I spent most of the morning writing the rules for my new forum game. Hopefully you guys enjoy it! The game will be refined and kinks will be worked out as we go along and I figure out what does and doesn't work.
I've had this epic forum game idea brewing in my head for the past couple of hours. It's gonna be part roleplay, part rags to riches, part killing game. Basically, you can enter one of your OCs into the game, then, each real life day, you can have your character do several actions, like working, buying groceries, or Naruto running in a chicken suit pulling a cart of WT cereal. Every so often there will be minor and major events, with the minor ones being things like a new establishment opening or special item showing up, and major ones being competitions with big coin prizes. I've been spending quite a bit of time developing this idea and I'm excited to post the OP (probably tomorrow). Hope to see you guys there! :D
Holy shit, it just hit me that it's November now. I'll have been on the boards for a year in less than two months, then it'll be 2022 not long after, THEN my birthday. Wowee, I'll have to do something special to celebrate the anniversary!