Barby Koala
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  • I continue to get haunted by my past mistakes, both witnessed and committed. The guilt from the mistakes is destroying me on the inside, and I feel incredibly helpless on an almost daily basis. I wish I could go back in time to erase my mistakes, but I know very well that I can't, so I have to continue to live with the guilt of my mistakes every day for the rest of my life.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    @Ray Trace Are mistakes fine to make if they're many of the same mistakes made over the course of ten years and linked to the same toxic behavior?
    If you're in a position where the guilt is consuming you like this, you have two options: either you do something about it, or you don't and remain stagnant. None of us can make you do either, but if I were you, I would find a way to do something about it. If you're looking at yourself and your behavior and saying "I wish this were different", the obvious next step is to change. The people you know can offer you pointers, but nobody can tell you how to change. You need to do that by experimenting, getting uncomfortable, and empowering yourself.

    Like, if you're looking at this from the framework of "I've made the same mistakes for ten years", then yeah, that does sound like something worth adjusting. But you can't become consumed by guilt; you have to let it bolster you. If you're being haunted, figure out how to get rid of the ghosts. Be better because you want to be better for yourself, and don't wallow in it along the way. That's how you get somewhere and make a change.

    Growth isn't linear, but it needs to be intentional.
    Hey Clawgrip, sorry to hear you're feeling like this. I can really relate to what you're going through as I myself have made a ton of big mistakes in life. I used to be crushed by the guilt and spent all the time wishing I could go back in time to do things differently, and it took a long time to get over this.

    And sure, yes, if I could go back there are things I would want to do differently. But why waste time dwelling on things that get me down, and which I can never change, when I could instead be looking forward and focusing on making new happy memories, starting today? Ironically enough, I actually have regret over wasting a lot of time dwelling on my regrets rather than living every moment to the fullest so I learned from that.

    None of us are perfect. Virtually everyone has at some point done something wrong and later regretted and in that respect we're all in the same tunnel. Sure, some of us may be further down the tunnel than others, but still, we are all in that tunnel. And there are many people who are as far down the tunnel as you are, possibly including me.

    You're not the same person you were years ago, and if you learn from your mistakes and do your best to be a good person today and going forward then that's all that matters.

    Take these words to heart, Clawgrip: You deserve to forgive and love yourself. You don't deserve to be haunted.
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Love, Simon:

    Waldorf: Simon Says: This film is a fundamental depiction of how progressive the 2010s were.
    Statler: Simon Also Says: You know what that makes the 2020s?
    Waldorf: Simon Says: What?
    Statler: Simon Says: Congressive.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Pearl Harbor:

    Statler: If you ever wondered what would happen if Michael Bay teamed up with Randall Wallace to make a dollar store parody of James Cameron's Titanic, here's your answer.
    Waldorf: It's a wonder that Ben Affleck made it out of acting school when he's starred in so many B-list movies and box office bombs like this one.
    Statler: Maybe that's why he graduated from acting school in the first place: They knew he was good enough to qualify for being a B-list movie star.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Disney's Song of the South:

    Waldorf: I'm old enough to remember that when this movie came out, Disney wasn't all about political correctness, but frowned upon it instead.
    Statler: You're old enough to remember when The Birth of a Nation, the most politically incorrect movie of all time released in 1915.


    (Waldorf frowns and shakes his head in annoyance)
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:

    Waldorf: Should we call it a night?
    Statler: Well, I certainly wouldn't call it a show.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3:

    Statler: Well, this show is certainly a downgrade from the Super Mario Brothers Super Show.
    Waldorf: As to be expected from a show about plumbers; The more shows you make about them, the more it's guaranteed that the quality will go down the drain.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Tiny Toons Looniversity:

    Statler: Well, that was different.
    Waldorf: Yep, lousy.
    Both: But different.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace:

    Statler: So this is where the Skywalker Saga begins...
    Waldorf: Not just the Skywalker Saga. It's also the beginning of the end of the Galactic Republic.
    Statler: If I didn't know any better, you'd think this movie took place in the United States of America.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on A Troll In Central Park:

    Waldorf: This movie raises so many questions. Like, why would they banish a troll with botanic powers to Central Park, New York City?
    Statler: I think that's the least of the problems with this movie. The biggest question of all that this movie raises is: Why did they do it?

