Barby Koala
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  • Miles Tails Prower
    Miles Tails Prower
    @Chowder By the way LOL I can't get over how funny it is on Wikipedia how even though it generally IS accurate sometimes it's prone to false information so there's even an article ON WIKIPEDIA itself written by someone on there that says "WIKIPEDIA IS NOT A RELIABLE SOURCE!" 🤣

    Irony. 😏
    The claim that Wikipedia is not "reliable" is somewhat true, as it can be edited by anyone, but Wikipedia also has links to sources for their information and is pretty quick to revert vandalism.
    Miles Tails Prower
    Miles Tails Prower
    @Chowder I know I just thought it was ironic and funny that Wikipedia said that ABOUT itself. 🤣
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    Seeing as next month's issue of The 'Shroom is going to feature both the next part of the third chapter of Sport Report: The Movie and the next part of Say Yes To The Dress: Waluigi Edition in Palette Swap, I was thinking of throwing in another Waluigi themed guest section in Fake News as a bonus addition to next month's Cooking Guide section. I was thinking of having that guest edition be a one-off of Hot Records, but I would certainly be open for user suggestions for Waluigi themed guest sections for next month's 'Shroom issue!
    Be sure to check out the Fake News and Palette Swap teams in today's issue of The 'Shroom! Dedicated Waluigi fan, Wallace Ulysses has the latest scoop on a Waluigi-themed video game in Game Corner, and Waluigi himself helps a young woman get married through his famed bridal boutique in Say Yes To The Dress: Waluigi Edition - Part 1!
    Woo-hoo! The Eagles are pecking the Chiefs apart in the Super Bowl! This is such an amazing performance on the Eagles' part, you'd almost think there's match fixing at stake!
    For my February and March profile theme, I was thinking of taking on a character from Pre-Super Genesis Wave Archie Sonic, with the potential list of candidates consisting of characters like Barby Koala, Marcos Wolf, Sealia Seal, and Agunus Rhino to name a few. Only problem is the Pre-Super Genesis Wave Archie Sonic artstyle being so unaesthetically presentable and as such make it difficult to get a decent picture of these characters for my PFP.
    Great Cooking Guide this month! It has the core of a recipe and instructions on making the tart covered quite handily, but you made it shine beyond that with the Clawgrip-Dyllis dynamic and the sense of continuity in its improvement.
    Be sure to check the Fake News and Palette Swap teams in today's issue of The 'Shroom! With the help of a bad tempered chef, I'll be teaching readers how to make a New Year's dessert in Cooking Guide, and my Mariosona and Company continue to indulge in a star-studded Zellon Army slamfest in Sport Report: The Movie!
    I'm really in need of my weekend break, because I'm getting really tired of getting stressed about situations I can't control as well as other headaches such as lack of social interaction and being harrassed by scammers in my Fanfiction DMs.
    • Sad
    Reactions: Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time at the moment, Clawgrip. Take as much as a break as you need, and be gentle with yourself.
    Nearly sent my Shroom Section to you by accident because your username has the same first 3 letters as Waluigi Time's
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Lol, it happens. I would definitely have been confused if I ended up getting your 'Shroom section in my DMs though.
    Hey, guys. This is ClawgripFan9001. Hope you're having a good holiday season, and that you're spreading joy in a time when we need it the most. As for me, I'm having a decent holiday season. Nothing too good, but nothing too bad either. Regardless, with all sincerity, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I hope to hear from y'all again soon.
    Merry Christmas My Friend here's a gift for you!
    Some Blue Berry Tea🍵🫐(or as i like to call it BOOberry Tea)
    -From :boo:
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    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Thanks, sonny. I appreciate it, and Merry Christmas to you as well.
    Be sure to check out the Fake News and Palette Swap teams in the Holiday Special for The 'Shroom today! That rugged reporter Claw Gripstofferson has the latest news from Mushroom Kingdom Parliament, and we'll be taking a look at how ClawgripFan9001 and his long lost friends prepare for the holidays!
    Hey Koopa Klaus, I don't dislike December for the busyness of business and all that like you do but I DO hate how it's SUPER cold. I'll be honest-I hate winter period. It's always freezing and I really don't like being cold. I'd rather be really warm. Cold is really uncomfortable for me personally. If I had a choice between being unbearably cold or uncomfortably hot I'd choose the latter. I like summer a lot more than winter. Plus in winter a lot of colds and flus and stuff are going around. It doesn't snow very often where I live and it makes me sad, but maybe it's a good thing because it means I don't have to shovel snow off my driveway.
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    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Understandable. I'm generally a warm blooded person, so I can tolerate the cold much better than you do, but some days, it's so stinking cold that even a warm blooded person like me gets chilled to the bone. As for snow, I don't like snow myself, because snow often makes the roads slippery and dirty, and when the roads are slippery and dirty, I can't get out on the road because I work as a courier riding a bike, and you can put one and two together from there.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    For me it doesn't get cold enough to where it snows, so summer is easily the worst season.
    Do you ever just harbor so much tension and resentment towards a person that you simply end up snapping at them and then verbally tearing them down? That happened to me yesterday.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    @Sprig Yes, I enjoyed so much that I started dancing around the room afterward. That was sarcastic, in case it wasn't clear.
    I don't know why I posted that I just have that weird contrarian in me

    But you know sometimes it is healthy to let people know when they're pissing you off. Just in smaller doses I suppose
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Perhaps. But in this case, it was completely unwarranted, and as I said before, I came to regret it later.
    For the last few years, December has always been my least favorite month of the year because I'm not a holiday person whatsoever, so this time of year is always a stressful period for me, because things get very busy at work and as a result, I'll take any break I can get. But regardless of my own personal issues with the holidays, I still want everyone else in the community to have a good holiday season because it's that time of year to bring joy to the world in a time where we need it the most. I'll save the holiday greeting for when we actually get there, so sit tight for another couple weeks.
    Today, I finally learned what all the fuss about the ending of How I Met Your Mother was about. While I will say that fans overexxagerated it being a "disgusting ending", I will agree that it was a very dumb decision, even if it was planned from the beginning like the showrunner stated it to be.
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