E. C. Koopa
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  • I now have not one, but five names that people can use to refer to me. That has to be some kind of record.
    Happy nine year anniversary to me.
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I think my biggest character development in that time, outside the whole "former homophobe and transphobe is now gay and trans" thing is that I went from being a massive DK hater to having the hots for him. 2010s me would be screaming.
    I am the kind of person insane enough to jump from Deadlocked to Auditory Breaker as my hardest in GD.
    Sure, I could write something, but I could also just stay in bed all day because I'm tired and still getting over Covid.
    You could always write something later in the day, then.
    I'm thinking of changing my theme but I can't decide if I should go with a Mii theme or a Geometry Dash theme.
    Go for the GD theme. I wanna see what you come up with
    There's no harder feeling than saying goodbye to someone you love, even knowing you'll see them again.
    "On vacation to visit my boyfriend halfway across the country" has to be the worst possible time I could have gotten sick.
    I'm off to Illinois for the week but I have like 15 hours of car ride to get through before that. Has anything interesting happened while I haven't been here?
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I'm complaining about Galaxy 1 and video games in general while also defending Battle League from people who don't like its rooster too much
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    I didn't know there was a rooster in Mario Strikers!

    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Every game has a rooster. It even has coop play.

    Let that sink in. It's the morning.
    Yo what up. I decided I'm going to try to stay on break until after my vacation to Illinois next month to see @PlanteraBlade. I've been feeling a lot less bad about the world after having not looked at the Twitter trending tab for several days and I'd like to keep it that way. So I'll see you back here on May 22 after my trip. Hope you all stay well.
    I'm thinking I want to take another social media break for a while since I've noticed myself becoming too chronically online lately. I've also just been generally uninterested in anything going on here lately so I think it's a good chance to take some time off. I'll still be hanging around on Discord just so I don't have to be totally isolated so feel free to send me a friend request on there if you want.
    I feel like I haven't been able to fit in here at all. In my mind, there's two groups of people: the people who were here in 2011 and before who all seem to be friends with each other and the people who joined relatively recently that are all a few years younger than me and are all roleplayers. I fall into this weird middle area, having joined in 2013, where I'm not veteran enough to be part of the friend group of OGs but I'm also not new/young enough to fit in with the generation of roleplayers. It's been making it hard for me to be interested in staying around when I almost feel like I'll just be the odd one out of both groups.
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    I would never turn anyone down unless they're racist or something. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try to make friends. I know it's generic advise, but it's true.
    Remember, the first step to make a friend is to talk to them, there is no guarantee they'll like you but if they don't, it was probably not meant to be, better to have a few friends who love you for you are then a lot who barely know you
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I'm really glad you all are willing to help me open up. I spent today being really anxious about all the comments to the point that it affected my blood pressure, but like I've said to other people before, I've been trying to get over my unreasonable fear of people relentlessly bullying me for saying anything at all. Especially with generalized anxiety, I freak out about basically everything, but I'm going to try to overcome that at some point.

    Thank you all again. I'm not at home at the moment but I'll probably shoot off some DMs when I get back. I really want to be more involved in the community and I think this will be a good way to start.
    I can't decide if I want my first name to be Mia or Cristina. What do you all think?

    My middle name is still going to be Ghost and I'll go by that primarily but I want to have a female first name.
    Maybe I am actually a girl.

    Yeah, I'm actually a girl.

    It was just hard to accept because of my mom's transphobia but being a trans girl gives me euphoria.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Abusive parents can f*ck with your head suuuuper seriously and absolutely destroy your sense of judgement and self-worth. Even today, as a recovering person, I'm constantly second-guessing and seeking validation. Don't feel pressure on any sort of identity, go with what makes you happy, though that's not going to be as easy as it sounds. I hope you build more and more confidence, and those second-guessing, self-hating things that plague your mind like a disease are more manageable as soon as the circumstances allow you to heal.
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I've been spending as little time with her as I possibly can lately and I'm going to cut her out of my life entirely come July/August when I move away. My dad is actually supportive of me no matter what I identify as or how I present, and I'm sure it will be even easier to feel more confident when I'm living in Illinois with my boyfriend, I can get on HRT, and I can at least try to meet some other trans people at school and be friends with them. Until then, I'm just going to avoid my mom as much as possible so I don't have to feel so obligated to bend to her will all the time.
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    Your mom sounds like bitch.
    Every time I see something about some kind of behavior quirk autistic people have that also applies to me, all I can think of is that time my mom decided on my behalf that I didn't have autism. My mom is already an ableist asshole but it's like someone who didn't even finish college shouldn't have the authority to decide if I have a neurological disorder or something.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Oh your mom is an autism denier?

    Your mom is so smart! She is sooooo smart! Everybody's jealous of how smart she is! How did she figure that out!? How did she get that because most people, what they would do is they would go with the preponderance of evidence? Most people would trust the unanimous consensus of all credible medical professionals, but she didn't!!! She figured it out all on her own! She's soooo smart!

    Her talents are wasted talking to you like this! She should go out there! Start cracking some cold cases! If bet if she looked in to it, she could figure out who Jack the Ripper was, cuz she's soo smart!

    (paraphrase from a ThoughtSlime video on ADHD, the end of it)
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    She's not even an autism denier, per se, but she just decided when I was 3 that I didn't have autism based on...some completely backwards logic, I'm sure. Knowing her background, she probably thought it meant she was a failure of a parent if I had autism. I say she's a failure of a parent because she's a narcissistic asshole but she would never believe that herself.
    The second dream I had just now was literally the biggest downgrade compared to the first one. Bring back the Mall of Dreams from the first one and the actually fun TV show I got to host in it.
    I got to see the pictures I took of myself as a Shy Boy again and just got the biggest wave of euphoria.
    It feels a lot better now that I don't have to stress out about my classes.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Is Luigi your teacher now
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I fucking wish. Since I can't have that, I took the next best option for me right now and started working on dropping out for this semester.
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