Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Closing Ceremony (Game Finished!)

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Check out merchandise.
Some time earlier...
Ambitus Habitat, The Moon

Sometimes people die before their time. Well, that's what the host said. It seemed a little nonsensical to atach that much intentionality to it, but maybe the world was full of wonders. Being here was a wonder in itself, of course, but what purpose being here served, if any, was harder to say. There had been some regrets and things left unfinished when they died, but that was a long way from being worthy of resurrection.

The amphitheater stage glowed with the light of hologram decorations, stars, galaxies, and comets suspended and drifting above while their equally incorporeal, projected host, iDOLaGRAMiC's Yukihara Kaguya soaked in the applause, waving to the participants and spectators. "...Ah, thank you! Thank you!--" She laughed. "--Konluna~! Welcome to the Lunar Living Game Afterparty!"

"--...Haha, it's been a really special experience hosting something like this, so...--"

"--so I hope you take something away from this I guess, because there's bound to be some important reason you've been--"

The yukionna's cel-shaded, snow white hair swished as her fingers flicked a strand of it out of her face. "--...Oh! And as a special prize while you're still trying to adjust to being alive again, courtesy of the game's sponsors all players will get a free trip to one of a choice of destinations once they return to Earth!"


A mumbling voice...

"...This place sounded like the best place on that list, but it's... Wait, no, try to stay positive. You're alive! ...And finally got to take time off work to actually take this stupid trip."

"It seems kind of quiet for an amusement park too. Well, I guess it's-- Nani-- ...No, no, I mean, huh?"


"--Oh. Right. I'm... Bryóny. Yes, I know now that's not how you're supposed to say it with the uh, accent on that syllable... My parents just... Didn't know how to pronounce it. Anyway I--"


"...Game? Uh no, I didn't--"



"Oh, no... Artifacts... Solving puzzles for peanuts and seeds again just like on the Moon and... I know how this goes, any minute now someone's going to come out like 'a body has been discovered' and we--"

"Ok, ok, calm down. Turning over a new leaf. Try to... Have fun. The Moon wasn't that bad anyway..."


"...Ok! Let's go... Find some Artifacts, haha."


"--...The phase is almost over?"

Greetings and saluations! My name is Donna Quiñones, rookie agent of the Temporal Committee. We've received word that it's possible there could be some temporal distortions in this area, and I've been assigned to ensure the proper flow and usage of time!

If you or anyone you know has learned of any temporal improprieties, please make sure you report it to us! Remember - only through the proper flow of time can we all live freely!

The Temporal Committee - Protecting your tomorrows by stabilizing your todays!



Alright, everyone, listen up, cause I'll only say this once. My name's Jonesy Fortnite, and this area is now under the jurisdiction of the Temporal Authority. We've detected a Class-A temporal anomaly, so we're here to make sure it doesn't escalate into any kind of catastrophic dimensional meltdown that causes us to lose our spot as the number one peace-keeping organisation in the multiverse. I'll be monitoring any kind of dimensional irregularities, so make sure you let me know. Oh, and if you spot people from any other time and space monitoring companies snooping around... uh... pretend this conversation never happened.




"...I did not come back from the dead, so please don't ask if I came back from the dead. Because I just want to say, uh, I didn't."
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The Action portion of Phase 1 has begun! You have until to submit your actions in your team PM.

Don't forget that you can only choose one location per Action Phase! Make sure to coordinate with your teammates to get the most out of your actions.

Jiggy Log, Day 1.

We'have arrived at the amusement park and were immediately separated by Top Hat Tony and his entourage o' trouble. This is annoying, but expected. This hunt would have been over in seconds with two veteran Jiggy nabbers on the case. I hope Banjo is doing all right. That man is completely lost without me.

The brochure advertised this funfare as a bona fide deathtrap, but so far the most deadly thing I have encountered was the stench of the fellow they had organize the kitchen. No dodgy murderous staff, no dangerous malfunctioning attraction. Cor, not even a bloody roller coaster. I've seen more thrills looking into our laundry hamper after Thursday.

I have to go now. Can't stay in one place for too long lest some brats confuse me for a kiddie ride and try to insert coins into me. It's happened three times already, and once I have access to the net again, the world will hear about it.

Fortunately, the day's passed now, so I'll be looking forward to lounging in our complimentary hotel suite.

...there IS a hotel, right?
*Charmy notifies the Chaotix Detective Agency about his current situation.*

Charmy: All right, gang. So I managed to get here and got acquainted with this cloud guy and a bird named Kazooie. There's this big guy named King Kong who's keeping guard of the Ferris Wheel. I've been trying everything to get him off, but so far, no luck. There are some other places as well, like the Fear Factory, Fortune Teller, The Fun Center, a Band Stage, and a Hall of Mirror-like devices. How should I tackle the Action Phase?

Vector: You've been trying to strategize with your Teammates, right? Remember, co-operation is key! Try planning a solution that could work for all of you, and you'll be on your way. What do you think, Espio?

