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  • Downsides of wearing a mask:
    -I wear glasses. I think that says everything you need to know about that

    Positives of wearing a mask:
    -It has a Shy Guy on it and Shy Guys are always a positive
    -I don't feel like I'm making other people sick when I start coughing
    -I can lip sync and no one will know it
    What stories/authors did you look at in your high school English classes? I'm asking this because when I start teaching 101/102 (the introductory composition classes in college), I want to avoid the typical high school readings.
    Lord of the Flies
    Fahrenheit 451
    Animal Farm
    The Tempest
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    @Roserade I have Frankenstein literally this semester so clearly that one hasn't gone anywhere.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Animal Farm
    Lord of the Flies
    The Great Gatsby
    Of Mice And Men
    The Bean Trees
    The House On Mango Street
    Romeo and Juliet
    Julius Caesar
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Today was actually pretty productive given that I had two classes, hung up two flyers and gave another one to the library to hang up themselves, and lined up two letters of recommendation for grad school.
    I don't know why I'm so excited to draw a raffle winner at open mic in a couple weeks.
    So I have a modded Wii U but trying to run my mods on it is totally falling apart. Sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it gets stuck in a loading loop, sometimes the mod software runs but doesn't work, and sometimes it just crashes for no reason. I'm starting to wonder if I should just replace my Wii U or something.

    E: If you're wondering, I can run unmodded software (even if it was dumped to the NAND rather than running from a disc) perfectly fine. It's only mods that become incredibly janky and finicky. I also make my own mods and I've been using them for a few years now with no issues. All the mess that's been going on has started within the last week or so.
    Is there a term for when you're not an insomniac but your body just really hates being asleep for some reason?
    Jeff Lyne (real)
    Jeff Lyne (real)
    I'm pretty sure that's basically what insomnia is though
    It basically is but my 3:00 AM brain didn't seem to think so.
    Time to wait an hour for a meeting that might not even happen because the person I'm trying to meet with is really unreliable about answering his emails.
    People who complained about algebra having letters in their math would probably lose their minds at the thought of hexadecimal.
    Panther Pedalf
    Panther Pedalf
    I don't even want to know what that is, algebra 2 is a death sentence for me this year and I couldn't imagine having to do anything harder
    Only on my Spotify playlist could you go from Elvis Presley to Caramelldansen with nothing between them.
    That's the beauty of having your own personal music playlist on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube et cetera: You never know what you're going to get, just like a blind taste test roulette.
    I don't remember how the math came out but I think somewhere around this point in time is where I'll be able to say I've been on this website for half my life.
    If you ever want to be extremely worn out, I highly recommend taking three 400 level classes and a Theory class all in the span of seven hours in the worst building on campus.
    I can't wait for the day when I'm a tenured professor in creative writing and when my students get on a Zoom meeting with me while I'm not on campus, they'll just see Mario collectibles everywhere in the background.
    Crazy how not getting home after a nine-hour day at school leaves me a lot less tired.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    By this do you mean you don't have school or that you actually had more energy after having to stay there past classes
    I got home five hours earlier than I did yesterday.
    There's an alternate universe where Mike from Wii Sports is a mod here.

    Source: a dream I just had.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    We couldn't even afford to get Matt...
    What's funny is that there's totally a justification for it. If you start with number 1, Matt is the 25th Mii in the files, but since the actual IDs start with 0, if you asked for Mii number 25, you would get Mike.

    Thank you for letting me share some of my unexplainable Mii knowledge.
    Don't be surprised if you don't see me tomorrow like, at all. I have things going on at school basically all day and I'm fully prepared to be very tired by the time I get home.
    Jeff Lyne (real)
    Jeff Lyne (real)
    I was gonna ask who has school in August but I suppose A. You're probably in college and B. Some schools do start a month earlier in the south
    Just asking, but do you draw your avatars yourself? I have really liked the past few of your avatars, such as the Yoshi and now Lemmy.
    I don't, they're typically commissions or occasionally gifts. This one in particular was a commission and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
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