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  • Your pfp looks somewhat like Katsuki Bakugou from My Hero Academia
    idk who that is but do stan Ash Carbide from trails
    One question.
    Why do you hate TTYD so much?
    Just wanna know.
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    he doesn't hate it he just finds it kinda mediocre
    if you look through the i just beat thread you can find his retrospective on it from just after he beat it
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    Send me a link, please!
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    Let me get to the point. I consider you a good man, chill and comprehensive. I just really like people with those qualities, and I've seen a lot of people who don't have em, including myself in the past. Let us shake hands, shall we


    Maybe someday we'll get to drink Lebanese coffee and play chess at some Lebanese café as I think Arabs like to do, who knows.
    I am so fucking drained right now. Too much shit to take in.

    Wherever you guys are, please... stay safe, and don't do anything stupid.

    I love y'all. Take care. Good Night.
    Do you like, ever have an opinion on something and you feel entitled to said opinion, to the point where when you want to defend it, you just end up going around things and discovering new points almost as if you're making them up on the spot, that it just not only reinforces your opinion, but also make feel even more strongly about it?
    • Like
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    Yeah, usually when that happens it ends up just sounding like me desperately pulling points out of my ass to justify my opinion
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    me liking super paper mario be like
    Thinking of switching my default username from "Koops" to "Whoops" I think I like the sound of Whoops better and it's not that far off from Koops so others shouldn't have a huge problem switching to it to refer to me (also Whoops doesn't sound like I stole the name from a certain character). I've already adopted the username on some discord servers. I wonder...

    Should I do it?
    I'm with Alex on this one (if you really want to change it at all).
    • Like
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    I know what you can do. Change your name to


    Or well, maybe you've got other names from elsewhere you can use? From Steam or other places. If you ask me, I like your usual name because it fits your chill attitude perfectly.
    Well, I'll still call you Koops either way. I still feel like Koops is more fitting than Whoops even though you don't associate with the character anymore. You can do what you want though as it doesn't really make that big of a difference.
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    Your username always throws me off, because I see "You" next to the like symbol and think "What the hell, I never liked this post"
    Well apparently just yesterday minister of education in my country finally declared that standardized tests are delayed.

    Took him long enough. I wonder if he's right in his mind right now, I deadass expected nothing to happen.
    This online school thing that many schools are doing... It's just not working guys. Like I get that this is the only way that we can have access to education right now, but even then there's so many little problems that just make it bad.

    For starters, it is very easy to just not attend the meetings at all and still look like you're present unless you're directly interrogated, but that can be negligible because you can still navigate through your PC since your teacher ain't seeing your screen.

    Then there's wifi problems. Suppose you're done with a test and you have to send it before the deadline but connectivity is out, and you're forced to wait it out beyond the deadline. Some teachers don't accept these kinds of excuses.

    And then there's also those people in class who will pass on the meeting code to an outsider who comes in and fucks the whole thing upside down counterclockwise. Even got impersonated today by an idiot.

    Not saying schools should stop doing this, because like, I get it, we have to, but it just really sucks. What a time to be alive.
    @Mr. Mr. Prosecutor Grubba I've been raised as a homeschooler and have never gone to school, public or private. I'm in a co-op where I have in-person classes (though online now obviously), but most of my classes have been online in recent years.

    I don't go to actual school because it would be too much of an adjustment and I don't think I could take the social environment, either. Homeschooling's great and I like online classes, so no issues here.
    Xiahou Dun
    Connor McKoopa
    Connor McKoopa
    I just completed my school exams before the lockdown.
    So like remember when I said Corona Virus is now in my country?

    Well the situation's now so severe that apparently minister of education up and decided all schools in the country would beclosed for a whole week.

    Damn... there's already AT LEAST 4 people diagnosed with the virus... and this is only what they want us to know, this is getting dangerous. I'm safe tho, no worries.
    yea even if it just affects people with weak immune systems it still wouldnt hurt to be cautious
    Yeah, pretty much.
    I'd say in addition to ones immune system, the quality of a person's lungs/breathing are also of concern, as I've heard it's a lung infection?


    Corona just reached Lebanon apparently...

    Just great. As if the country's not fucked enough already... this is escalating downhill real fast.

    I just hope this doesn't cause many casualties. Oh boy...
    Like, listen everyone, I get that the Umbrella scene from "Another" is popular and all because of how painful it is to watch but man oh man it is honestly one of the LEAST messed up deaths in that anime. If you haven't actually watched it and plan to then you need to steel those balls of yours because you do not know what you'll be in for.

    I mean, I liked it, but it really gets disturbing, especially towards the end. Thankfully the anime itself is only 12 episodes long, so you can easily get it over with.
    Ok... so the French education system has a new baccalaureate, where basically it starts one year before usual and you do tests throughout the last two years of school...

    I did the first test today. Oh boy. Arabic and English will be easy af but I have a feeling I may have goofed on History.
    good luck!!
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    Is a baccalaureate a Chewbacca bachelorette?
    Idk I study under the French system how do you say it in English
    So, guys. I found something amazing.

    I took a risk and looked up Rinka (The character I'm themeing after), on Google images. any fanart, screenshots, manga panels or official art of her should be visible there. And guess what? I just found a female character with absolutely no R34! The lewdest it got was simply a two-piece swimsuit, with the bottom being a skirt, and that was official art of her. OFFICIAL, and not even fanart! Imagine my face when the page stops and Google tells me this was the end of the results. This was well worth the risk that could've been (Plus I got to see some neat fanart of one of my favorite characters, so it's a big win!).

    So, to y'all Hayami fans out there, wherever you are, you rock!
    Oh god, Twitter users coming back from the salt mines when I'm just here laughing my ass off at how great the direct was
    Tfw everyone thought he was showing us a 3 in his hands when in reality it's 17
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    meanwhile th rayman servers im on (pic from one of em)

    honestly i relate
    regadless. im ok with byleth lmao
    Damn tho, 6 new slots

    Tinfoil hats in high demand, pretty much
    Yay, after spending a weekend consisting of just Sunday we're back to work tomorrow because the protests that prevented us from going to school for one week apparently warrant one month of compensation.

    Don't I just love my lord and savior the principal...
    It's a wonderful day.

    For the first time this summer, in time for school which starts next week, I have NOTHING to do. No animation course, no SAT course, or a summer camp. All over now.

    I liked the animation initiation though, and the SAT teacher was a cool dude.
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