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  • I think my copy of Tomodachi Life on Nintendo 3DS is broken. The game gets stuck on the Nintendo 3DS startup screen whenever I try to boot the game up. I tried blowing on it multiple times and cleaning it with a soft napkin, but nothing I've tried worked so far. It simply won't read the card.
    • Sad
    Reactions: berrypeachy
    It might be the slot. I've had this problem with my Switch (It happens all the time). Maybe find a tutorial on how to clean it? I don't own a 3DS so I don't know.
    I don't trust to clean it without getting too much moisture in my 3DS and risk destroying it. Plus, every other 3DS cartridge works perfectly fine in my 3DS. It seems only Tomodachi Life has this problem.
    Oh, then it had to be the cartridge. On my Switch, it's the slot for sure since it does it with every cartridge.
    I wonder something about the Strategy Wing team of The 'Shroom. Is the writer of Getting That Payday still around? The sign-up page says they're still on the team, but I haven't seen their section in The 'Shroom in months.
    Don't you just hate it when you try and play some video games after a day of work only for you to have to sit through a tiring long game update? Happened to me today. 😒
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    Reactions: June
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    Yeah this can be very annoying, but the vast majority of games I play no longer receive updates (almost any Wii U / 3DS title, certainly any Wii / DS and before), or do not force you to always have the latest update to play (e.g. Minecraft, most offline Switch games). My home internet is decent so I can only imagine how bad this would be for people with very slow internet.
    I gotta admit, I've been feeling creatively drained over the past week. I've been meaning to try and be more creatively productive by writing stories to try and distract myself from my mental health issues, but I just don't have a whole lot of creative energy to get much writing done. The only time I can bring myself to write is if I'm writing on a deadline like when I'm writing my 'Shroom sections.
    I'm a sad rhinoceros right now...I've been feeling in a minor mood for most of the day, the weather was bad the whole day, and negative thoughts keep plaguing my mind...
    Is it weird that I can never distinguish American and Canadian accents from one another?
    I can only tell the difference with the word "sorry".
    The major difference between accents is that Canadians usually use long A's (as in "ape"), whereas Americans use short E's (as in "egg") in place of those, resulting in some very different pronunciations.
    I've never been able to tell the difference between the two, you're not alone there.
    Once again, I'm the only one online! No one will be able to stop me from revealing KFC's secret recipe! 😈
    I've been feeling under the weather lately due to a lack of social contacts. On Discord, it seems that practically everything I post doesn't get any response from my fellow Discord users, and even in people's DMs, things seem to be unresponsive. As a result, I'm trying to find other social contacts outside of the internet, but it's a bit of a slow process so far. What do you guys suggest I could do to find social contacts outside of Discord or otherwise fill in my time outside of Discord?
    Is there a favorite place you like to go? Maybe, a cafe or bookstore? I'm sure there are people who wouldn't mind chatting with you about a favorite book or drink of tea/coffee.
    I don't really go out much outside of work, so I'd have to look around for a café or a bookstore or something like that. But it might help.
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Sorry you're feeling lonely. That's rough.
    I wonder something about the Pipe Plaza team of The 'Shroom: Why is it called that? Do pipes perhaps have something to do with evoking thoughts, and given that Pipe Plaza is all about information and statistics, that's how the team got its name?
    Be sure to check out the Fake News and Palette Swap teams in today's issue of The 'Shroom, because aside from my usual Sport Report section, I'll also be debuting with two new sections!
    If someone with blond hair is a blonde, someone with brown hair is a brunette and someone with red hair is a redhead, what do we call someone with black hair?
    Does anyone else get struck with pain in a certain part of their body whenever it freezes intensely outside? I've been dealing with a persistent pain in the left side of the back of my head due to the cold since Sunday night.
    Sometimes my temples hurt very bad when I'm the cold.
    Last night, I had a dream where I saw Funky Kong sink in a bunch of quicksand, and I reached my arm into the quicksand trying to rescue him, but was unable to do so because of how deep into the quicksand Funky Kong had sunk.
    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Birthday Jesus, and Happy Holidays to all Super Mario Wiki users alike! Hope you're having a great Christmas either at home or out with family, and be sure to raise a glass of delicious Christmas drink and find a mistletoe to make out with some babes or hunks. 😛
    My patience is truly at its end today...I'm just so insanely stressed out and I just want to scream in agony at how annoying this day has been for me...And the worst part about it is that all of this is my own fault...Because of my actions and dreading the consequences of my actions, I brought all of this stress upon myself...I just hope that tomorrow will be a better day, because I can't fucking take today anymore...
    Are you feeling better, Clawgrip?
    I am. I took some time to myself after getting home from work, talked with one of my dormitory counselors about what was bothering me, and I just treated myself to a meal from KFC. Now I just need a good night's sleep, and I'll be all set for tomorrow.
    That's nice to hear, and I'm glad your feeling better!
    I just took a look at The 'Shroom's Sign Up page, and I noticed that Critic Corner is a bit low on staff. Should that be considered a point of concern?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    I wouldn't call it something to be overly-concerned about. There's an ebb and flow to 'Shroom writers. It's been the way of things for a few years, and sometimes a team ends up with just a few writers for a spell. Plus, CC accepts one-off reviews, so it can end up with more sections than its writer list suggests.

    That said, of course we'd be thrilled to see more writers join the team! (Anyone with opinions to share - on nearly anything, be it media, food, sports, any of it - go ahead and send an app or a one-off review in!)

    And if you've got a suggestion for any of our teams that you think might encourage more writers to jump in, always feel free to pass that along!
    Alright, thanks for clearing that up, Pito. If I do have any suggestions for any of The 'Shroom's teams that might encourage more writers to jump in, I'll definitely try to pass those along. :)
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