Espio: You should try something sneaky that the other teams can't notice too easily. That way, you can retrieve those relics without them finding out. Maybe using some kind of disguise will catch them off guard. You can do this, Charmy. We're counting on you!

Charmy: Thanks for the suggestions, gang. I'm going to chat with my crew and see what they've got planned. Talk to you later!

*Charmy ends his chat with the Chaotix Detective Agency.*

Waluigi Time
"I thought they got rid of the Delays guy...

Anyway, looks like some of you found some neat stuff out there! Two artifacts already, and by the same team no less? Don't worry the rest of you, there's still plenty more to find.

Good news, more attractions have opened up! Isn't that exciting?"

The following locations are now available to explore:
  • Pop's Popular One-Stop Pop-Up Top Funko Pop Shop
  • Recycling Center
  • Splash Carton
  • Spinning Bowls
  • The Chuckster

The following quests were completed in the previous phase:
  • Get King Kong off of Wheeluigi Time.
  • Cheer up the Shbeeg Mascot Guy(s) by making them feel appreciated.

The Explore portion of Phase 2 has begun! From now on, these will be 24 hours per player feedback. You have until .

Also - Revin has dropped out of the game, and will be replaced by @Venture.
Let's check out the Funko Pop shop. Hope they have mine!
Charmy: Water's no place for a bee like me... I also wouldn't really like the smell of the recycling center or being thrown a long distance. That could hurt my wings! Let's check out the Spinning Bowls. That should be a lot of fun!
Let's check out the Funko Pop shop. Hope they have mine!
You visit Pop's Popular etc. etc. Shop. There's not a good selection, in fact it's... all Mr. Sheeg?? There's a Hammer Bro. kid standing around.

View attachment 45974Yoshi the DOS: "As for me, I want to go to Spinning Bowls."
Charmy: Water's no place for a bee like me... I also wouldn't really like the smell of the recycling center or being thrown a long distance. That could hurt my wings! Let's check out the Spinning Bowls. That should be a lot of fun!
You visit the Spinning Bowls. Sure enough, they're bowls and they're spinning! There's a peculiar looking Shy Guy loitering here.
You visit the Spinning Bowls. Sure enough, they're bowls and they're spinning! There's a peculiar looking Shy Guy loitering here.
Charmy: Hey, little Shy Guy! I'm apart of the Cleanup Crew, and we're searching all over this park for hidden artifacts. Did you happen to see any around here?
Talk to the Hammer Bro.

Mal Itt
"Hi ma'am! You can call me Mal!

I really want a Hammond Hammer Funko Pop, but the man here says they don't have any! Hammond Hammer is the coolest! We're gonna get Porcupuffers this year! If you have one, I'll give you something super cool for it."

Quest discovered!
Find a Hammond Hammer Funko Pop for Mal Itt.

Charmy: Hey, little Shy Guy! I'm apart of the Cleanup Crew, and we're searching all over this park for hidden artifacts. Did you happen to see any around here?

Platypi Guy
"Artifacts? I'm not here for artifacts. I'm looking for a Perry the Platypus Funko Pop. No dice. You bring me one, and I'll trade you this boring one I got for it."

View attachment 45975Yoshi the DOS: "OK. Well, since someone else is already here, let's go to the Splash Carton."
You decide to check out Splash Carton, which involves walking up a really long queue! By the time you get to the top, you see a boat shaped like a milk carton docked in a downward river of what's either milk or really cleverly dyed water. There is a large horse in the attraction.
Sure, you can talk to me anytime!

I don't know what else to do here, so I'll fly over to the recycling center next
View attachment 45979Yoshi the DOS: "Can I talk to the horse?"

Milk Man
"Hello, and welcome to Splash Carton! Did you know that more than 600 million tons of milk are produced worldwide each year? That's a lot of milk!

By the way, I could use some help with a little problem. If you're interested, I can give you something even better than milk fun facts, if you can believe that even exists!"

Sure, you can talk to me anytime!

I don't know what else to do here, so I'll fly over to the recycling center next
You visit the Recycling Center. Nothing appears to be in the active process of being recycled, but there's a lot of miscellaneous garbage piled up next to a big hunk of metal that presumably does the titular recycling. There appear to be some trash cans running around.

Platypi Guy
"Artifacts? I'm not here for artifacts. I'm looking for a Perry the Platypus Funko Pop. No dice. You bring me one, and I'll trade you this boring one I got for it."
Charmy: All right, Platypi Guy. Can I inspect the ride before I head over to the Funko Pop Shop?
Let's take a look at the trash cans
View attachment 45981Yoshi the DOS: "How can I say neigh? Plus, I like to help others. So, yes I am interested."

Milk Man
"I have something very important that needs to be delivered, but I just don't have the time to do it myself! I don't even want to think about what Splash Carton would be like if I wasn't here to teach everyone about the nutritional value of milk! If you can come by later and pick it up for me, that would be a huge weight off of my... shoulders?"

Quest discovered!
Pick up a delivery from Milk Man.
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