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  • With this post I believe I hit 3000 posts.
    (And my reaction score is 1,501, that was so nearly too perfect to be true)
    (Edit: do status updates not count or is it taking time to process?)
    Toka Hebizuka
    Toka Hebizuka
    profile posts don't count
    huh weird I always assumed so because they appear in "Post history"
    Well I guess this post will be correct soon enough
    Well I fixed that lol
    hey, wanna be a part of a rp run by InsaneLemmy? It's calles Channel 6: Mushroom Kingdom Reality Show!
    Unhook extension for Chrome is awesome
    Now I can focus on life much much easier
    I finally fulfilled my dream of fighting Super Dimentio at level 1 and this fight was actually pretty hard. I won with Peach and Carrie (Peach can block in midair whilst riding Carrie) and luring the boss into the corner then just jump on his head whilst blocking and although it'd be possible to get hit if a projectile hits you in the split second after you land a hit (because this disables the block) I managed to win doing that, but if I hadn't pulled that off it would've been a very hard fight.
    also, know anything cool about mario world i can use for my section of the `Shroom?
    Assuming you mean Super Mario World the SNES game which was then ported to the GBA, I've not even played it (I was at one point intent on getting the GBA version on Wii U VC but then I realised it's on NSO and I'll be paying for NSO anyway so I may as well save myself £6). I don't have a Switch yet.
    shoot. k cool
    I AFKed in Minecraft (Java) by accident overnight (never done it on purpose before) and died and lost everything and my villagers died too
    The Green Knight
    The Green Knight
    Its a little late for this, and it probably sounds obvious to you, but do you know how to make backups?
    I do, usually I just copy the world save folder.
    However, I usually don't bother as I generally consider it cheating to be able to reverse time to fix my own errors, I only consider it legit if the world is technically corrupted or otherwise literally unplayable (e.g. nigh-inevitable instant death for every respawn).
    It was my fault I left my PC on overnight, it's my price to pay that I lost all my stuff and my villagers.
    Wait are the Mario things that are going down today already down or is it at midnight?
    What about time zones etc.
    They seem to still be up. 3D All-Stars is still on the eShop, and I can still play Super Mario Bros. 35.
    Nice!!!!! I thought it would go down! XD
    They will after today. Today's the last day you can play Super Mario Bros. 35 and that you can buy 3D All-Stars.
    - Wii U hack worked fine at first until it actually game to booting 3D World in Cemu, at first I just got a black screen and when I first got help the person said it was unfixable and was a result of the graphics card I'm on. However, another person helped me fixed it and with some tweaks I managed to get the game to run at a generally comfortable framerate (far more than I'd expected was possible on my hardware.) I didn't get my own save file onto it but I found a 100% save file for my region which I managed to load in so I can now play any level anytime. I'm trying to beat Champion's Road (I'd say this is either the hardest main series Mario level I've played yet or second to SMG2's The Perfect Run).
    - Managed to load Superstar Saga in VisualBoyAdvance, but not my save file. Also I managed to get cheat codes working so I can enjoy the game a lot more than grinding enemies (albeit infinite coins cheats means the blocks have no value)
    - Managed to load Super Mario 64 on my PC and even on my 3DS but the latter is so laggy it is almost unplayable (I think it's mainly intended for the new 3DS which I don't have). Couldn't get save files on either.
    - Managed to load Paper Mario 64 on my PC (haven't tried 3DS) and managed to set it up with the HD texture pack which looks so good compared to the original, however it's still kinda buggy ("o"'s are unchanged for some reason and a lot of characters will change between new and old appearances due to incomplete sprite replacement). Couldn't get my saves on here so I'm replaying from scratch, not sure how much I'll commit to this playthrough given how many things I'm in the middle of currently but eventually beating the whole game like this would be an awesome upgrade to a game I already love.
    - Managed to load Partners in Time on DeSmuMe (I guess I might get Haxchi now in that case, but I don't plan on CBHC because it's far riskier) and imported my save file.

    On a separate note I also found a TTYD theme for my 3DS which is epic
    - 3DS hack worked fine, I did encounter an issue when I came to the NAND backup cause it was giving an error, I deduced it was probably because my SD card didn't have enough room so I moved the "Nintendo 3DS" folder onto the hard drive of my PC and then made the backup, moved the backup to my PC, returned the "Nintendo 3DS" folder to the root of the SD card, and then everything seemed restored, so I think it's OK.
    - I can't dump Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D because my SD card isn't big enough
    - I did however manage to dump Dream Team and 3D Land, and they both ran pretty decently on Citra (generally good framerate and no errors as far as I noticed), and it was pretty cool to now be able to play them on PC however I still prefer the feel of playing them on a 3DS. I also managed to use Checkpoint to get my game saves for both, which in the case of 3D Land means I can play any level whenever I want on either 3DS or Citra.
    - I managed to dump and load into Citra Super Mario Land 1 & 2 but for some reason the audio in both was really glitchy (I couldn't find an easy fix or explanation) so I doubt I'll be playing either outside of my 3DS, but again I think it's cool I got it to work.
    - I also dumped Bowser's Inside Story and managed to get it to work on DeSmuMe and it seemed accurate but for some reason it was really laggy at first, I toggled with the settings a little which seemed to help. I also managed to get my saves for this so I replayed the final battle with that awesome music and it was great.
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    Reactions: Xiahou Ba
    I would hack my 3ds like i did my wii but in all honesty im scared to.

