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  • Remember when drawing yourself as muscular or overly cool and drawing who you don't like as an ugly loser was fiction's way to show someone was full of their self? Now, it's everywhere on the internet
    I don't remember that
    Thinking how the North American site for the original Warioware has flash microgames that have been lost to time
    Tiny Toons Looniversity is supposed to come out this year and basically all we know Elmyra isn't in it
    It starts with one....
    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter hard you try
    Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
    What if you had a jingle that played when you did something cool?
    I wish I had this one
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    Reactions: Bob Craples
    If that was a feature on the forum, it would be very satisfying.
    Mine would be the "TIME EXTENSION" voice clip from Daytona USA
    wait no way I actually remember that one panel in Archie Sonic! Honey has the best facial expressions.
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    Reactions: Chi-Chi
    It's a shame that the comic was cancelled shortly after she was brought into the comic (being in the last overarching story arc).
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    Reactions: Cocoa
    "Damn, bro, those are serious problems, all I can tell you is not go to the circus, clowns are scary and Pagliacci is the scariest of them all."
    "But doctor, I am Pagl-
    I just woke from a nap because I wanted to laugh at a meme that only exists in it
    It's some cgi safety video with a bunch of normal looking people and then kids with unatural hair colors and one with Jafar's hat walk into the hallway and Simple and Clean starts playing as it freeze frame and a caption says "Me and my squad about to protect the school"
    In addition to a FF9 series, there is going be a Legend of Mana anime! Not to mention the Adventure of Dai is damn good
    You know, with Jellystone making me in the mood, give me any Hanna Barbera character (except adaptations like Josie and the Pussycats and Super friends) and I'll try to draw them
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    Reactions: Chowder
    Like, draw Shaggy eating fries dude.
    Dick Dastardly!
    Barney Rubble
    You ever think how we visualize oranges and bananas with the peels instead the actual part we eat?
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    ive eaten orange peels before


    also, same deal with like any food with a hard outside. like pineapples, watermelons (though that one is usually cut), nuts of all kinds. it's really the first thing we see before we get to work on it.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    Orange skin is about as harmful as apple peels if you don't wash it, going by this article (; as in, it's not really. I'm unsure why it's commonly held that citrus peels are particularly toxic when all market fruit is treated with weird stuff that needs to be washed off before consumption.

    That said, I peel the things when I eat them. Orange skin has a nice enough texture to chew on, but as Dark Light said above, it's unpleasantly sour.
    Those Amazon ads did convince me that bozo does pay people, pay people to lie that is
    I can sorta get that putting in the same setting as the show would kill any reason for it to be live action and Primal meeting Prime voiced by Peter Cullen is pretty cool but no Cheetor, Rattrap and especially no Dinobot in the Beast Wars movie but someone as minor as Airazor instead?
    I just hope they get Gary Chalk as Primal
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