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  • My school just blocked any webpage or search containing the word "noise." Huh, now I can't search what the fear of sudden ones are. Wonder why this happened
    The Noise must have escaped the Pizza Tower
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    Reactions: Fizzle
    Well, in case you want the answer to that question it's phonophobia, sonophobia, or ligyrophobia.
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    I only found this out while trying to listen to one of the tracks from that update. It even does it on YouTube, but it can be worked around if its similarly titled to another video like Unexpectancy Part 3
    Geez, my ankle has hurt today, but not sure why. I'm definitely icing it tomorrow.
    Hurricane Francine is hitting my area tomorrow/Thursday. I may not be active if our internet goes down, but don't worry, we have a generator that repowers the whole house after about 20 seconds
    Although, this is how I felt when I was told we have no school for the next two days (and probably Friday too)
    mario is wearing a red hat with a white letter m on it
    Be careful! Hurricanes aren't pretty.
    I've been near them all my life pretty much. Guess that's what happens when you live right near the Gulf of Mexico.
    I feel like the Dark Boards theme is cursed, I'm so used to the blinding white
    It's totally the opposite for me, I've been using Dark Boards ever since it was first added in June 2021 and going back to the light theme is uncomfortable for me lol
    I sent my 'Shroom article to Meta Knight via PM on Friday morning, so just letting y'all know. Should I expect a response back, as I asked for feedback on any errors I may have made?
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    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Applications are typically reviewed for one week and you'll usually hear back after that week has passed, though there are instances the Stats Manager will reach out earlier to, say, get clarifications from the applicant. All applications, whether accepted, accepted with conditions, or rejected, come with feedback and suggestions - after all, the goal is that every applicant comes away with tips and direction to improve! So you can rest assured you'll get that requested feedback.
    And to make things worse, I played through the entirety of Ducktales: Remastered on my Kindle when I was younger, up until the final boss, and NEVER realized
    What is the Danger Mario setup for TTYD? I'm probably gonna use it for the rest of postgame, and it seems really powerful.
    Thanks, @Bumblebee, do you have a suggested FP and BP for this? I think I'm level 31/32 right now, so that could do wonders in BP. What sucks is every power rush costing 300 coins a pop, or 62 jackpots on the spicy matching game
    If you have both Flower Saver and FP drain then you get the 1FP for the multibounce back every time, and you only need power bounce (which costs 2 FP with flower saver, so with fp drain you lose 1fp) against specific tough bosses…. So, I'd say you can get away with 5FP and you definitely don't need more than 10FP. I could suggest just putting everything into BP and equip an FP plus if you find you need it. Carrying around FP restoring items just in case may not be a bad idea, too.
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    Also for farming tokens, I think plane game may not be a bad idea.
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    Well, my school closed down today in 5th hour due to sewer problems, so now I'm at home. I may be a smart school kid, but I still don't enjoy school (especially because of another student...)
    And they're gonna be closed for tomorrow, at the least. Wonder how long this is gonna take?
    I'm making an Add-On for Minecraft that will (hopefully) get published. Or at least, I'm making a slideshow to send in to Mojang/Microsoft so they can make it, I don't have the proper software. If you want to see the slides, private message me, and I'll give you a link to it! (It's about making the spawn eggs craftable)
    Don't you just love playing Paper Mario: TTYD and the Confusion status effect makes you swap the partner you're trying to charge up for an epic attack, destroying your current strategy? (I'm fighting a certain Floor 100 boss right now, so that's why)
    My strat against Bonetail is to charge Yoshi for 4 turns, use Power Lift on his 4th charge to increase power even more, then Stampede/Ground Pound to deplete a lot of health
    Everyone, I just noticed on @Smg4's profile, he had something in Japanese in his latest post. I, of course, translated it, and it said "I want to die. Please like this post." I just want everyone to give him support about how life is worth living, and just make him happy. Thank you
    I may have had the dumbest (but best) idea yet; recreate the entirety of the Legend of Zelda NES game in Minecraft with a texture pack.
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