    Is it as easy as hacking the wii?
    I hacked my Wii last week and i'd say the Wii was simpler but only like in terms of there's less stuff to download and all and all I needed for that was get my MAC address, download and open the letterbomb then follow's instructions on which instructions to select.

    With 3DS it's a bit more complex because what I had to do was change the DNS settings and then open it in "Safe mode" (which required me to hold the buttons in a way I frankly kinda found it hard to but managed to do eventually) and then as previously said there's more steps, more stuff you need to download and install but as much as I kinda got put off by how complex 3DS hacking seemed at first I'm glad I did it because if you just follow one step at a time and make sure you're careful to do everything right, it's actually easy (the same kinda applied to when I decided to hack my Wii too, it looked like a lot to process but in the end all i had to do was follow the guide faithfully and it was no problem).

    In terms of actual risks, your chances of a brick are probably very low if you follow the guide, of course there's other things you might want to do outside of that guide but just make sure before you do stuff that you do research into how safe it is. Also, I just disabled the sharing of info on Friends List and Spotpass to be extra safe from Nintendo bans but the only thing I know of that can really lead you to getting console banned is cheating in online games, which I haven't done and don't plan to do.
    I happened to have watched TTG's "The Gold Standard" today having seen "Beast Boy's St. Patrick's Day Luck, and it's bad" a few days ago all the time having no idea that today was St. Patrick's Day

    Well that explains why one of the teachers at my school was dressed as a leprechaun today

    No, my PC is not actually good enough to comfortably play like this with 1080p and HD textures but I can take beautiful screenshots by enabling them temporarily.
    So to play an emulated game legally you must extract the ROM from your own Game Disc or Game Card?
    I mean the law isn't black and white and I live in the UK unlike most people here who live in the US where copyright laws are different. But based on what I'm aware of in UK copyright simply put yes, ripping your own copy is "more legal" than downloading one from the internet, but I'm not sure that ripping your own is 100% legal. Again, it's complex
    Tee double Ee En Tee I Tee Ay En Es
    Captain Goomba
    Captain Goomba
    The battle version of Go! from the movie is my favorite TTG song. (I mean, there's also the Waffle song, but I think I like the other one more.)
    Do you like Starfire's "Lights, camera, action"?
    Captain Goomba
    Captain Goomba
    I don't think I've heard it. I don't watch a whole lot of TTG, but I do watch it on occasion.
    For the first time in a year I'm going to have to break my streak of always getting my name change in at the first day of the new month, cause February only has 28 days :P
    Update on Bday so far:
    - Watched the LEGO Movie 2 (for the first time - I chose it because I wanted to watch something which I knew I'd like but which I hadn't seen before)
    - Had Fish and Chips for lunch from my favourite, as we'd call it, "Chippy"
    - Played 3 Hours of Super Paper Mario, starting from a blank save, in which time I just about beat the first three chapters. I honestly didn't enjoy myself quite as much as I've thought, I guess my nostalgia meant I'd been seeing it through "rose tinted glasses" and idk I feel if my memory was wiped i'd really really enjoy it again but due to having memorised the overall story and characterisation and everything I need to do it's a bit stale. I also don't feel the graphics looked all that great on the TV that my Wii U is currently hooked onto, but they look fine on the Gamepad (which I had to switch to as my family needed the TV in the last hour). Still my FGOAT though.
    - Opened all my presents: Luigi's Mansion (GC), Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Makeup and new outfits.
    - Chocolate cake
    Did you hear that TTG is getting a spin off based on The Night Begins To Shine?
    I hadn't heard that prior to you writing this so thank you very much.
    what does it mean if my wii u frequently stars without starting (blue light turns on and the noise starts, but the gamepad and other controller's can't connect and nothing happens on the screen) and i have to fix it by turning it off and on again. is this a sign it's nearing the end of its life or just normal?
    New battery?
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    Reactions: Hooty
    also look this up on google
    i get people who have the same problem every time but in my case it's just something that hapens every so often and a simple reboot fixes it
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    I managed to extract the music from a battle beach apk and listening to the main theme song now is just really sad
    • Haha
    Reactions: Vivian
    that was like 10 months ago lol. but i mean i guess it kinda makes sense as i'm a little older than you so you probably found it really outdated and when i played it i too found it outdated, whereas i guess most of the people who like the game are those who first played it a very long time ago.
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    Yeah my fondness of SMRPG is nostalgia from when I was a child and saw my older cousin and his neighborhood friends playing a Mario game that I never heard of, they were at a bridge and fought a Koopa and I was like ":O It's a Mario Pokemon?! YOU CAN PLAY AS PEACH AND BOWSER??!! :O :O :O"

    Then there was Peach Castle with the Toads playing the trumpets and Toads with spears and I was like " ah my gawwwddd * w * "
    My fondness of Super Mario RPG comes from the fact that it was my first Mario RPG. Now, every time I play a new Mario RPG, I end up comparing it to SMRPG.
    (i study physics and we just started quantum stuff so i knew things from "Quantum Fun")
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    Reactions: Fordsy
    I'm actually surprised by that.
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