Princess Zatanna

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  • I don't understand why you reacted to my post with "Angry." I didn't mean any offense, I was just trying to prove my point and that "best" and "worst" are all in the mind.
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    Reactions: Flowey
    in fairness i think there are contexts where you can say something is bad without it being an opinion

    like if a game is too buggy to finish, for example
    Sooo.... ummm..... I unboxed this today


    • i7-11800H (8 cores, @2.3GHz, 4.6GHz Turbo)
    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (4.0 GB VRAM)
    • 16GB RAM (2 channels of 8GB, 2666MHz)
    • 1TB SSD (2200 Mbps (R), 1500 Mbps (W))
    I haven't gamed on it yet though as I haven't found time, but I might do later today
    I finally watched the original Teen Titans series
    TTG sucks in my opinion. I watched both and the only thing TTG can call Teen Titians are the appearance of the main characters. Everyone is stupid and the plot of each episode look like they were written for a 3-year-old. Just my opinion though.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    @Blitz did you watch the original series first? Yours seems to be basically in line with the mainstream community view of the two series, that the first was great and TTG is bad because it was too childish and not enough like the original. I have a different view because I saw TTG long before I even knew the original existed (I think I was about 13), and always loved it for its silliness, then when I finally saw the original a few days ago it was great too in a different way
    Even if someone watches the GO series first, people will probably find the original series to be far better for various reasons:

    - Sanity; the show is geared toward young ages while the original can be enjoyed by anyone (late 90s-early 2000s cartoons were the bomb)
    - The original has a better artstyle and an actual plotline
    - The head writer acknowledges that Teen Titans GO is completely stupid, as revealed during the "Serious Business" episode interview, claiming it to be the most "hated show he's ever worked on" and pushes the stupidity just for the sake of being random, which is not how you write quality content, and enjoys it all:
    - The characters in GO, aside from Beast Boy and maybe Robin, are completely unlike how they are actually supposed to be, which they acknowledge on a few occasions throughout the series.
    - This still:

    Now, you are free to like whatever you like, no one's stopping you. These are just the key points for why I, personally, do not enjoy Teen Titans GO's content.
    The good and the bad of the Switch so far:

    The Good:
    • Status as a "hybrid console" (can be both handheld and on the TV) is extremely useful and cool
    • The Pro controller is pretty good
    • Has pretty decent inbuilt flash storage and can be expanded with micro sd card if needed
    • Impressive they can fit a whole game into a tiny cartridge with a smaller game case
    • Seems pretty fast, and good internet wise
    • Seems to have an ok battery life
    • The touchscreen is good, I like how it's more akin to smartphones and tablets than the Wii U gamepad, and the DS and 3DS
    • Good graphics

    The Bad:
    • Whilst the Joy-Cons are amazing in theory, I think they fell a bit flat in practise, especially as I'm scared of developing joycon drift. Thankfully I find their size alright, I think a lot of people were saying the joycons were too small for their hands
    • The games are really expensive still, even those that have been out for over 3 years
    • They killed virtual console
    • You have to pay for online multiplayer
    • Based on a little internet research, looks like hacking it will be pretty risky and difficult if even possible
    • No music in a lot of interfaces that I wish there were
    • The main dashboard feels too barebones
    • I don't like how they made the home menu and main dashboard one and the same like the 3DS, I wish they were separate like on the Wii and Wii U
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    @zelen !! how long after getting your switch did the drift start?
    idkkk i got my switch in november 2018 and my left stick started drifting somewhere in july 2019? it was pretty minor though. then it was sort of gone by nov 2019 for no reason, then came back in jan 2020 and mostly started slowly getting increasingly worse from there, especially this year
    i can still sort of play games fine, but the stick often struggles holding down or right fully, and im pretty sure im just . completely unable to play smash because even when drift wasnt that bad it was a struggle to run and perform smashes... (not that i have any desire to play smash now but. Yeah)
    Sometimes it uh gets Real Annoying
    mostly though i can get by fine enough but not without a whole lot of complaining about drift
    whoops kinda ended up ranting about my own drift issues but yeah i hope you at least have free repairs or something. i dont get that around here
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    OK, so I guess that if I mainly use the Pro controller then I should be mostly fine for a good while
    With this post I believe I hit 3000 posts.
    (And my reaction score is 1,501, that was so nearly too perfect to be true)
    (Edit: do status updates not count or is it taking time to process?)
    profile posts don't count
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    huh weird I always assumed so because they appear in "Post history"
    Well I guess this post will be correct soon enough
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Well I fixed that lol
    I finally fulfilled my dream of fighting Super Dimentio at level 1 and this fight was actually pretty hard. I won with Peach and Carrie (Peach can block in midair whilst riding Carrie) and luring the boss into the corner then just jump on his head whilst blocking and although it'd be possible to get hit if a projectile hits you in the split second after you land a hit (because this disables the block) I managed to win doing that, but if I hadn't pulled that off it would've been a very hard fight.
    also, know anything cool about mario world i can use for my section of the `Shroom?
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Assuming you mean Super Mario World the SNES game which was then ported to the GBA, I've not even played it (I was at one point intent on getting the GBA version on Wii U VC but then I realised it's on NSO and I'll be paying for NSO anyway so I may as well save myself £6). I don't have a Switch yet.
    shoot. k cool
    I AFKed in Minecraft (Java) by accident overnight (never done it on purpose before) and died and lost everything and my villagers died too
    The Green Knight
    The Green Knight
    Its a little late for this, and it probably sounds obvious to you, but do you know how to make backups?
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    I do, usually I just copy the world save folder.
    However, I usually don't bother as I generally consider it cheating to be able to reverse time to fix my own errors, I only consider it legit if the world is technically corrupted or otherwise literally unplayable (e.g. nigh-inevitable instant death for every respawn).
    It was my fault I left my PC on overnight, it's my price to pay that I lost all my stuff and my villagers.
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