is there any heartbreaking losses in The Thousand Year Door?
    Only asking because of Bobby and Olivia in Origami King
    To answer your question though, there is:
    • Bobbery's wife Scarlett dies but she dies before the events of the game, but we learn about it in a very sad scene in Chapter 5.
    • Bobbery himself seemingly dies peacefully during Chapter 5, but it quickly turns out that he was just sleeping
    • TEC-XX seemingly dies in a very tear-jerking sacrifice after appearing to blow up the X-Naut Fortress but is revealed to have survived in the epilogue
    • Koops seemingly finds his dad's skeleton and mourns him, but this later turns out to be Kolorado's dad and Koops' dad is alive
    • In the ending of Chapter 3, it briefly seems like Jolene had lost her brother Mush forever, but he's shortly revealed to be alive
    I fixed it, sorry about that. Thanks, my feelings get fragile sometimes, so thats why
    Super Bad Mario
    Super Bad Mario
    From all of those points ????? I can say that they wanted to do something sad but didn't have the heart to do it, the only real sad scene was Scarlett
    This week's voting for me to rank something has started! This week is TTYD, so make sure to vote! The thread is in the Off-subject discussion thread section, so vote there.
    Happy launch day, everyone! TTYD in all its splendor returns!
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    I might be able to have it because of my stellar grades all year. That's something my family does, where if you get good grades for the semester, or school year like it was this time, you get to buy a game (in my case) or something random that will easily be lost (in my sister's case)
    Why I am up so early? I don't know. Wanted to make a dumb joke.
    PHANTOM: My art will touch your princess's heart, and you will be pulled apart!
    MARIO & PEACH LITERALLY RIGHT THERE: Uh-huh, suuuuuuuure, buddy.
    I need help with the dang Ultimate Challenges in MRKB, any tips or team suggestions? I just beat Challenge 4-10 with Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Yoshi, so I might use them for UC2.
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    I just beat UC1, after about 1-2 YEARS since unlocking it, using the Rabbid bros. I also left Mecha Jr. till the end, and there were no hero deaths. And to get those weapons unlocked, just to be behind a 2050 coin purchase price. You'd think clearing the challenge would be payment enough
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    Nicely done! You've unlocked two of the best weapons in the game!

    Now, the question is… do you have what it takes for the other three challenges?
    ...Hopefully. I probably to play some of the chapters again to grind in some coins, and purchase those weapons for Mario and Rabbid Luigi. I think my strategy will be to take out Jr. first, then Boo up to his platform to deal more damage to the rest of the enemies. This challenge is way more hectic, but you could say its easier than 4-10 because its the same clear conditions, but with an additional two turns added to the limit.
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    I just came up with a genius idea that requires someone who's good at Minecraft modding or Marketplace pack building, which isn't me, and a good builder, like me. My idea is to somehow recreate some of the Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Ultimate Challenges in Minecraft. I could use the Mario Mash Up mob reskin, but that doesn't do jack. Like I said, if someone who is really good at modding/pack making/character modeling can do this, I'd be grateful. I took a picture of the UC1 Battle Map, so I can make the base platform and possibly the cover blocks.
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    I've got the bottom layer, the walls, and the pipes leading up to the second layer done.
    Its been done since last Wednesday. It took forever, and has everything but the enemies. Makes a good nighttime mob arena
    For some reason, Midboss Mayhem from Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is my favorite music track from it, followed by the Phantom's stuff (who DOESN'T love the Phantom? Maybe that's my next theme...)
    • Love
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    Midboss Mayhem SLAPS
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    I mean, this game is so charming. Spawny making terrible creatures (like Bwario and Bwaluigi) just because he's scared. MegaDragonBowser being in my top three hardest bosses. Bowser Jr being the main antagonist for most of the game because "Papa's on vacation" and gets a call on his phone no one knew he had from Bowser. Hero Sight being the best thing ever until the ghost enemies. (I forgot their names) The flair of every area and the background elements, like chained Boos that disappear when you look at them. I can go on for a while, trust me.
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    Actually, a challenge in Sherbet Desert is called Midboss Mayhem, but the song is just The Midboss Theme. I prefer my name for it, though.
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    My current profile picture and signature, in case you didn't know, is inspired by FNF Hit Single Real's Silly Billy song ( and both appear at about the 4:50 mark in the video. This dude, a BF lookalike named Yourself, can just change size at will, to match the real one's appearance (2:02), and change right back to canon height without any problem (2:57), which I think the animation is a Subterfuge reference.
    Notice anything... different about my name? (Hol up it needs to be approved by moderators)
    My gimkit map is nearly complete! It'll be uploaded on Monday, because there was an issue with the upload thumbnail, so I emailed them. Be prepared for a minimal yet faithful remaster!
    You might be wondering: "Fizzle, where've you been for the past month?" Well, I've been punished and I'm lucky to be typing here today. "How'd the punishment happen?", you ask. Well, my puppy has been hiking his leg and peeing outside of the kennel nearly everytime he goes into it. We had put this pad below his kennel, and I was supposed to be checking underneath it for pee. I didn't and lost a week of electronics, Switch and computer, for every floorboard my puppy had peed on, had let it sit, and stick up awkwardly. It could be shortened, but that's just a hope. On the bright side of things, on my school chromebook, which has here blocked, I'm the sole maker of a Gimkit (a quiz game site made by for a high school project by someone that now has tons of gamemodes to play and a Creative mapmaking mode) Creative map: GimParty! It's board is based on Woody Woods, but since I've no idea how to make the direction signs, Koopa Banks, VS Spaces, or Chance Time, they either dont exist or are "minigame spaces", which is the only way you can play minigames. I'm almost done, and I'll drop the link here to view it. Thank you all for letting me vent my life as of late, and God bless.
    I'm back! But, something not great happened last night, and I'm not sure what to do. It gets weird and personal though.
    Some drunken dude, while I'm doing my business in the restroom, videos himself, THEN ME, using the urinal. My parents already know, and we agree my privacy has been violated. I'll probably resubmit the whole story to Am I the Jerk on Youtube, so watch out for it.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Definitely illegal, I think. I'm not an expert and this is certainly not any kind of legal advice, but per a quick lookup of the relevant laws, that would fall under a prohibition on "The use of any camera, [...], or any other image recording device, for the purpose of observing, viewing, photographing, filming, or videotaping a person where that person has not consented to the specific instance [...] [which] occurs in a place where an identifiable person has a reasonable expectation of privacy."
    It's illegal to record people in a public restroom, people have faced serious trouble for doing so, especially since you're a minor
    All I hope is that when the dude became sober, he went through his recent photos/videos and saw that and deleted it. It just feels so... strange for that to happen. One thing's for sure though; I vow not to use urinals ever again.
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