Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Closing Ceremony (Game Finished!)

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Charmy: Hmm...a pair of balloons is always quite cute. I'll head to the stand to see if I can get some!

"You probably know the drill by now! Come back in an Action Phase and I'll sell you some balloons!"

hey uh mertle you see anything good in these guys future

"Some stars shine brighter than others. This is a pair of very dim stars."

Heh... trust the Temporal Committee to not know what the deal with reflectinators is. Don't you know? They're not just for looking at...

...they're for action!

You absolutely clobber the Reflectinators! Several times, in fact!

Several other artifact hunters suddenly feel a punch in the face. Maybe you should've thought that through some more.

View attachment 45900Yoshi the DOS: "Ok. Let's talk to Snackrat about Shbeeg Mascot Guy(s). Also, what is the rules about team leaders and their involvements? Are they only for their teams?"

"What's there to say about him? Doesn't bring me any snacks, so I couldn't care less!"

"Thank you kindly! If I took a few of these later, you wouldn't mind, right?

It would be very good for the fabric of time!"

"I won't miss you."

Hectinator the Reflectinator
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Kick the beeg mascot guys while they're down for fun
Like kick kick physical style too
"You probably know the drill by now! Come back in an Action Phase and I'll sell you some balloons!"
Charmy: Hmm...If I can't get anything, I don't think I have any business around here. Let's try exploring the Fear Factory instead!
Also, what is the rules about team leaders and their involvements? Are they only for their teams?
Forgot to address this - they're just here for fun, they don't really do a whole lot otherwise.

Kick the beeg mascot guys while they're down for fun

"So, yeah, this is the kind of thing I'm hired to make sure doesn't happen. Watch it."

Charmy: Hmm...If I can't get anything, I don't think I have any business around here. Let's try exploring the Fear Factory instead!
You visit the Fear Factory again, although it's been pretty well-explored by this point.


Vincent Overpriced
"Welcome again, foolish mortal! What business do you have here?"
Band stage, play songs.
You visit the Fear Factory again, although it's been pretty well-explored by this point.


Vincent Overpriced
"Welcome again, foolish mortal! What business do you have here?"
Charmy: I just came here to investigate, see if there's anything that hasn't been uncovered by anyone else. Where should I look, Vincent?
Band stage, play songs.

"We can't get the show running until we get that Waluigi Time bot off the ferris wheel. Sorry about that."

Charmy: I just came here to investigate, see if there's anything that hasn't been uncovered by anyone else. Where should I look, Vincent?

Vincent Overpriced
"You are free to check anywhere you like, though I would advise you stay away from the boss' office."
Where haven't we explored yet, there's still that mysterious super mysterious I'm just wasting precious seconds of our lives at this point, peculiar ??? to find!!

Vincent Overpriced
"You are free to check anywhere you like, though I would advise you stay away from the boss' office."
*Charmy heads upstairs to see what he can find.*
Detective Red Yoshi.png
Yoshi the DOS: "Wait. Have we investigated the Waluigi Time bot on the Ferris wheel? If so do that. And just to cover this, let's see if I can talk to it about the Shbeeg Mascot Guy(s)."
*Charmy heads upstairs to see what he can find.*
You check the offices again, but you don't uncover anything new.

View attachment 45902Yoshi the DOS: "Wait. Have we investigated the Waluigi Time bot on the Ferris wheel? If so do that. And just to cover this, let's see if I can talk to it about the Shbeeg Mascot Guy(s)."
The Waluigi Time animatronic is too high up on the ferris wheel to get a close look at or talk to. The ride must've been going when King Kong went up there.
You check the offices again, but you don't uncover anything new.
*Charmy heads back downstairs and exits the Factory, heading back towards the Wheeluigi Time ride.*
Strike up a conversation with Muercello. Who are the Mystery Dunes? Ask what's popular with the common man right now. Anything good on TV? Trendy celebrities? Prolific video games? Anything he fancies?

Are there any locations in this park that are likely to have animals? Wildlife, petting zoos, birds passing overhead, bugs, etc.?

Is there a bouncy castle anywhere?
Strike up a conversation with Muercello. Who are the Mystery Dunes? Ask what's popular with the common man right now. Anything good on TV? Trendy celebrities? Prolific video games? Anything he fancies?

Are there any locations in this park that are likely to have animals? Wildlife, petting zoos, birds passing overhead, bugs, etc.?

Is there a bouncy castle anywhere?

Muercello & Spectra
"The Mystery Dudes are my team of mystery-solving... dudes. The rest of my amigos aren't here today, just me and Spectra here."


"Um... Are superhero movies still in? I'm not up on the mainstream, I mostly like watching mysteries... Recently I played this new game about a duck and some secret salami. That was pretty good. And Shmaluigi, of course, he's my hero! He's more of a local celebrity, I guess. I think I saw his brother running around the park.

Well, yeah there's birds and bugs! Comes with being outside, you can find them all over. There's probably a lot more bugs in that factory from the looks of it... I haven't seen any petting zoos or anything like that, though. I heard there's a ride involving Porcupuffers, but it's not open this early. Those are a protected species I think, so it might just be a prop anyway.

I don't think there's a bouncy castle, but wouldn't that be something!"
Break into the storage room and yell at anyone inside it
Enter storage room polite style
Break into the storage room and yell at anyone inside it
You break into the Fear Factory's storage room, discovering that the door was already unlocked. Undeterred, you start yelling!


Cereal Box Ghost
"Hold down the screaming! I get this place is terrifying for you mortals but some of us are trying to WORK here, you know!"

He doesn't appear to be doing much work, actually. He definitely hasn't been doing any cleaning or organizing...

Enter storage room polite style
You leave and re-enter in a much more polite fashion. The Cereal Box Ghost gives you a funny look.
Hey cereal ghost how are you
Charmy: Let me examine the Waluigi Time animatronic, please. I want to see how it functions so I can get an idea of how to find the relics.
Hey cereal ghost how are you

Cereal Box Ghost

Charmy: Let me examine the Waluigi Time animatronic, please. I want to see how it functions so I can get an idea of how to find the relics.
The animatronic is too high up to get a good look at. You may want to check one of its counterparts on the Band Stage instead.
Examine the Waluigi Time animatronic's counterpart and cause the bite of '24.
Charmy: Examine the Waluigi Time animatronic's counterparts on the band stage. Are there any similarities to the one at the Wheeluigi Time ride?
Examine the Waluigi Time animatronic's counterpart and cause the bite of '24.

"Don't even think about touching those! You realize how easy those parts snap off?"

Charmy: Examine the Waluigi Time animatronic's counterparts on the band stage. Are there any similarities to the one at the Wheeluigi Time ride?
Although the other animatronics depict different characters and are set up to play different instruments, you can tell that they're all similar models to the Waluigi Time one. They don't look very convincing and seem pretty cheaply made.
Although the other animatronics depict different characters and are set up to play different instruments, you can tell that they're all similar models to the Waluigi Time one. They don't look very convincing and seem pretty cheaply made.
Charmy: These are starting to remind of that one restaurant with the animatronic band. That rat looked so creepy. Does the park's games have cheaply made prizes that cost a lot of tokens as well?
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