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Jaws: The Revenge:

    Statler: Man, talk about sinking your franchise! I definitely wouldn't wanna be on that ship!
    Waldorf: You know what's ironic?
    Statler: What?
    Waldorf: The director of this movie had to borrow money from a loan shark in order to pay off the financial losses from the box office bomb.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog:

    Statler: Now they've done it. A cartoon that's so cheesy, you could melt it into a fondue.
    Waldorf: I don't think I would like to dip my bread in a cheese fondue made of hedgehogs and foxes.
    Statler: Me neither. That goes to show how moldy this show's cheese is.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Rocky:

    Waldorf: I honestly find it hard to believe that a movie full of filler went on to spawn five sequels and a spiritual successor that ended up spawning two sequels.
    Statler: Guess the boxing film industry was really at rock bottom when this thing came along.

    Man, my mental health has been doodoo for a while now, but I don't want to risk taking a break when I have a lot of duties for The 'Shroom to take care of. Unless I can get someone to fill in my spots on the Fake News and Palette Swap teams, taking a break seems like a pipe dream.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Alright, I'll see what I can do. Who would take over my Awards presentation duties if I do end up taking the month off though?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Perhaps it would still be possible to work on your presentation while taking your 'Shroom sections off to lighten your load. It doesn't necessarily have to be all-or-nothing. That said, if you did end up deciding you needed to clear your plate entirely for the month for your mental health, that'd be perfectly okay. That's what there are backup presenters for. You'd just want to let the Awards Directing Staff know so they could work things out.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Yeah, I suppose I could clear my plate by taking my 'Shroom sections off for the month and solely focus on my Awards presentation. Thanks for pointing me in right direction, Pitohui. I appreciate it.
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Undertale:

    Statler: Why do you suppose Toby Fox called it Undertale?
    Waldorf: Because his fanbase was so mainstream, he had to go underground.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

    Waldorf: The majority of this show's audience being men goes to show that Hasbro knows how to appeal to the whole family.
    Statler: Well, what do you expect? With an artstyle and writing team as strong as this, it's bound to make even the toughest men mare-y.

    Today, I'll be posting this earlier than I normally would, so enjoy an early comedic treat. 😉

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Atlantis: The Lost Empire:

    Waldorf: This movie is as if you took a group of Muppets, and instead of giving them low stakes hijinks here at The Muppet Show, you sent them on an epic quest.
    Statler: If that's the case, then I should be Rourke and you should be Helga.
    Waldorf: Me in the role of Helga? I don't get that.
    Statler: Because I'm a bad tempered and greedy old coot while you're a nagging bat playing second banana to me.


    (Waldorf smacks Statler in the face)
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Home Alone:

    Statler: You know, when I first saw this movie in theaters, I wanted to be Macaulay Culkin.
    Waldorf: Why?
    Statler: I always wanted to experience my self centered and dumb family leaving me at home for the holidays, having the entire house to myself, and beating a couple of wet bandits with a series of traps straight out of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
    Waldorf: You know where you can experience all of that?
    Statler: Where?
    Waldorf: By starring in The Muppet Show.


    (Statler silently glares at the screen)
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Independence Day (1996):

    Statler: Do you suppose they have life on other planets?
    Waldorf: Why do you care? You don't have any life on this one.


    (Statler smacks Waldorf in the face)
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Snow White and the Huntsman:

    Waldorf: This movie was terrible! I didn't like it!
    Statler: Me neither. Whoever wrote the screenplay for this movie must've gotten Snow White confused with Katniss Everdeen.
    Waldorf: They musta been reading The Hunger Games instead of the original fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers.
    Statler: No surprise. Things can get pretty Grimm if you Hunger for some Games.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Grand Theft Auto III:

    Statler: That Claude fella changed sides more often than I change my underwear.
    Waldorf: I always knew something smelled off about you.


    Statler: Don't heckle me, you old fool! Heckle the makers of this game!
    Waldorf: Is that your nose or did a chili pepper grow out of your face?
    Statler: I give up...
    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Red Dead Redemption 2:

    Waldorf: I think this game teaches people a valuable lesson.
    Statler: Yeah, that years of trust can be broken within a matter of months when you let an adult version of Dennis the Menace into your group.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Willy's Wonderland:

    Statler: Is this supposed to be that Five Nights At Freddy's hoopla the kids have been talking about?
    Waldorf: Well, they certainly won't last one night with Nicholas Cage.

    Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on The Thirteenth Year:

    Waldorf: Have I said that this film was written by wet bandits?
    Statler: I don't know, that sounds a bit fishy to me.

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